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Trinity Tuition and Fees and Trinity Budget Explained. 2011-2012 Fiscal Year. For more information contact: President Patricia McGuire president@trinitydc.edu www.trinitydc.edu. Dear Students,
Trinity Tuition and Feesand Trinity Budget Explained 2011-2012 Fiscal Year For more information contact: President Patricia McGuire president@trinitydc.edu www.trinitydc.edu
Dear Students, Every February, the Trinity Board of Trustees establishes the tuition and fee levels for the next academic year. On February 11, 2011, the Trustees established the tuition levels for 2011-2012. You will find a statement of these new tuition levels on the following slides. Along with these new tuition levels, you will find additional information to help you to understand how Trinity’s budget works, what your tuition dollar supports, and how to get financial aid. Mindful of that Trinity students and families face financial challenges, the Trustees always strive to keep tuition and fee increases modest. At the same time, the economic climate is posing challenges for Trinity’s finances, including some reduction in charitable gifts and endowment income, and higher prices for goods and services including utilities, insurance and banking fees. After much consideration, the Trustees decided upon a 2% increase for many 2011-2012 tuition and fees, the same low rate of increase as the previous year, and well below the CPI of 3.9%. With this increase, Trinity’s full-time undergraduate tuition next year will be $20,150, compared to more than $28,000 average tuition for private colleges nationally. In the next few slides, you will see how Trinity’s tuition and fees stack up against other universities in this area. We also present important financial aid information as well as budget information of interest to you. We are doing everything possible to control costs at Trinity, and to refrain from passing on all but the most essential expense increases to you, our students and families. I am happy to provide any additional information you may request to help you to plan your Trinity education effectively. Thank you for being a vital part of the Trinity community! President Patricia McGuire
The next slide shows Trinity’s new tuition levels for 2011-2012
Tuition rates change annually. Additional fees apply for certain courses and services. Check Trinity’s website www.trinitydc.edu for the most current list of tuition rates and fees each semester.
The next slide shows how the growth in Trinity’s full-time undergraduate tuition (the yellow bars) compares to the growth in private college tuitions nationally (the purple bars)…since 1991!
TUITION 1991-2012Comparing Trinity FULL-TIME Tuition with National Average for 4 Yr Private College 7%… .3.7 .…..0 .…..3.6%……..2.6% …5%……..4%….4.6%…….3%…...3%…….3%……5%..........5%.........3%.........3%........3%.......3%........3%........3%...........2%.........2% TRINITY PERCENTAGE INCREASEs
The next two slides shows the growth in Trinity’s full-time undergraduate tuition in the last three years compared to area universities and other women’s colleges, and then the growth in the “comprehensive fee” that combines room and board with tuition
The next slide shows comparisons of per-credit-hour tuitions for undergraduate, adult studies and graduate tuitions at area universities
The next set of slides shows the volume of financial aid from all sources awarded to Trinity students; note that all student aid is in this picture, including loans to graduate students (the largest group of borrowers) and scholarships to full-time undergraduates
SOURCES AND VOLUME OF STUDENT SUBSIDIES FY10 AND FY11 11% 31%% 18% Percentages show rate of increase for each category, with overall total aid increase of 15.6%. Note that overall enrollment increased 13% in this same time period, with CAS enrollment increasing 21% which is the major driver of grants, and all graduate enrollments increasing 13% which drives the federal loan volume. 12.5% TOTAL FY10: $34,349,876 TOTAL FY11: $39,717,169 15.6%
Student Subsidies by Source Showing Change FY10 to FY11 Note that DC LEAP was cut back mid-year by $477,353, which Trinity absorbed in Trinity grants. TOTAL FY10: $34,349,876 TOTAL FY11: $39,717,169
DC TUITION ASSISTANCE GRANTS Of 1025 Students enrolled in the DC TAG Program since 2002, 642 or 63% are still enrolled or have graduated.
DC TUITION ASSISTANCE GRANTS Of 1025 Trinity Students enrolled in the DC TAG Program since 2002, 642 or 63% are still enrolled or have graduated. The Average Expected Family Contribution is $3,139, with 427 or 42% having 0 EFC
DC TUITION ASSISTANCE GRANTS: 2010 DATA FROM OSSE This chart summarizes data provided to the Consortium of Universities from the Office of the State Superintendent for DC TAG grants in 2009-2010
DC TUITION ASSISTANCE GRANTS This chart summarizes data provided to the Consortium of Universities from the Office of the State Superintendent for DC TAG grants in 2009-2010 Red line (right axis) shows number of students participating, green columns (left axis) shows dollar volume received
How can I get more financial aid? Trinity’s Office of Enrollment Services (Main 154) will work with every student individually to develop the best possible financial aid package. Trinity’s website includes extensive financial aid information. Please visit: http://www.trinitydc.edu/offices/enrollment/Applying_for_Financial_Aid.html Trinity’s Enrollment Services staff will provide instructions for you to apply for Federal Pell Grants and Loans. Our staff will also tell you more about Trinity grants and scholarships, as well as outside scholarships. Please take advantage of the expertise of our staff. They can help you! You can also contact our staff for financial aid help by writing to EnrollmentServices@trinitydc.edu Phone: 202-884-9530
The following slide shows revenues and expenses for Trinity’s operating budgets in Fiscal Years 2011 and 2012
What Tuition Contributes to the University Budget • Overall, net student tuition (gross tuition minus the $7 million in discount) contributes about 81 cents toward every dollar of the net expense budget that Trinity devotes to direct operating expenses, with the revenue streams from each student population as follows: • College of Arts & Sciences tuition contributes about 35 cents to every dollar spent; • School of Education tuition contributes about 24 cents to every dollar spent; • School of Professional Studies tuition contributes about 34 cents to every dollar spent.
If Tuition Revenues Pay Only 76% of Expenses, Where Does the Rest of the Money Come From? • The remaining 19 cents of every dollar that Trinity spends comes from • Charitable gifts from alumnae and benefactors (The Trinity Annual Fund) – • Government grants and private contracts, and • Revenues derived from “auxiliary enterprises” including student room rentals, conference income, Trinity Center rentals and fees, and other similar sorts of miscellaneous income.
Trinity Fiscal 2012 Expense Budget = $35 Million: for every dollar Trinity spends here’s how the money is allocated… 46 cents = Salaries and Benefits for Trinity’s Faculty and Staff 22 cents = Trinity Grants and Scholarships for Trinity Students 14 cents = Facilities including utilities 3 cents = SECURITY 3 cents = Food Service 1 cent = Insurance, Legal, Audit 1 cent = Advertising 1 cent = Debt Service 1 cent = Campus Shuttle 8 cents = Everything Else (Supplies, Equipment, Fees, Postage)
THE BOTTOM LINE • We know that our students and families experience a great deal of financial stress in pursuing their dream of a Trinity education. In the current recession, we are doing everything possible to sustain Trinity’s quality while restraining prices. We provide extensive financial aid for our students to help them achieve their educational goals. • As a private university, Trinity does not receive the taxpayer-subsidized support of the public universities in this region, like the University of Maryland or George Mason. Our main source of operating funds comes from tuition, gifts and grants, and payments for auxiliary services like conferences. • Trinity makes every effort to control costs while providing a high quality learning experience for every student. Our devoted staff and faculty work long hours with modest amenities to make this education effective each day. Continued…
THE BOTTOM LINE • Trinity’s top priorities in every budget cycle are those budget items that contribute to excellence in education here: • improving faculty salaries; • continuous upgrades of Trinity’s technological capacity, especially academic technology and the telecommunications infrastructure; • improvement in Trinity’s student services like academic support and advising; and • continuing to fund a large amount of student financial aid through Trinity’s own resources. • We also must attend continuously to facilities needs and the growing costs of additional regulatory compliance imposed by federal and local governments. • Trinity has ambitious plans to renovate and expand our academic and student life facilities in the years to come. The funding for these projects will come largely from gifts and grants and auxiliary revenues, as is true right now for the Trinity Center for Women and Girls in Sports. • Note: Funding for the Trinity Center’s operations and debt service comes from charitable gifts and grants as well as auxiliary revenues collected from membership fees and rentals. Since the Trinity Center opened in 2003, all students have had full access to the sports, health, wellness and fitness facilities and programs of the Trinity Center with no additional fees charged to students for access to these facilities and programs, unlike many other universities that charge a special fee for use of the recreation center.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS About College Tuition … at Trinity… at other universities
College Tuition FAQ’s • Why Does Tuition Go Up Every Year? Labor. Technology. Utilities. Facilities. Many reasons drive annual tuition increases. The most notable reason stems from the fact that colleges and universities are largely labor-driven businesses, meaning that salaries and benefits are our primary expense. At Trinity, salaries and benefits account for 46% of our expense budget, which is below normal. Our faculty and staff expect to get raises every year, just like other workers. These raises help our employees to keep up with the cost of living. At Trinity, where salaries and benefits are relatively modest, annual raises have held steady at 2-3% or less for many years. We also often have to add faculty and staff to keep up with the instructional and service needs of our students. Or, we might want to add a new program, like Nursing, that meets a distinctive workforce need in our region. Personnel additions are an investment cost that we hope will pay for themselves over time, but in the first few years, they are often additions to budget without offsetting revenues. Trinity must also purchase goods and services in order to deliver our academic programs --- everything from the cost of insurance to telephone and internet providers to food service to electricity, water and natural gas. These expenses are rising all the time, and so Trinity’s tuition increases keep up with the rising costs of goods and services we must purchase.
College Tuition FAQ’s • OK, I get it about some annual increases, but why does tuition go up faster than the rate of inflation? • Some of the goods and services that Trinity must buy have price rises that are much higher than inflation --- for example, the cost of employee health care goes up every year. The cost of water and electricity in the Washington region is skyrocketing. • Every time the federal or local government passes a new regulation affecting higher education, we have additional legal fees and other fees and costs to ensure compliance. The new Higher Education Act has 110 NEW federal regulations that we have to abide by. • We also want to make ongoing investments in technology, and the cost of technological equipment and services is very high, and we have to invest more than just a “steady state” increase each year in order to provide “state of the art” equipment and software. • It’s also no secret that we have some fairly old buildings on Trinity’s campus, and we are constantly trying to upgrade our older infrastructure. Upgrading or replacing the old infrastructure costs a lot more than simply the price of a spigot at Home Depot --- in many cases here at Trinity, we have to special order parts because our mechanical equipment is so very special. • Every time there’s a bad incident on a college campus elsewhere --- a violent crime, a weather catastrophe --- we have to do a “risk management” review here to see how prepared we are to cope with a crisis. Often, in planning a better response, we have to spend additional money on personnel, consultation, equipment or other services in order to improve our ability to respond to a crisis.
College Tuition FAQ’s • Those seem like all administrative issues, but I came here to get a great education. How do the faculty and academic programs benefit from tuition increases? • Beyond increases in salaries and benefits mentioned above, Trinity also continuously assesses whether to add full-time faculty or staff positions to serve the academic and co-curricular needs of students. For example, with the growth in demand for Nursing, Trinity will be adding more faculty in that discipline, along with disciplines like Criminal Justice, Business, Psychology and in related programs, all of which enroll large numbers of majors or support large general education courses. • Trinity will continue to add staff in related Academic Services like advising and academic support, as well as in Enrollment Services where so many students go to get assistance with registration, financial aid, and preparation for graduation. • Improving academic technology is a continuous focus at Trinity. All computers and peripherals in classrooms, labs, faculty offices and elsewhere are on a continuous upgrade plan, and often the equipment needs replacement at an earlier moment. Software upgrades must occur frequently, and sometimes we need to retain consultants to assist with academic technology needs.
College Tuition FAQ’s • Trinity’s classrooms, science labs and library are old. Are we going to get some new facilities any time soon? • Yes! But it will take a few years…. This year we have begun in earnest a planning process that will lead to the creation of the Trinity Academic Center, with new classrooms and renovated science laboratories and library facilities. We will work with architects who will interview members of the campus community about our facilities needs. • As the economy comes out of the recession, we will also launch a new capital campaign to underwrite the large expenses of facilities development. • We have not forgotten about new campus housing --- working with partners to develop new campus housing is also on our very ambitious building agenda.
Trinity Welcomes Your Input!To Comment on this Slideshowor to Receive Additional InformationPlease Contact:President Patricia McGuirepresident@trinitydc.edu202-884-9050Office of the President125 Michigan Avenue, NEWashington, DC 20017