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sem 1 year 5. paeds. 24.Material of choice for devitalising pulp A-formocresol B-ferric sulphate C-CaOH D-tramxamic acid E-creosote. 25. A 13 year old girl,retain deciduous canine.non plapable permanent canine.what most best investigation A-OPG B-OPG +Pa C-lateral ceph
sem 1 year 5 paeds
24.Material of choice for devitalising pulp A-formocresol B-ferric sulphate C-CaOH D-tramxamic acid E-creosote
25. A 13 year old girl,retain deciduous canine.non plapable permanent canine.what most best investigation A-OPG B-OPG +Pa C-lateral ceph D-vitality test of dec.canine
Behavioural mx except A-sensiting B-tell show do C-desensitizing D-positive reinforcement
22.Injury to supporting tissue without displacement A-avulsion B-intrusion C-lateral luxation D-concussion E-subluxation
16.Which is involve in caries formation incorrect? A-specific microorganism ferment the CHO an produce acid cavitation B-in and out Ca2+ and phosphate produce cavitation C-acid attack enamel only D-remineralize & demineralize dynamically occur
32-contraindication in 6 year pt with nitrous oxide sedation A-pt has cold B-father has diabetic C-father has smoking
17-which of the following best statement about primary molar endo? A-vital pulpotomy has low success rate B-caries at furcation are should be excavated C-indicated for cardiac…. D-CaOH is used for medicament in vital pulpotomy E-contraindicated for child with blood coagulation disorder
3.Mineralization of these teeth are affected if illness during pregnancy occur except A-dec.incisor B-primary canine C-primary molars D-permanent incisor teeth E-1st permanent molar
32-condition of 6 year old boy that contraindicated for the nitrous oxide analgesia is A-pt is cold B-pt has Diabetic C-father smoker D-pt allergic to local anesthesia
28.Best describe behaviour shaping D-relaxation for pt 11-correct about lateral luxation
26.Which of the following not causing tooth staining A-porphyria B-ceftaxime C-tetracycline D-remnant of pulp necrosis
6.Importance to retain primary sound molar A-prevent pain and sequalae B-prevent crowding during permanet erupt C-maintain intact arch
5.Usage of OPG A-precisely localise teeth B-diagnosis occlusal caries precisely C-diagnosis interproximal caries accuretaly E- determine abnormal of dev.tooth according to it number,position and form
34.Delayed eruption except A-hyperthyroidism B-hypopituitary C-hypoparathyroidism D-gardner syndrome E-cleidocranial
22.Early loss of primary canine result in A-difficulty in mastication B-incrase in Leeway space C-distal shift of ant. teeth
28.Best management statement for primary restoration A-GIC restoration not use in Primary dentition B-ECC is can only be restore with amalgam C- D-approximal caries with occlusal involvement can only be restore with GIC E-PMC is used to treat multiple sites of cavity restoration
3.Which of the primary restoration is correct A-amalgam restoration used for fissures and pit B-GIC used commonly used to restore class II cavity C-composite commonly used followed endodontic tx for primary tooth D-PMC is used to restore multiple caries
32.All is contraindication about space maintenance except A-severe crowding B-early loss of primary molar in intact arch C-not enough space for eruption permanent D-teeth about to erupt in 6 months E-enough space fore eruption
2. LA is required in procedures involving A-cutting dentine B-cutting enamel C-pulp exposure D-cutting cementum E-rubber dam placement
31. To reduce ECC in children, parents should be advised regarding: 6.Hand foot and mouth disease A-HSV B-EBV C-Paramyxovirus D-coxsackie A
True about behavioural shaping A-influence to be good life long dental attender in optimum OH B-relax tx C-achieve goal immediately D- step by step not recommended
35.Disturbance morphodifferentiation lead to A-shape of teeth B-number of teeth C-eruption of teeth D-tooth structure
What can cause gingival inflammation in the children A-spirochetes B-eruption of teeth C-mouth breathing D- E-
16.Pt with high caries risk should A-take OPG every year B-take BW every 6 months C-operative control rather than preventive control D- E-
Essay 1.ECC • Describe definition of ECC • Discuss role of dietary habits and practice in ECC • Advise to the parents regarding ECC
2.Trauma 3.Pulp therapy