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Esperanza Rising Novel Review

Esperanza Rising Novel Review. Who pricks her finger on a thorn?. Esperanza. Who is a banker?. Tío Luis. Who is the boss of the field workers at El Rancho de L as Rosas?. Alfonso. Who walks barefoot in the grape vineyards?. Abuelita. Who is the housekeeper at El Rancho de Las Rosas?.

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Esperanza Rising Novel Review

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  1. Esperanza Rising Novel Review

  2. Who pricks her finger on a thorn? Esperanza

  3. Who is a banker? Tío Luis

  4. Who is the boss of the field workersat El Rancho de Las Rosas? Alfonso

  5. Who walks barefoot in the grape vineyards? Abuelita

  6. Who is the housekeeper at El Rancho de Las Rosas? Hortensia

  7. Who is Esperanza’s friend in Mexico? Marisol

  8. Who works with his father at El Rancho de Las Rosas? Miguel

  9. Who goes to school? Isabel

  10. Who wants the workers to strike? Marta

  11. Who is a woman on the train carrying hens? Carmen

  12. Esperanza was born in Aguascalientes, Mexico.

  13. Esperanza heard the heartbeat of the land in the United States.

  14. Abuelita died in Mexico.

  15. Marta and her mother were deported.

  16. Alfonso calls Esperanza “la patrona.”

  17. Mama recovered her health.

  18. Miguel stole the money orders to buy food.

  19. Esperanza became a foreman of the shed workers.

  20. Esperanza’s first twelve years in Mexico could best be described as a life of… labor indulgence laziness hard work privilege

  21. The uncles can best be described as… kind understanding angry unclean greedy

  22. Miguel is best described as… strange hateful evil incorrigible kind

  23. Isabel’s relationship with her family is best described as… unbelievable mean-spirited abusive difficult loving

  24. What things do you NOT associate with Abuelita? crocheting a blanket spoke philosophical adages/sayings walked barefoot in the vineyards carried a stone swam with the swans

  25. Marta is best described as… sweet unkind lazy dishonest dedicated

  26. The river that separated Esperanza and Miguel was actually… impassable age difference crossable very wide class difference

  27. Esperanza hearing the heartbeat of the land and floating above it are best described as… real routine ordinary standard mystical

  28. Which one of these is not the title of a chapter in the book? Las Uvas Los Duraznos Los Espárragos Las Papas Los Platanos

  29. All migrant workers want to… work at the railroad dance at fiestas be left alone by others strike feed their families

  30. During her first week at the migrant camp, Esperanza is all EXCEPT… miserable anxious angry frustrated happy

  31. Match the Spanish word to its English counterpart. Las Uvas Los Higos Las Ciruelas Las Papas Los Duraznos The Peaches The Plums The Grapes The Figs The Potatoes

  32. Match the Spanish word to its English counterpart. Las Papayas Las Guayabas Los Melones Las Cebollas Las Almendras The Almonds The Cantaloupes The Papayas The Guavas The Onions

  33. What does “no hay rosas sin espinas” mean? There is no rose without thorns. Abuelita wants Esperanza to learn there is no life without difficulties.

  34. What does “aguántantetantito y la frutacaerá en tumano” mean? Wait a little while and the fruit will fall into your hand. Esperanza’s father wants Esperanza to learn to be patient.

  35. What does the zig-zag pattern symbolize? The ups and downs in life. Abuelita likens the zig-zag crochet pattern to the mountains and valleys we encounter in life. When Esperanza and her mother leave for the United States, Abuelita assures Esperanza, “After you have lived many mountains and valleys, we will be together.”

  36. What does the Phoenix symbolize? Hope and rebirth Abuelitatells Esperanza a story about a bird from Egyptian and Greek mythology that was said to live forever. Whenever it gets old, it bursts into flame and burns itself up. Then it's reborn from its own pile of ashes, young and beautiful again.

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