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National Priorities and Project Ideas. Development of Adaptation Strategies based on Climate Change Induced Dengue Outbreaks;Pilot - Solar water-heating and lighting for State institutions and government ?funded housing;CNG Pilot for Public Transportation;. National Priorities and Project Ide
1. National GEF Priorities and Project Ideas – Trinidad and Tobago Dr. Howard Nelson
Biodiversity Specialist
Ministry of Planning, Housing and the Environment
Trinidad and Tobago
2. National Priorities and Project Ideas Development of Adaptation Strategies based on Climate Change Induced Dengue Outbreaks;
Pilot - Solar water-heating and lighting for State institutions and government –funded housing;
CNG Pilot for Public Transportation;
3. National Priorities and Project Ideas Policy and legislative reform analysis for transition to renewable energy and alternative fuels;
Vulnerability, adaptation and impact of climate change on nesting marine turtles;
Biofuels and waste management;
Assessment of the impact of climate change on coral reef carbonate budgets;
4. National Priorities and Project Ideas Monitoring of rare terrestrial ecosystems threatened by climate change;
Mapping, designation and management of critical wildlife corridors in agricultural and urban landscapes;
Gap-analysis of priorities for marine protected area designation;
5. Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change Induced Dengue Outbreaks
Current status - draft project document
GEF Focal Area – Climate Change
Proposed GEF Agency – UNEP
6. Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change Induced Dengue Outbreaks Major outcomes (Global Environmental Benefits & National Sustainable Development Benefits)
Development of regionally applicable models for dengue epidemic forecasting under climate change scenarios;
Provide a means to forecast climate-change mediated dengue outbreak risk;
Provide a tool for government to predict and manage outbreak events;
7. Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change Induced Dengue Outbreaks Main Project activities and link to national strategies
Identification of 8 study communities
Pre- and post- education intervention surveys
Establishment of microclimate monitoring systems in 4 study communities
GIS modeling of dengue forecasting at study sites
GEF Costs, cofinancing, etc
Not determined
8. Pilot - Solar water-heating and lighting for State institutions and government –funded housing Current status - draft project document
GEF Focal Area – Climate Change
Proposed GEF Agency – UNDP
9. Pilot - Solar water-heating and lighting for State institutions and government –funded housing Major outcomes (Global Environmental Benefits & National Sustainable Development Benefits)
Development of a national cost-benefit analysis for use of Best Available Technology for solar lighting and heating;
Increased awareness and buy-in by State agencies for the transition to renewable energy;
Increased public awareness and acceptance of renewable energy in lighting and heating;
Reduction of national carbon-emissions;
10. Pilot - Solar water-heating and lighting for State institutions and government –funded housing Main Project activities and link to national strategies
Identification of new State buildings for deployment of technologies;
Establishment of a monitoring systems to determine renewable energy system performance;
Cost-benefit analysis;
Development of national policy on use of renewables based on project evaluation;
GEF Costs, co-financing, etc
Not determined
11. CNG Pilot for Public Transportation Current status - draft project document
GEF Focal Area – Climate Change
Proposed GEF Agency – UNDP
12. CNG Pilot for Public Transportation Major outcomes (Global Environmental Benefits & National Sustainable Development Benefits)
Increased awareness and buy-in by State agencies for the transition to renewable energy;
Increased public awareness and acceptance of use of CNG in transportation;
Reduction of national transportation based carbon-emissions;
13. CNG Pilot for Public Transportation Main Project activities and link to national strategies
Identification of State fleet vehicles for deployment of technologies;
Establishment of a monitoring systems to determine renewable energy system performance;
Cost-benefit analysis;
Development of national policy on use of renewables based on project evaluation
GEF Costs, co-financing, etc
Not determined
14. Policy and legislative reform analysis for transition to renewable energy and alternative fuels Current status - draft project document
GEF Focal Area – Climate Change
Proposed GEF Agency – UNDP
15. Policy and legislative reform analysis for transition to renewable energy and alternative fuels Major outcomes (Global Environmental Benefits & National Sustainable Development Benefits)
Increased awareness and buy-in by State agencies for the transition to renewable energy and alternative fuels;
Identification and development of policy instruments for mainstreaming renewable energy and alternative fuels in the energy, transport and agricultural sectors;
Reduction of national carbon-emissions by transformation of policy and legislative framework for renewable and alternative fuels use in Trinidad and Tobago;
16. Policy and legislative reform analysis for transition to renewable energy and alternative fuels Main Project activities and link to national strategies
Comprehensive analysis of existing policy and legislative framework to determine challenges to renewable and alternative fuels nationally;
Development of recommendations to modify existing national policies to increase the attractiveness of renewables and alternative fuels;
Draft new national policy on the use of renewables and alternative fuels
GEF Costs, co-financing, etc
Not determined
17. Vulnerability, adaptation and impact of climate change on nesting marine turtles Current status - draft project document
GEF Focal Area – Climate Change/Biodiversity/Cross-cutting
Proposed GEF Agency – UNEP
18. Vulnerability, adaptation and impact of climate change on nesting marine turtles Major outcomes (Global Environmental Benefits & National Sustainable Development Benefits)
Clearer understanding of the threat posed by climate change to nesting habitat of these globally threatened species;
Identification of potential habitat management interventions to ensure protection of marine turtle nesting habitat;
Reduction of reduction of extinction risk to marine through climate change by reduction of impact on nesting beaches;
19. Vulnerability, adaptation and impact of climate change on nesting marine turtles Main Project activities and link to national strategies
Analysis of known nesting beaches and their potential for erosion through wave action;
Modeling of climate change impact on rates of nesting habitat erosion;
Identification of potential mitigation activities to protect these habitats;
GEF Costs, co-financing, etc
Not determined
20. Biofuels and waste management Current status - draft project document
GEF Focal Area – Climate Change
Proposed GEF Agency – UNDP
21. Biofuels and waste management Major outcomes (Global Environmental Benefits & National Sustainable Development Benefits)
Transformation of a waste-stream of used oils to a biodiesel fuel stream;
Reduction of waste oils contamination of surface waters;
Reduction of reduction of carbon emissions through reuse of waste oils and use of biodiesel;
22. Biofuels and waste management Main Project activities and link to national strategies
Analysis of potential sources and volumes of waste edible oils nationally;
Cost-benefit analysis of the collection processing and use of edible oils for biodiesel ;
Development of collection and processing mechanisms for waste edible oils;
GEF Costs, co-financing, etc
Not determined
23. Assessment of the impact of climate change on coral reef carbonate budgets Current status - draft project document
GEF Focal Area – Climate Change
Proposed GEF Agency – UNEP
24. Assessment of the impact of climate change on coral reef carbonate budgets Major outcomes (Global Environmental Benefits & National Sustainable Development Benefits)
Development of an understanding of climate change and ocean acidification on coral skeletons;
Provision of a model for rates of coral loss through ocean acidification;
25. Assessment of the impact of climate change on coral reef carbonate budgets Main Project activities and link to national strategies
Establishment of 2 coral research sites in Tobago and Jamaica;
Assessment of the contribution of ocean acidification to suite of stresses facing coral systems
Modeling long-term impact on reef extent and implications for sustainable livelihoods
GEF Costs, co-financing, etc
Not determined
26. Monitoring of rare terrestrial ecosystems threatened by climate change Current status - draft project document
GEF Focal Area – Climate Change/biodiversity/ cross-cutting
Proposed GEF Agency – UNEP
27. Monitoring of rare terrestrial ecosystems threatened by climate change Major outcomes (Global Environmental Benefits & National Sustainable Development Benefits)
Identification of key elements of monitoring system for threatened ecosystems;
Develop model of rate of habitat loss;
Provide a means for assessing the risk to habitats for species of global importance
28. Monitoring of rare terrestrial ecosystems threatened by climate change Main Project activities and link to national strategies
Use of local NGOs and CBOs to establish permanent monitoring sites in cloud and montane forest;
Training of forestry department, NGO and CBO partners in identification of target species;
Development of spatially-explicit model for rates of response of forest communities to projected climate change,
GEF Costs, co-financing, etc
Not determined
29. Mapping, designation and managing wildlife corridors in agricultural and urban landscapes Current status - draft project document
GEF Focal Area –biodiversity
Proposed GEF Agency – FAO
30. Mapping, designation and managing wildlife corridors in agricultural and urban landscapes Major outcomes (Global Environmental Benefits & National Sustainable Development Benefits)
Identification of potential wildlife corridors which can make significant contribution to maintaining biodiversity in habitat fragments in urban/agricultural;
Development of policy and administrative mechanisms to protect important wildlife corridors;
Provision of means to reduce ecosystem decay and demographic stochasticity for globally threatened species in habitat fragments
31. Mapping, designation and managing wildlife corridors in agricultural and urban landscapes Main Project activities and link to national strategies
Identification through remote sensing and GIS modeling critical wildlife corridors;
Development of administrative and policy mechanisms to ensure protection of corridors identified as important on the landscape;
Development of training tools for use by Forestry Department, NGOs and CBOs
GEF Costs, co-financing, etc
Not determined
32. Gap-analysis of priorities for marine protected area designation Current status - draft project document
GEF Focal Area –biodiversity /IW
Proposed GEF Agency – UNEP
33. Gap-analysis of priorities for marine protected area designation Major outcomes (Global Environmental Benefits & National Sustainable Development Benefits)
Identification of a priority list of marine areas within Trinidad and Tobago’s national jurisdiction for designation as protected areas;
Development of an estimate of ideal spatial extent of the marine protected areas system;
Develop a national consensus on the identification and designation of MPAs
34. Gap-analysis of priorities for marine protected area designation Main Project activities and link to national strategies
Identification of candidate sites for MPA status through remote sensing and GIS modeling;
Conduct focus group consultations to determine degree of support for designation of candidate MPAs;
Capacity building within management agencies;
GEF Costs, co-financing, etc
Not determined