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Societies at Crossraods

Societies at Crossraods. Russian Revolution - Russia Opium Wars -China. Russian Revolution (1905)….Only the first. Pre-Revolutionary Russia Only true autocracy left in Europe No type of representative political institutions Nicholas II became Tsar in 1884

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Societies at Crossraods

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  1. Societies at Crossraods Russian Revolution - Russia Opium Wars -China

  2. Russian Revolution (1905)….Only the first • Pre-Revolutionary Russia • Only true autocracy left in Europe • No type of representative political institutions • Nicholas II became Tsar in 1884 • Believed he was the absolute ruler anointed by God • Revolution broke out in 1905 --Russo-Japanese War (1904)

  3. Nicholas II: The Last Romanov Tsar[r. 1894-1917]

  4. The Tsar & His Family

  5. Causes of The 1905 Revolution 1. Early 20c: Russian Social Hierarchy

  6. 2. First Stages of Industrialization

  7. 3. Weak Economy

  8. 4. Extensive Foreign Investments & Influence Building the Trans-Siberian RR[Economic benefits only in a few regions.]

  9. 5. Russo-Japanese War [1904-1905] The “Yellow Peril”

  10. Russo-Japanese War [1904-1905]

  11. Russian & Japanese Soldiers

  12. Unrest Among the Peasants & Urban Working Poor Bloody SundayJanuary 22, 1905 The Czar’s Winter Palace in St. Petersburg

  13. Spreading the Revolution

  14. Revolution of 1905 • What led to the Revolution??? How • The creation of a discontented working class • Vast majority of workers concentrated in St. Petersburg and Moscow • Help from the countryside: poor peasants • No individual land ownership • Russia industrialized on the backs of the peasants • Tremendous historic land hunger among peasants • Real winners of the 1905 Revolution: Middle Class --Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets) --Duma

  15. Why did the Russian Revolution of 1905 fail????? Military Political Social

  16. Britain in Asia: the Opium War (1839-42)

  17. Opium Trade • Opium manufactured in China since 15th century for medical purposes • Opium then mixed with tobacco so it could be smoked • Dutch were first to begin trade of opium • English soon followed • Chinese government banned smoking and trade of opium in 1729 due to health and social issues

  18. Opium smokers in China

  19. English East India Company • Held monopoly on production and export of opium in India • Peasant cultivators often coerced and paid in advance for cultivation of poppies • Sold in Calcutta for a profit of 400%

  20. East India Company • Buy tea on credit in Canton • Sell opium at auctions in Calcutta, India • Then it was smuggled into China through India and Bengal • 1797 began direct trade of opium into China • Chinese government had hard time controlling trade in South

  21. Napier Affair • Lord Napier tried to circumvent the Canton Trade laws to reinstitute East India’s monopoly • Governor of Macao closed trade with Britain September 2, 1834 • British resumed trade under old restrictions

  22. First Opium War 1834 - 1843 • 1838 Chinese instituted death penalty for native traffickers of opium • March 1839 – new commissioner to control opium trade – Lin Zexu • Lin imposed embargo on Britain unless they permanently ended the trade trade

  23. First Opium War • March 27, 1839 – British Superintendent of Trade – Charles Elliot demanded all British subjects turn over opium to him • Opium amounting to a year’s worth of trade was given to Commissioner Lin • Trade resumed with Britain and no drugs were smuggled

  24. First Opium War • Lin demanded British merchants to sign a bond promising not to deal opium under penalty of death • Lin disposed of the opium – dissolving it in the ocean • Did not realize the impact of this action!

  25. First Opium War • British merchants and government regarded this as destruction of private property • Responded by sending warships, soldiers, and the British India Army into China June 1840 • Had superior military force – attacked coastal cities, defeated Qing forces easily

  26. End of the War • British took Canton and sailed up the Yangtze River • Took Tax Barges, cut revenue of imperial court of Beijing • 1842 Qing sued for peace • Ended with Treaty of Nanjing

  27. Treaty of Nanjing • Referred to as the Unequal Treaties – accepted 1843 • China • Ceded Hong Kong to the British • Opened ports to British – Canton, Amoy, Fuzhou, Ningbo, Shanghai

  28. Treaty of Nanjing • Great Britain received • 21 million ounces of silver • Fixed tariffs • Extraterritoriality for British citizens on Chinese soil • Most favored nation status • Allowed missionaries into interior of China • Allowed British merchants sphere of influence in and around British ports

  29. Treaty of Nanjing • Unresolved Issues • Status of opium trade with China • Equivalent American treaty forbade opium trade with China • However, both Americans and British were subject only to the legal trade of their consuls

  30. Second Opium War 1856 - 1860 • Also known as Arrow War • Followed incident when Chinese bordered British registered, Chinese owned ship – the Arrow • Crew was accused of piracy and smuggling • Were arrested

  31. Second Opium War • British claimed ship was flying British flag and was protected under the Treaty of Nanjing • War delayed by Taiping Rebellion and Indian Mutiny • British attacked Guangzhou one year later • Aided by allies of United States, Russia, and France

  32. Second Opium War • Treaty of Tientsin was created in July 1858 – was not ratified by China until 2 years later • Hostilities broke out in 1859 when China refused the establishment of British Embassy in Beijing • Fighting erupted in Hong Kong and Beijing • British burned the Summer and Old Summer Palace and looted the city

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