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Urgent Care Transport

Urgent Care Transport. Innovative Solutions – Supporting Commissioners. Dr Chris Jones IAA Annual Conference April 2nd, 2014. www.365response.co.uk. The current problem. Increasing demand & complexity National variation in quality, efficiency and delivery

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Urgent Care Transport

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  1. Urgent Care Transport Innovative Solutions – Supporting Commissioners Dr Chris Jones IAA Annual Conference April 2nd, 2014 www.365response.co.uk

  2. The current problem Increasing demand & complexity National variation in quality, efficiency and delivery Increase in system redesign and impact on ambulance activity Unintended impact of 8 minute target for first 75 out of 100 people Need to innovate whilst in the eye of the storm of delivery System impact of new commissioning landscape Scale, costs and length of multiple procurements www.365response.co.uk

  3. What we set out to do Be clear on the problem to solve Focus on a very small cohort of activity to test innovation Start with a blank sheet of paper Clinically driven, experience led and Designed from the view of the patient not to meet a target www.365response.co.uk

  4. What is it? A clinically led – national standard for quality urgent care transport A fully procured, managed framework of accredited providers www.365response.co.uk

  5. An end to end service for professionals A localised response with a national quality standard Creation of a different ‘front door’ Ring-fenced ambulance capability that does not get diverted Focused on the needs of the patient group and professionals Fully procured, independently managed, totally overseen www.365response.co.uk

  6. Same day GP Urgent Out of contract ECRs Mental health transport Renal patients End of life transfers Inter-hospital & discharges Personal Budgets

  7. The framework explained Framework led and Hosted by NHS SBS UK wide Procured once, applicable everywhere Broad base of CQC registered providers Single, quality led specification and standards Using the framework as a springboard for local flexibility and best value Standard NHS Contract between provider and CCG Focus on Quality, Compassion and Innovation www.365response.co.uk

  8. Standards • NHS England Compassion in Practice 6 C’s www.365response.co.uk

  9. Standards • High standard of staff skills, experience and training • Mental Health Act and Code of Practice training • Care standards at pickup, in transit, handover • Vehicle standards • Differing mobility requirements • Booking process & notifications • Record keeping • Monitoring & reporting • Confidentiality and IG • KPIs • National Quality Standards • Safeguarding policies www.365response.co.uk

  10. Benefits for the patient Dedicated service booked by their referring clinician Supporting different treatment pathways – ‘collect, wait and return’ Condition specific transport that is personalised to need Reduction in delays Earlier attendance at hospital or earlier discharge www.365response.co.uk

  11. Benefits for the commissioner Rapid access to pre established managed framework Full market testing and price ceiling with minimum savings identified Platform to test and innovate for clinical areas and service plans Support for QIPP plans No volume commitment Reduced contact management overhead Quality governance oversight from NHS WSYBCSU Personalised, localised service www.365response.co.uk

  12. Benefits to providers • Accreditation against a national quality led standard for urgent care transport: Apply once • Part of a fully procured process that will give you access to a wide range of commissioners and providers • Opportunities to innovate and get new ideas to market • A fully managed service that helps to grow your services for the benefit of patients • A market tested, compliant way to deliver services reducing your costs of multiple tender responses • Provide services directly not as a subcontractor www.365response.co.uk

  13. Will it destabilise existing services? No. • Optional • Aimed at growth or small cohort of activity • No patient access • Not PTS • Not 999 • Designed to support where there are challenges • Should support emergency services • No need to decommission www.365response.co.uk

  14. Agents of change and innovation 365 are clinically led, social entrepreneurs focused on creating innovation and impact for patients Want to see the best of public and private sector collaboration Niche commissioning support in line with current national thinking Supports the gap in contract management and quality oversight Help to generate the conditions for testing new ways of working www.365response.co.uk

  15. Our careful approach Start small, grow where needed Support new pathway development Use technology to drive our entire end to end service Year 1 is about niche support, learning and supporting To be fully available when needed: Winter, system pressure, redesign, quality issues and cost pressures www.365response.co.uk

  16. Where we are now Framework is live 30 lots across the UK 42 providers signed up & keen to innovate Official launch this week 13 CCGs in pipeline with variety of needs Available to support QIPP now with a focus on Quality & Innovation www.365response.co.uk

  17. Our joint approach www.365response.co.uk

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