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Section 4 THE VEINS. Introduction ( 概述 ) The Pulmonary Veins ( 肺静脉 ) The Systematic Veins ( 体静脉 ) The Anastomoses Between the Hepatic Portal Venous System and Vena Caval System ( 肝门静脉系统和腔静脉系统之间吻合 ). A. Introduction. 1. The venous valve ( 静脉瓣 )
Section 4 THE VEINS • Introduction (概述) • The Pulmonary Veins (肺静脉) • The Systematic Veins (体静脉) • The Anastomoses Between the Hepatic Portal Venous System and Vena Caval System (肝门静脉系统和腔静脉系统之间吻合) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
A. Introduction 1. The venous valve (静脉瓣) 2. The superficial (subcutaneous) veins (浅静脉) 3. The deep veins (深静脉) 4. The venous plexus (静脉丛) 5. The diploic veins (板障静脉) 6. Sinuses of dura mater (硬脑膜窦) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
A. Introduction The Recurrent Factors of the Blood in Veins The venous valves. The dilation of the ventricles of the heart. The negative pressure of the thoracic cavity. The movements of the viscera. The impulses of the artery. the continuous blood flow from capillaries. Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
B. The Pulmonary Veins Pulmonary Veins (肺静脉) 1. Right superior pulmonary v. (右上肺静脉) 2. Right inferior pulmonary v.(右下肺静脉) 3. Left superior pulmonary v. (左上肺静脉) 4. Left inferior pulmonary v. (左下肺静脉) the above all left ventricle Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. The Systematic Veins 1. The superior vena caval system (上腔静脉系) 上半身 2. The inferior vena caval system (下腔静脉系) 下半身 Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. The Systematic Veins The superior vena caval system (上腔静脉系) Head & neck (头颈部) internal jugular v. (颈内静脉) Superior vena cava (上腔静脉) Brachio- cephalic v. (头臂静脉) Venous angle (静脉角) Upper limb (上肢) Subclavian v. (锁骨下) Thorax (胸部) Azygos vein (奇静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Head and Neck 1. External jugular v.(颈外静脉) 1) superficial temporal v.(颞浅静脉) 2) posterior auricular v. (耳后静脉) 3)occipital v. (枕静脉) 4) retromandibular v (下颌后静脉前支) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Head and Neck 5) anterior jugular v. (颈前静脉) 6) suprascapular v. (肩胛上静脉) 2. Internal jugular v. (颈内静脉) 1) retromandibular v. (下颌后静脉后支) 2) superior thyroid v. (甲状腺上静脉) 3) middle thyroid v. (甲状腺中静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Head and Neck 4) pharyngeal v. (咽静脉) 5)common facial v. (面总静脉)facial v. (面静脉)angular v. (内眦静脉) pterygoid plexus (翼静脉丛) maxillary v. (上颌静脉) 6)lingual v.(舌静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Head and Neck Inferior thyroid vein (甲状腺下静脉) Brachiocephalic vein (头臂静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Upper Limb A. Deep Veins (深静脉) 1. Subclavian v. (锁骨下静脉) 2.Axillary v. (腋静脉) 3.Brachial v. (肱静脉) 4. Radial v. (桡静脉) 5. Ulnar v. (尺静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Upper Limb B.Superficial veins (浅静脉) 1. Cephalic v. (头静脉) 2.Basilic v. (贵要静脉) 3. Median cubital v. (肘正中静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Upper Limb 4. Median antebrachial v. (前壁正中静脉) 5. Dorsal venous rete of hand (手背静脉网) [intravenous drip 静脉滴注] [intravenous injection 静脉内 注射] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Thorax A. Parietal Tributaries (壁支) Anterior Wall of Thorax 1. Thoracoepigastric v. (胸腹壁静脉) axillary v. (腋静脉) 2. Anterior intercostal vv.(肋间前静脉) internal thoracic v. (胸廓内静脉) brachiocephalic v. (头臂静 脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Thorax Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Thorax Posterior Wall of Thorax 1. Post. intercostal vv. (肋间后静脉) left side: accessory hemiazygos v. (副半奇 静脉) hemiazygos v. (半奇静脉) right side:azygos v. (奇静脉) sup. vena cava (上腔静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Thorax 2. Veins of vertebral column (脊柱静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Thorax B. Visceral Tributaries 脏支 1. Esophageal v. (食管静脉) 2. Bronchial v. (支气管静脉) [esophageal varicose vein 食管静脉曲张] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The inferior vena caval system (下腔静脉系) Wall and paired viscera(腹壁及成对内脏) Inferior vena cava (下腔静脉) Abdomen (腹部) Unpaired viscera (不成对内脏) Liver (肝) Hepatic v.(肝静脉) Pelvis (盆部) Internal iliac v. (髂内静脉) Common iliac v. (髂总静脉) Lower limb (下肢) External iliac v. (髂外静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Pelvis A. Parietal Tributaries (壁支) 1. Superior gluteal v. (臀上静脉) 2. Inferior gluteal v. (臀下静脉) 3. Obturator v. (闭孔静脉) 4. Lateral sacral v. (骶外侧静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Pelvis (脏支) B. Visceral Tributaries 1. Rectal venous plexus (直肠静脉丛) inferior rectal v. (直肠下静脉) 2. Veins of perineum (会阴静脉) internal pudendal v. (阴部内静脉) 3. Uterine venous plexus (子宫静脉丛) uterine v. (子宫静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Lower Limb A. Deep Veins (深静脉) 1. External iliac v. (髂外静脉) 2. Femoral v. (股静脉) 3. Popliteal v. (腘静脉) 4. Anterior tibial v. (胫前静脉) 5. Posterior tibial v. (胫后静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Lower Limb B.Superficial Veins (浅静脉) 1. Saphenous v. (大隐静脉) femoral v. 1) superficial medial femoral v. (股内侧浅) 2) superficial lateral femoral v. (股外侧浅) 3) superficial iliac circumflex v. (旋髂浅静脉) 4) superficial epigastric v. (腹壁浅静脉) 5) external pudendal v. (阴部外静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Lower Limb 2. Small saphenous v. (小隐静脉) popliteal v. (腘静脉) 3. Dorsal venous arch of foot (足背静脉弓) [autographting of veins 静脉自体移植] [varicosis of great saphenous v. 大隐静脉曲张] [venotomy 静脉切开术] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Abdomen (壁支) A. Parietal Tributaries 1. Inferior phrenic v. (膈下静脉) 2. Lumbar vv.(腰静脉)ascending lumbar v. (腰升静脉) azygos v. (奇静脉) or semiazygos v.(半奇静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Abdomen 1. Suprarenal v. (肾上腺静脉) 2. Renal v.(肾静脉) left side 3. Testicular v. (睾丸静脉) pampiniform plexus (蔓状静脉丛) [varicocele 精索静脉曲张] Ovarian v.(卵巢静脉) B.Paired Visceral Tributaries(成对脏支) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Veins of the Abdomen B. Unpaired Visceral Tributaries (不成对脏支) The Hepatic Portal Venous System Digestive apparatus (消化器官) Spleen (脾) Inferior vena cava (下腔静脉) Hepatic poral v. (肝门静脉) Liver (肝) Hepatic v.(肝v) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The Hepatic Portal Venous System Hepatic portal v.(肝门静脉) 1. Superior mesen- teric v. (肠系膜上静脉) 2. Splenic v. (脾静脉) inferior mesen- teric v. (肠系膜下静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The Hepatic Portal Venous System 3. Left gastric v. (胃左静脉) 4. Right gastric v. (胃右静脉) cystic v. (胆囊静脉) 5. Paraumbilical vv. (附脐静脉) [portal hypertension 门脉高压症] Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The Hepatic Portal Venous System Anomalies of Hepatic Portal Vein (肝门静脉异常) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
D. The Anastomoses Between the Hepatic Portal Venous System & Vena Cava System esophageal venous plexus (食管静脉丛) esophageal v.(食管静脉) left gastric v.(胃左v) azygos v.(奇静脉) hepatic portal v.(肝门v) sup vena cava (上腔v) rectal venous plexus (直肠v丛) inf. rectal . v.& anal v.(直下,肛静脉) • int. iliac v. • (髂内静脉) sup. rectal v.(直肠上v) common iliac v. (髂总静脉) inferior mesenteric v.(肠系膜下) hepatic portal v(肝门v) inf. vena cava (下腔静脉) Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The Anastomoses Between the Hepatic Portal Venous System & Vena Cava System Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The Anastomoses Between the Hepatic Portal Venous System & Vena Cava System Superior vena cava (上腔静脉) Perium- bilical venous network (脐周v网) thoracoepigas Lat. Thora.v (胸外侧静脉) Hepatic portal v. (肝门v) Paraum- bilcal v. (附脐v) Sup. epigas Int. Thora.v (胸廓内静脉) ? Inf. epigas Ext. Iliac v. (髂外静脉) Inferior vena cava (下腔静脉) Superf. epigas Gt. Saphen.v (大隐静脉) Lumbar v (腰) Hepatic portal v. (肝门v) Vertebra plexus (脊柱v丛) Sup.mesen.v Sup. Vena cava (上腔v) Splenic v. Vertebral v (椎) Azygos v. System(奇v系) Inf.mesen. Post.intercost v. Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
The Anastomoses Between the Hepatic Portal Venous System & Vena Cava System Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Summary of Veins of the Head andNeck deep facial v. pterygoid venous plexus 额部 angular v. facial v. common facial v. internal jugular v. lingual v. superior & middle thyroid vv. 面深部 maxillary v. retromandibular v. anterior branch 顶颞部 superficial temporal v. posterior branch external jugular v. subclavian v. 耳后部和枕部 posterior auricular v. and occipital v. suprascapular v. anterior jugular v. Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Summary of Veins of the Upper Limb 浅层外侧dorsal venous rete of hand cephalic vein axillary vein subclavian vein 前臂正中median antebrachial vein median cubital vein 浅层内侧 dorsal venous rete of hand basilic vein brachial vein 深层 radial vein and ulnar vein 2) Veins of the upper limb 浅层外侧 dorsal venous rete of hand cephalic vein axillary vein subclavian vein Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Summary of Veins of the Thorax 胸前壁thoracoepigastric vein axillary vein subclavian vein anterior intercostal veins internal thoracic vein brachiocephalic vein 胸后壁 posterior intercostal veins azygos vein superior vena cava left side accessory hemiazygos vein hemiazygos veinright side 内脏esophagus esophageal vein azygos vein veins of vertebral column spinal column bronchus bronchial vein Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Summary of Veins of the Pelvis parietal tributaries superior gluteal vein internal iliac vein inferior gluteal vein obturator vein lateral sacral vein visceral tributaries rectum rectal venous plexus inferior rectal vein uterus uterine venous plexus uterine vein internal iliac vein external genital organ veins of perineum internal pudendal vein 2) Veins of the lower limb 浅层 dorsal venous arch of foot great saphenous vein femoral vein external iliac vein small saphenous vein popliteal vein Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Summary of Veins of the Abdomen parietal tributaries 脐上inferior phrenic vein inferior vena cava lumbar veins umbilical venous plexus superior epigastric vein internal thoracic vein 脐下 umbilical venous plexus superficial epigastric vein femoral vein inferior epigastric vein external iliac vein paired visceral tributaries right suprarenal vein left suprarenal vein right renal vein inferior vena cava left renal vein right testicular (ovarian) vein left testicular vein pampiniform plexus Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Summary of The Hepatic Portal Venous System • inferior mesenteric vein colic veins and superior rectal vein 降结肠-直肠 • 胆囊 cystic vein pancreaticoduodenal vein • 脾 splenic vein superior mesenteric vein hepatic portal vein paraumbilical veins • gastric veins 胃 • 空肠-横结肠 jejunal veins & colic veins Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University