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Designated driver report 2003-2008. Strategy. Programa Los Noc-turnos. Objectives. To raise awareness of the dangers of drink-driving among young people To implement the designated driver concept as a normal behaviour.
Designated driver report 2003-2008
Strategy Programa Los Noc-turnos Objectives • To raise awareness of the dangers of drink-driving among young people • To implement the designated driver concept as a normal behaviour. To increase the knowledge of the designated driver role among young people Mass media ads (tv, newspapers, internet and on www.noc-turnos.es). Change attitudes at points of consumption Experts sent to encourage consumers to become designated drivers. Rewards for those who have a negative breathalyser test (free soft drinks, t-shirts, petrol vouchers)
Programa Los Noc-turnos Partners • DGT( National Road Safety administration) • Servei Catala transit ( Regional road safety administration in Catalonia) • Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud ( Regional Youth institute in Andalusia) • Mapfre ( Motoring association) • Coca-cola • The European commission
Programa Los Noc-turnos Mass media investment 03-08 • Total investment to raise awareness of the designated driver role from 2003 to 2008 has been 5.621.872€ • Over 3.883,8 GRP´S • Over 92.942 visits on www.noc-turnos.es site • Knowledge of the role has increased 50% over the last 5 years.
Programa Los Noc-turnos Investment of promotions at point of consumption 03-08 • Total investment to implement the designated driver role as a habit from 2003 to 2008 has been 754.245€. • So far 3.855 people adopted the role. • Over 12.336 people has received the message to adopt the designated driver role.
Programa Los Noc-turnos Main results • Habits related drink driving: • Most young people always take their car when they go out at night at weekends 69% (2003) vs 66% (2007).The use of the car has decreased slightly. • An increase in the number of young drivers that never drink and drive 27%(2003) vs 73% (2007). We observed an increase in responsible attitudes towards drink driving over the last 5 years. This percentage is higher between drivers aged from 16 to 25 years old, 75% of the drivers never drink and drive. The designated driver role is starting to become a habit. • Most of the times the person who adopted the designated driver role is the owner of the car 75% (2007) VS 69% (2003).The rotation of the role has been at similar levels over the last five years 24% (2007). • If the owner of the car had drunk, they would ask someone who hadn’t been dinking to drive, 64%. Also 55% of the sample refused to be driven home by a drink driver.
Programa Los Noc-turnos Main results • Knowlegde of the designated driver role : • Knowlegde of the roleincreased 50% over the last five years, 22%(2003) VS 72% (2007). • 89% of the sample knew about the role through the different mass media tools which we are useing. • Habits related to the designated driver role: • The perception that the designated driver role would became a habit has increased, each year the role is percieved to be more feasible20% (2003) VS 41%( 2007). • Future drivers intention to adopt the role (76%), which has seen anincrease of 45% over the last 5 years. • Between 80% and 90% of the sample value this initiative as very good.
Programa Los Noc-turnos Main results • DGT data • 2005: An avarage of 15,8% decrease in accidents between drivers aged from 18 to 20 years old at weekends. • 2006: An avarage of 13,5%decrease in road deaths between drivers from 18 and 34 years old. • In 2007 there was 274 less deaths than in 2006. This represents a reduction of 9.1%. • The young deceased between 15 and 24 years old has dropped since 2003 by 46.4%, this being 364 less deaths.