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Binned C ZZ and systematics for ZZ->4l

Binned C ZZ and systematics for ZZ->4l. Nick Edwards. Predicted Yield, C ZZ. About 9% more predicted events compared to Moriond . From note. Binned Yield / C ZZ. -> Bin by bin k-factor applied. p T (Z1) Electron Systematics. p T (Z1) Muon Systematics. p T (Z1) C_ZZ. m ZZ

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Binned C ZZ and systematics for ZZ->4l

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  1. Binned CZZ and systematics for ZZ->4l Nick Edwards Nick Edwards

  2. Predicted Yield, CZZ • About 9% more predicted events compared to Moriond. From note Nick Edwards

  3. Binned Yield / CZZ -> Bin by bin k-factor applied pT(Z1) Electron Systematics pT(Z1) Muon Systematics pT(Z1) C_ZZ mZZ Muon Systematics mZZ Electron Systematics mZZ C_ZZ Nick Edwards

  4. Systematics Breakdown • Generally compatible with note. • Electron momentum smearing uncertainty now an order of magnitude smaller, and decreases yields in both directions. • IP resolution seems slightly larger in the electron channel now. From Note New Systematics, ZZ selection only Nick Edwards

  5. Binned Systematics breakdown - Electrons • Electron smearing behaves very oddly. • Electron energy scale increases significantly in higher bins. Compensated by drop in ID efficiency uncertainty 4e Nick Edwards

  6. Binned Systematics breakdown - Muons • Again, smearing behaves quite oddly. Nick Edwards

  7. Binned Systematics breakdown • Electron smearing behaves very oddly. • Electron energy scale increases significantly in higher bins. Compensated by drop in ID efficiency uncertainty Nick Edwards

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