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Status and Prospects of HARP

Status and Prospects of HARP. Malcolm Ellis On behalf of the HARP Collaboration NuFact02 Imperial College, July 2002. The HARP Collaboration:. Università degli Studi e Sezione INFN, Bari, Italy Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, UK

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Status and Prospects of HARP

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  1. Status and Prospects of HARP Malcolm Ellis On behalf of the HARP Collaboration NuFact02 Imperial College, July 2002

  2. The HARP Collaboration: Università degli Studi e Sezione INFN, Bari, Italy Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, UK Institut für Physik, Universität Dortmund, Germany Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Russia Università degli Studi e Sezione INFN, Ferrara, Italy CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Section de Physique, Université de Genève, Switzerland Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro dell' INFN, Legnaro, Italy Institut de Physique Nucléaire, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Università degli Studi e Sezione INFN, Milano, Italy P.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics (FIAN), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia Università "Federico II" e Sezione INFN, Napoli, Italy Nuclear and Astrophysics Laboratory, University of Oxford, UK Università degli Studi e Sezione INFN, Padova, Italy LPNHE, Université de Paris VI et VII, Paris, France Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia Università "La Sapienza" e Sezione INFN Roma I, Roma, Italy Università degli Studi e Sezione INFN Roma III, Roma, Italy Dept. of Physics, University of Sheffield, UK Faculty of Physics, St Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia, Bulgaria Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria Università di Trieste e Sezione INFN, Trieste, Italy Univ. de Valencia, Spain

  3. Outline • Motivation • Timeline • The Detector • Data taking: • 2001 • 2002 • Software/Analysis • Prospects

  4. Motivation • Neutrino Factory • Atmospheric Neutrinos • Monte Carlo • K2K and MiniBooNE Experiments • Aim: • Measure Hadronic ds/dPT/dPL over range of momenta, target Z and thickness • Few% accuracy over all phase space, requires ~106 events per setting and low systematics.

  5. Timeline • Proposed: November 1999 • Approved: February 2000 • Technical Run: September 2000 • Data Taking: • Solid Targets: 2001 • Solid & Cryogenic Targets: 2002

  6. The Detector • Main Requirements: • Acceptance, PID, Redundancy • Beam instrumentation provides tracking and PID of incoming particle. • TPC surrounds target to provide close to 4p coverage. • Forward Spectrometer covers insensitive region of TPC. • PID completed with Cherenkov, TOF and Calorimetry.

  7. The HARP Detector

  8. Particle ID Coverage TPC TOF Cherenkov

  9. CERN PS East Hall

  10. HARP in 2001

  11. Beam and Targets • Beam: • ±3 ±5 ±8 ±12 ±15 GeV/c • Solid Targets: • Be, C, Al, Cu, Sn, Ta, Pb • Thin (2%) • Thick (100%) • 5% Targets (New) • MiniBooNE • K2K • Skew Copper • Alignment • Cryogenic Targets: • H2/D2 N2/O2 target tube target holder Extrapolated position of MWPC tracks at the target

  12. element H2 D2 N2 O2 boiling temp. 20.4 K 23.6 K 77.4 K 99.2 K #  0.84 % 2.13 % 5.52 % 7.52 % Cryogenic Targets • Targets 2cm diameter, 6cm long. • Two distinct setups: • N2/O2 – Mid July • H2/D2 – Early August • Filling takes 4-6 hours. • Emptying takes ~1 hour.

  13. 2001 Data Taking • Completed 1/3 of Solid Target Programme:

  14. 2002 Data Taking • Programme (May-September): • Thick Targets • 5% Targets +ve and –ve beams • Remaining Solid Targets • Cryogenic Targets (start 8th July) • MiniBooNE Programme (12th August) • K2K Programme (26th August)

  15. Trigger Forward trigger plane (FTP) Consequence: 1/2 to 2/3 of our thin-target data are non-interacting beam particles  beam  Inner Trigger Cilinder (ITC) • Solution: • Non-Interacting Beam (NIB) veto counters – under study • 5% Targets

  16. DetResponse HarpUI Reconstruction Simulation Event Selector Objy Persistency DetRep ObjyHarp ObjectCnv HarpDD HarpEvent Gaudi Framework DAQ ROOT GEANT4 CLHEP + STL HEPODBMS Objectivity DATE Software Processes • Stringent time schedule required adoption of software engineering standards. • Domains identification & dependency structure lead to: • definition of releasable units (libraries and source code), • definition of working groups (and schedules), • definition of ordering for unit&system testing and for release.

  17. Software/Analysis • DAQ and detectors readout (DATE). • Storage and retrieval of physics data and settings (Objectivity DB, AMS-HPSS interface). • Framework including application manager, interfaces & data exchange for the components, and event model (GAUDI). • Physics Simulation & Detector Model (GEANT4). • Physics Reconstruction for all detectors. • Online Monitoring & Offline Calibration of detectors. • User Interface and Event Display (ROOT). • Foundation libs & Utilities (STL, CLHEP).

  18. Beam Instrumentation • Beam Particles tracked by 4 MWPCs • Particle ID performed by: • Cherenkov, TOF, m identifier

  19. TPC • Gas Choice: 90% Ar, 10% C02 • Gas Speed 5cm/ms • Total drift time: 32 ms  320 time samples • Cross-Talk problems under investigation

  20. TPC – Reconstructed Tracks PT vs PL for Thick Target Data PT for all TPC Tracks

  21. RPCs

  22. RPC/TPC Matching • RPC are fully efficient and noise-free • RPC timing removes off-time tracks 2 mm stesalite wall Target (fixed to the magnet) (fixed to the TPC)

  23. NOMAD Drift Chambers • Efficiency reduced due to change of gas: • 90% Ar, 9% CO2, 1% CH4 • Calibration and Alignment • ongoing

  24. Cherenkov • Gas Leakage problem emerged in the commissioning phase: • Support structure re-welded • Epoxy-treatment of inner surfaces. • Leak rate ~ 4L/hour • Specifications:  4 L/hour. • Density monitored by sonar • techniques (acoustic wave phase shift) <1% precision. Thresholds:

  25. TOF Wall • Calibration: • Laser • Cosmic Rays • Pulse Calibration pions protons Example: time separation and resolution for 3 GeV/c beam particles.

  26. Calorimeter • Three modules: 62 EM (4cm), 80 HAD (8cm) & Muon Identifier • Electron Identifier (EM+HAD) 6.72m wide x 3.3m high. • Muon Identifier is 6.44 Interaction Lengths of Iron and Scintillator slabs.

  27. Prospects • Complete Data-Taking 30th September • Analyses Initially Separated: • Large Angle (TPC/RPC) • Small Angle (Forward Spectrometer) • Expect to overcome TPC cross-talk problems, thus achieve design accuracy. • Aiming for initial results by the end of this year.

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