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Exploring the Science of Taxonomy: Classification of Life

Dive into the art of organizing organisms with taxonomy, delving into biological kingdoms, systematics, and the intricate relationships within the animal kingdom. From Linnaeus' binomial naming system to the eight kingdom system, discover the evolutionary history of living organisms. Learn about the primary grouping criteria and other factors influencing classification, such as cellular complexity and mode of reproduction. Get insights into the phylogenetic relationships of various animal groups and the importance of biological nomenclature. Uncover the connections between species through subspecies and hybrids, and explore the diverse naming conventions in the world of taxonomy, from common to scientific designations. Delve into the humor and creativity found in scientific naming, and unravel the mysteries of genetic relationships and common ancestry in the world of taxonomy.

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Exploring the Science of Taxonomy: Classification of Life

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  1. Lecture 022 Classification of Life

  2. Are they related?

  3. Taxonomy • The science of classifying organisms. • Tells us about the degree of relation between different organisms

  4. Taxonomy • Developed by Swedish biologist Carolus Linnaeus (1707 — 1778). • Binomial naming system

  5. What are some of the ways we can classify animals?

  6. Biological Kingdoms • 2 Kingdoms • Traditional view plants animals

  7. Systematics- studies diversity of life • Study and classification of organisms with the goal of reconstructing their evolutionary history

  8. Plantae Fungi Animalia • Protista Monera Biological Kingdoms • 5 Kingdoms • Whittaker, 1969

  9. Five kingdom system: Monera Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia Six kingdom system: Eu- bacteria Archae-bacteria Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia Three domain system: Eu- bacteria Archae-bacteria E U K A R Y A Eight kingdom system: Eu- bacteria Archae-bacteria Plantae Fungi Animalia Archezoa Protista Chromista Biological Kingdoms

  10. Six kingdom system: Monera Eu- bacteria Archae-bacteria Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia

  11. Classification: Six kingdom system : Eubacteria Archaebacteria E. coli Cyanobacteria Protista Paramecium Diatom Slime mold Plantae Fungi Animalia

  12. Plantae Fungi Animalia • Protista Monera (Eubacteria & Archaebacteria) Primary Grouping Criterion Cellular complexity Eukaryotic Prokaryotic

  13. Other Grouping Criteria • Single-celled vs. multicellular • Mode of nutrition • absorption • photosynthesis • ingestion • Plantae Fungi Animalia • Protista Monera Note: Criteria can overlap

  14. Other Grouping Criteria • Mode of Reproduction • sexual • asexual • Respiratory System • gas exchange across skin • lungs • gills

  15. Other Grouping Criteria • Skeleton • internal/external • bone/cartilage/chitin… • Circulatory System • none • open/closed

  16. Phylogentic Relationships of Animals Platyhelminthes Porifera Mollusca Chordata Arthropoda Annelida Cnideria Nematoda Echinodermata pseudocoelom segmentation acoelom Protostome: schizocoelem Deuterostomes: eucoelom radial symmetry bilateral symmetry no true tissues true tissue Ancestral Protist

  17. Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Keep Plates Clean Or Family Gets Sick Animalia Chordata Actinopterygii Perciformes Pomocentridae Amphirprion ocellaris

  18. Tiger Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Carnivora Family Felidae Genus Panthera Species tigris

  19. Biological Nomenclature A species is both defined by its genus name and specific name. Ex.Panthera tigris Panthera- genus name tigris- species name

  20. Lion, Leopard & Tiger Panthera leo Panthera pardus Panthera tigris

  21. Biological Species Organisms that are genetically similar, and have ability to interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring

  22. Subspecies Might interbreed if a barrier or other challenge was removed (such as distance). Hawaiian endemic snails (kahuli)

  23. Table 1. Known Hawaiian endemic land snail diversity (*part) Family Unit Species # subspecies varieties Prosobranchia Hydrocenidae 1 Helicinidae 16 43 Pulmonata Orthurethra Achatinellidae Tornatellininae 106 11 Achatinellinae 103 106 6 Amastridae Leptachatininae 129 113 Amastrinae 202 94

  24. Offspring is sterile Panthera tigris tigon Panthera leo

  25. donkey horse mule zebroid

  26. Polar bear: Ursus maritimus Grizzly bear: Ursus arctos Pizzly or Grolar bear

  27. Wholphin- sealife park False killer whale and dolphin Tursiops truncatus Pseudorca crassidens

  28. Names • Common names • Confusing • Ambiguous • Scientific names • Agreed upon system • Portuguese Man-of-War • Bluebottle • Physalia physalis

  29. Names • Language • Latin or Latinized • Giving names • A highly technical process • Name is author’s choice

  30. Commemorate People Gardenia jasminoides (Dr. Alexander Garden) Camelliajaponica (Joseph Kamel) Strelitzia reginae (Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz) Siegesbeckia orientalis (Dr. Siegesbeck)

  31. Descriptive Cardinalis cardinalis(red) Railus aquaticus(watery) Passer domesticus(house)

  32. Geographic Location • Kuhlia sandwicensis (Hawaii) • Periplanata americana(American cockroach) • Zosterops japonica • (Japanese white-eye)

  33. Pronunciation Divide into syllables Choose where to place emphasis Monachus schauinslandi Mon/a/chusschau/in/slan/di Hawaiian Monk Seal

  34. Humor in naming Agra vation by Terry Erwin a tropical beetle that was apparently very difficult to collect. (Agra cadabra, Agra katewinslettae, Agra memnon, Agra sasquatch) Heerz lukenatcha. http://www.curioustaxonomy.net/puns/puns.html

  35. Which two are most closely related? Canis lupus laniger Tibetan wolf Canis rufus Red wolf Canis lupus familiaris Domestic dog

  36. Which two are most closely related? Canis lupus laniger Tibetan wolf Canis rufus Red wolf Canis lupus familiaris Domestic dog

  37. Loxodonta africana Loxodonta africana Elephas maximus family Elephantidae order Proboscidea.

  38. Elephas maximus Loxodonta africana Loxodonta africana family Elephantidae order Proboscidea.

  39. Homology traits inherited from a common ancestor

  40. Analogy (convergent evolution)

  41. Which of the following is most closely related to the tamuanda? tamuanda pangolian aardvark sloth echidna

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