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Lesson 4. How do Organisms become Adapted to their Environment ? Pg. A98. November , 2013. Variations. Individuals within a single species may vary from each other both in their physical appearances and in their behaviors .
Lesson 4. How do OrganismsbecomeAdaptedtotheirEnvironment? Pg. A98 November, 2013
Variations • Individualswithin a single speciesmayvaryfromeachotherboth in theirphysicalappearances and in theirbehaviors. • New variationswithinspecies can arisethroughmutations. Somemutationshurtthe individual. Othermutationshelp. If a variationhelpsan individual survive in itsenvironment, thatvariationmay be passedontofuturegenerations.
Examples of Variations Chihuahua St. Bernard Irishwolfhound Copperbutterflies
EnvironmentalChange • Whentheenvironmentchanges, speciesmaybecomeadaptedtothe new conditions. • One of themostfamousexamples of a speciesbeingadaptedto a changingenvironmentisthat of thepepperedmoth. Duringthe Industrial Revolution in England, sootblackenedthetrees.
WoollyMammoth Thewoollymammoth´slargersizehelpeditsbodyretainheat. Beneathits skin was a layer of fat up to 8 centimetersthick. Itwascoveredby a layer of short, woollyhairs and a layer of coarsehair up to 50 centimeterslong. Manyscientiststhinkthe gray foxhadbehavioraladaptationsthathelpeditsurvivethecold.
LearningfromFossils • Fossil: isanyremainsor trace of anorganismthatwas once alive. • Theremains of animals, such as fossils can providescientistswithimportantinformationaboutwhattheorganismlookedlike, howitmighthavebehaved, and theenvironment in whichitlived.
Plants and animals can be preserved as fossils. Scientistsalso can getfossilinformationfrommolds, animal tracks, petrifiedfossils, and smallanimalspreserved in amber. • Mold: a fossilthatis a hollow place shapedlikeanorganism. • Cast: a fossilformedbysedimentsfilling up a mold. • Petrifiedfossil: a fossilformedwhenmineralsslowlyreplacesomeorall of anorganism, turningittostone.
Examples of Fossils Molds and Casts Fossils in Amber PetrifiedFossil FrozenFossils