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Incorporating Music in the Gifted Classroom Nenna Stubbs. Nenna Stubbs Ripley Elementary School South Tippah School District stubbsn@stippah.k12.ms.us. Gage. Jenna-Lynne. Olivia.
Nenna StubbsRipley Elementary SchoolSouth Tippah School Districtstubbsn@stippah.k12.ms.us Gage Jenna-Lynne Olivia
Suggested Outcomes forIntellectually Gifted Programs1994Creativity Sub-Categories:The student will develop an appreciation for the visual and performing arts.
MovementsHula HoopLassoToe Heel UpClimbHop ScotchJump RopeWaveSparkleMarch/WalkElbow Knee
Classical Music Used in MoviesOceans 11“Claire de Lune” - Claude Debussy
Impressionistic Music“Flight of the Bumble Bee”Ludwig van Beethoven
YouTube.com*Bugs Bunny – Hungarian RhapsodyPernalonga, pianist*Tom & Jerry – Cat Concert*Elmer Fudd – Richard Wagner“Kill the Wabbit”*Bugs Bunny Overture to Disaster Pt.3
Choose a piece of art or an artist:Starry Night by Vincent Van Gough“Starry, Starry Night” by Don McClain
Nenna StubbsRipley Elementary SchoolSouth Tippah School Districtstubbsn@stippah.k12.ms.us