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Rotary International Arizona Tri-District Leadership Training

Rotary International Arizona Tri-District Leadership Training. Welcome to Arizona Tri-District Leadership Training John King Sandy Goodsite Tom Burns District 5490 DGE District 5500 DGE District 5510 DGE. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District Leadership Training.

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Rotary International Arizona Tri-District Leadership Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rotary InternationalArizona Tri-District Leadership Training Welcome to Arizona Tri-District Leadership Training John King Sandy Goodsite Tom Burns District 5490 DGE District 5500 DGE District 5510 DGE

  2. Rotary InternationalArizona Tri-District Leadership Training District 5490 Governor Elect John King Leadership Team

  3. Rotary InternationalArizona Tri-District Leadership Training District 5500 Governor Elect Sandy Goodsite Leadership Team

  4. Rotary InternationalArizona Tri-District Leadership Training District 5510 Governor Elect Tom Burns Leadership Team

  5. Rotary InternationalArizona Tri-District What is a Leader? Name some of the greatest leaders in the world ?

  6. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? Martin Luther King Winston Churchill Mother Teresa Mohandas Gandhi

  7. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? What traits made them great leaders? Ronald and Nancy Reagan Nelson Mandela

  8. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? • Trustworthiness: • Honesty – tell the truth and be sincere • Integrity – “walk your talk” • Keep promises – keep your word and honor your commitments • Loyalty – stand by and support your team members

  9. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? • Respect for others: • Judge all people on their merits • Be courteous, polite and kind • Be tolerant • Appreciative and accepting of individual differences • Respect the right of people to make their own decisions

  10. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? • Responsibility: • Accountability – Think before you act, be reliable, set a great example • Excellence – Do your very best • Self-restraint – Exercise self-restraint and be disciplined

  11. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? • Fairness: • Treat all people fairly • Be open minded • Try to understand what others are saying and feeling • Make decisions that affect others only after appropriate considerations

  12. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? • Caring: • Show you care about others through kindness • Sharing and compassion • Live by the “Golden Rule”

  13. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? • Citizenship: • Play by the rules • Do your share • Respect authority • Stay informed

  14. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? Character Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship

  15. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? THOUGHTS become WORDS WORDS become ACTIONS ACTIONS become CHARACTER CHARACTER is EVERYTHING

  16. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? Thank you all for attending the Arizona Tri-District Rotary Leadership Training! We wish all of the very best in the year ahead!

  17. Rotary International Arizona Tri-District What is a Leader? Evaluation Form

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