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Administering a decedent’s estate involves collecting and managing their assets, paying debts and distributing remaining assets to beneficiaries. Other legal options exist which may be far superior to a will.
About Elder Law Firm The only Elder Law Firm in Wisconsin Affiliated with a Life Care Planning Firm Like a traditional estate and asset preservation plan, Elder Law services include the legal protection needed to safeguard assets, honor your loved one’s wishes and provide for your family members. Our services help you clearly define how your loved one’s long-term care, financial, physical and psychological needs will be met.
Why adequate legal planning is crucial • One that I’ll focus on today is that too often, seniors are victims of financial abuse. Unfortunately, people become more vulnerable with age and many families fail to address the necessary preparations until it is too late.
Issues with Power of Attorney • Designating someone to act as your surrogate decision maker through a Power of Attorney (POA) document, especially for financial matters, is a crucial part of planning for the future.
Seeking Guardianship • When an aging loved one hasn’t named a power of attorney before becoming incompetent or the person they chose has been accused of mishandling their affairs, lengthy and expensive guardianship proceedings are usually necessary to appoint a trustworthy person to take over this responsibility.
Elder Abuse • There are many kinds of abuse that seniors can fall victim to at the hands of strangers and even more often family members or “friends”. While those with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are considered the most vulnerable, cognitively sound individuals are also prone to being defrauded and scammed.
Estate Administration Issues • Administering a decedent’s estate involves collecting and managing their assets, paying debts and distributing remaining assets to beneficiaries. A will is a legal document that spells out one’s wishes for their estate after they’ve passed away, but many people either do not write a will or fail to update it regularly or make it accessible to family members who need it.
Need Legal Protection • It is due to dementia or out of spite, elderly loved ones and even other family members sometimes accuse primary caregivers of abuse. Even if their claims are unfounded, the accused usually winds up in a heap of legal trouble.
Elder law center of wisconsin Address: 125 N. Executive Drive, Suite 210, Brookfield, WI, 53005 Website: https://www.elderlawcenterofwisconsin.com/ Phone: (262) 812-6262 Fax: (480) 969-0079 Toll Free: (866) 865-3306 Email: info@elderlawcenterwi.com
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