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PowerPoint Presentation
3. Why is the Dead Sea so salty? Lowest place on Earth
400 m below sea level
34 x 11 miles
Salinity over 300 ppt
5. NOTES: Ocean Currents See handout
6. 1. What two factors increase the density of water in the oceans and seas? A. Salinity (see beaker on shelf)
B. Cooling (why?)
9. 2. What is super-cooled water, and what allows it to get so cold without freezing? A. liquid water that is colder than the normal freezing point (32 F or O C)
B. salt (dissolved in the water lowers the freezing point)
10. 3. What is a density current, and how do they benefit deep . . . A. movement of heavy water toward the bottom
B. these currents take oxygen to the depths
11. 4. Where in the oceans is the “heaviest” water found? Antarctica
-1.9 C
34.6 o/oo
12. 5.
13. 6. German U-BoatWorld War II
14. Strait of Gibraltar
15. More about the U-boats . . . www.formontana.net/benson.html
17. 7. Who made the first chart of the Gulf Stream? Ben Franklin
19. 8. What three factors cause surface currents? Winds
The position of land and the shape of the sea floor
Coriolis Effect
20. Warm, surface current
150 miles wide
1 mile deep
80 degrees F
60-100 miles/day
(2.5 to 4 mph)
21. 8 degrees warmerin winter
22. 10. Why do surface currents generally flow clockwise (CW) in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise (CCW) in the south. The Earth is spinning . . . This causes the Coriolis Effect.
23. 11. What is “upwelling”, and how does it benefit the fishing industry? A. It is the movement of cold water to the surface
B. It brings nutrients (fertilizer) that help algae grow . . . Fish eat algae.
24. 12. What drives upwelling?
25. 13. What effect does El Nino have on the upwelling along the west coast of S. America? It makes the upwelling stop.
26. Send your notes handout to your left.
27. Surface Currents BACK to #10