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To insert your company logo on this slide From the Insert Menu Select “Picture” Locate your logo file Click OK To resize the logo Click anywhere inside the logo. The boxes that appear outside the logo are known as “resize handles.” Use these to resize the object.
To insert your company logo on this slide • From the Insert Menu • Select “Picture” • Locate your logo file • Click OK • To resize the logo • Click anywhere inside the logo. The boxes that appear outside the logo are known as “resize handles.” • Use these to resize the object. • If you hold down the shift key before using the resize handles, you will maintain the proportions of the object you wish to resize. Employee's Guide Oregon Military Dept. Add CorporateLogoHere Oregon Military Dept.
Organizational Structure Oregon Military Dept.
Teamwork What is a team? • A Group of people working together to accomplish a common goal. • You and the people you work with are a team. • Successful teams have certain attributes in common: • A common goal • Specific deadlines • Effective Communication • Concern about each other • Quality checks • Involvement of every member Oregon Military Dept.
Teamwork Why is teamwork important? Our collective experiences, wisdom, and learning can almost always produce a higher quality product or decision than what could possibly be developed working alone. Individual knowledge, initiative, and motivation are just not enough to sustain the level of performance required by today’s competitive climate. Oregon Military Dept.
Teamwork How to work together. Your team will only be as good as you are. The more skills and knowledge you bring to your team, the more you’ll contribute to your team’s success. Clearly, the job you do affects others. If you fail, you can cause your team to fail. You can help make sure you’re a successful team member by following these simple practices. Oregon Military Dept.
Teamwork Attitude! It just isn’t enough to simply perform the duties of your job. You must also have the right attitude. The attitude you project is usually the attitude you get back. Your success as part of a team can be determined by your attitude. To be successful, you need a positive attitude. Oregon Military Dept.
Teamwork Cooperation! Teamwork depends on understanding your team members. That doesn’t mean that you have to be reading the same page, but you need to be reading the same book. You need to learn to cooperate with team members in order to effectively: • Communicate, • Resolve disagreements, and • Set goals and objectives. Oregon Military Dept.
Teamwork Support! Every Member of your team is valuable. Let them know you appreciate their efforts and contributions by telling them. Challenge! Members of a successful team not only support, but challenge each other to improve themselves and their team. Oregon Military Dept.
Teamwork Sacrifice! You’re not going to agree with team members all the time. There may be conflict between yourself and what is best for the team. You may need to make sacrifices that you don’t agree with to be a part of the team. Remember, you’ll likely share in the rewards later. Oregon Military Dept.
Teamwork Respect! You need to respect your team members abilities, experiences, personalities, and opinions. These attributes will likely be different from your own and may cause disagreements. You need to be able to deal with conflict by: • Being patient – be accountable for your actions when things don’t go your way. • Staying calm – Arguments can waste time and money and ruin the unity of your team. • Listening – Careful listening will allow you to hear others opinions and respond more effectively. Oregon Military Dept.
Teamwork Help! The success of your team depends upon every employee doing their job. There are times when you or a team member may need a helping hand. Be willing to help a teammate out if you want your team to succeed. Attendance! Show up for work on time every day. You’re here for a reason, and when you’re not it hurts the team and its mission. Oregon Military Dept.
Teamwork The benefits of teamwork! Working on a team can make workloads lighter, increase efficiency, and improve quality of work. It also increases morale and gives you a sense of job satisfaction. People can openly express their opinions and confront problems. This type of feedback fosters open discussion and encourages participation from every member. Oregon Military Dept.
TeamWork • How can you be a successful Team member? • Support team members by? • You need to deal with conflict by? Oregon Military Dept.
Customer Service • Would you still have a job if all your customers went away? • In your job do you work with customers? • Everybody works with customers, no matter what their job is. • You need to know how to provide great customer service. Oregon Military Dept.
Customer Service External Customers External customers are the people who buy or use your products and services. These are the people who keep you in business and pay your wages. Customers want more than just what your selling, they want to be treated well. Good customer service refers to being responsive to the needs of all customers. By following these simple guidelines, you’ll be able to deliver service each and every time you deal with customers. Oregon Military Dept.
Customer Service • Give your name and acknowledge customers by name • Deal with customers in a trustworthy, honest, and ethical manner • Speak in a way that makes them feel important, valued, and comfortable • Focus your attention when your with them • Never complain in front of a customer • Never argue or blame a customer • Remain calm and polite with customers • Maintain a friendly and helpful attitude • Provide information in a timely manner • Take the initiative to exceed their expectations • Always thank them for their business Oregon Military Dept.
Customer service Internal Customers Even though we typically think of customers being from outside the organization, we also have internal customers. So, who is an internal customer? An internal customer is anyone who depends on another person or department within an organization. Oregon Military Dept.
Customer Service You should always treat your internal customers the same way you would treat external customers. They deserve the same level of service. That means you should always be: • Polite, • Courteous, • Helpful, and • Timely Oregon Military Dept.
Customer Service Customer service success also provides personal benefits by: • Improving your interpersonal skills to deal with your co-workers. • Making your job more enjoyable because you get along with others. • Providing job security because your business is doing well. Oregon Military Dept.
Customer Service Attitude! Like teamwork your attitude plays a very important role in the quality of customer service. Your attitude affects everyone who comes in contact with you. Therefore having a positive attitude can only have positive effects for you. But, it’s not always easy to be positive because situations can have a negative influence on your attitude. Regardless, you’re responsible for the attitude you display. Oregon Military Dept.
Customer Service You can keep a positive attitude by: • Being enthusiastic about your job • Focusing on things you like about your job • Focusing on doing well in your job • Avoiding negative situations and unpleasant co-workers whenever possible • Avoiding gossip about people or activities that may or may not be fact. Oregon Military Dept.
Customer Service Is the customer always right? How a customer perceives the service you provide is important. Good service is not in the eye of the server, it is in the eye of the served. Customers aren’t always right, but they may feel that way if you provide good service every time you deal with them. Oregon Military Dept.
Customer Service • You can provide good customer service by? • What are the benefits of good customer service? • How can you keep a positive attitude? Oregon Military Dept.
Diversity What is diversity? The term diversity can have many different meanings. The term “workforce diversity” usually means including people who are considered to be, in some way, different. The difference can be race, ethnic origin, gender, or age. It can also refer to differences in religion, sexual orientation, and physical or mental capabilities. Oregon Military Dept.
Diversity Why is diversity important? It strengthens and improves an organization by bringing a different viewpoint, a new method, a fresh approach, a broadened awareness, and cultural expansion to your workplace. The companies that benefit the most are the ones that employ people regardless of their differences. It’s these differences that make the workplace more dynamic. Oregon Military Dept.
Diversity How does diversity affect you? When you work with people that have different beliefs and perspectives, you’re exposed to different ways of thinking. That makes you better at dealing with people and solving problems. Embrace diversity, by doing so you create a respectful and understanding work environment which benefits you, your co-workers, and you company. Oregon Military Dept.
Diversity How can you support diversity? • Seeking to find common ground with people • Practicing acceptance of others • Understanding peoples differences • Maintaining good relationships with others • Respecting personal boundaries of others • Understanding that disagreements are differences of opinion and not personal attacks • Refusing to participate in unacceptable behavior of others Oregon Military Dept.
Diversity As a result, you will benefit by being able to: • Enhance your relationships with others • Appreciate and respect others • Accept the differences of others • Eliminate racism, sexism, and other discrimination in the workplace Diversity also contributes to a workplace that feels inclusive rather than exclusive. Oregon Military Dept.
Diversity Discrimination! Discrimination in the workplace is against the law. Every employee is entitled to equal treatment in the workplace. All decisions affecting your employment can not be based on your: • Age • Race • Religion • Sex • Disability • National origin Oregon Military Dept.
Diversity • How can you support diversity? • What benefits come from diversity? • Every employee is entitled to? Oregon Military Dept.
Discrimination and Harassment What is Discrimination or Harassment? People don’t generally ask if they may discriminate or harass someone. Some people may not even know that they are discriminating until it is to late. Therefore, we need to understand what it is. So, just what is Discrimination? Harassment? Sexual Harassment? Is it a certain look? Does it have to be physical contact? Must the victim have succumbed to sexual advances? Oregon Military Dept.
Discrimination and Harassment Discrimination is: A supervisor or person in authority making employment decisions related to hiring, firing, transferring, promoting, demoting, benefits, compensation, and other terms and conditions of employment, because of an employee’s protected class status. Oregon Military Dept.
Discrimination and Harassment Harassment is described as unwelcome, unwanted oroffensive conduct based on an employee’s protected class. This includes: • Telling racial orientated jokes • Harassing letters, e-mail, or phone calls • Negative or explicit statements about a disability, whether or not it actually true. Any of these behaviors are improper and could lead to legal action under state and federal law. Oregon Military Dept.
Discrimination and Harassment Sexual Harassment is unwelcome, unwanted oroffensive sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: • Implied submission is a term of employment; or a basis for any employment decisions. • Has the purpose or effect of interfering with an employee’s work performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. Any of these behaviors are improper and could lead to legal action under state and federal law. Oregon Military Dept.
Discrimination and Harassment You have the right to work in a workplace that is free of harassment of any kind. An employer can not discriminate against you: • As a condition of hiring or advancement opportunities; or • As a term or condition of your employment It’s not “just the way men and women interact with each other.” Victims aren’t “just too sensitive” or people who “can’t take a joke.” It’s easiest to not do or say anything that might be regarded as discrimination or harassment. Oregon Military Dept.
Discrimination and Harassment What must an employer do? The Civil Rights Act of 1964 says that an employer has a duty and a responsibility to provide a workplace free of discrimination. Harassment and sexual harassment are forms of discrimination. If you feel you are being harassed, you have a legal right to stop the harassment. You shouldn’t feel that if you issue a complaint of harassment, that you’re at risk of retaliation. Oregon Military Dept.
Discrimination and Harassment What shouldyou do if you’re being harassed? Keep in mind that harassment isn’t your fault. Harassers are responsible for their own actions. Remember this when taking steps to stop the harassment. It is your responsibility to know company policies, how they are enforced, and what the consequences are if you were to harass a co-worker. Oregon Military Dept.
Discrimination and Harassment Any employee believing they have been subjected to discrimination, workplace harassment or sexual harassment should report that behavior to their immediate supervisor, another member of management or their human resource office. Oregon Military Dept.
Discrimination and Harassment • Types of sexual harassment include? • What should you do if you are being harassed? • If you need help dealing with discrimination you can? Oregon Military Dept.
Drug-Free Workplace Drug and alcohol abuse affects many workplaces which costs businesses billions of dollars each year. Studies show that employees who use drugs or alcohol are more likely to be absent, show up late, file more workers compensation claims, have higher medical costs, and be involved in workplace accidents. As a result, we have established a drug-free workplace policy. Therefore, it’s important that you understand what a “drug-free workplace means” and how it affects you. Oregon Military Dept.
Drug-Free Workplace What do we mean by “drug-free?” The term “drug-free” workplace is defined as a place where employees are prohibited from manufacturing, distributing, selling, possessing, or using a controlled substance. Examples of controlled substances include alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, and prescription medications. Use of these substances could affect your ability to perform your job and, therefore, are not allowed in the workplace. Oregon Military Dept.
Drug-Free Workplace Signs and symptoms of abuse. Workers who display sudden changes in behavior may have a substance abuse problem. For example, irritability, moodiness, or arguing with co-workers are not uncommon behaviors. They may show up to work looking sloppy, unkempt, unshaven, or dressed inappropriately. There may be complaints regarding their attitude and quality of work. Oregon Military Dept.
Drug-Free Workplace Other signs and symptoms of abuse: • Slurred speech • Unsteady movements and shaky hands • Cold and sweaty palms • Dilated pupils • Red eyes • Unusual weight gain or loss • Smell of alcohol • Sudden change in friends • Violent behavior • Depression • Suspicious attitude toward others Oregon Military Dept.
Drug-Free Workplace Safety Hazards Workers who do abuse drugs or alcohol are involved in accidents and display carelessness with potentially hazardous materials or equipment more often than other workers. This could endanger you and your co-workers. Safety related signs may include: • Risky behavior • Increased involvement in off-the-job accidents • Damaging equipment or property Oregon Military Dept.
Drug-Free Workplace Drug testing Drug testing is one way we can protect your workplace from the negative effects of drug and alcohol abuse. There could be several reasons why you may be tested for drug use. • Prior to employment • Reasonable suspicion • CDL licensing Oregon Military Dept.
Drug-Free Workplace Assistance There are many sources of assistance available if you or a co-worker need help with a substance abuse problem. We have an Employee Assistance Program called Cascade Centers. You can call them at 1 800 433 2320 anytime. There are also community based programs in most areas. These can be great resources for problems that stem from drug or alcohol abuse. Oregon Military Dept.
Drug-Free Workplace Benefits of a drug-free workplace • Safety • Health • Productivity • Morale • Security • Well-being Oregon Military Dept.
Drug-Free Workplace • Drug-Free companies have less? • What are the signs of drug and alcohol abuse? • A drug-free workplace has a positive impact on your? Oregon Military Dept.
Emergency Preparedness • Emergencies don’t happen often, but that doesn’t mean they will never happen! You need to know what to do in case of fire, severe weather, chemical releases, bomb threats, and other emergencies. • We have a written Emergency Action Plan to determine appropriate procedures for emergencies. • We also conduct mock drills to refresh everyone of emergency procedures. • Remember, one type of emergency may differ from another, so the responses may differ too. Oregon Military Dept.
Emergency Preparedness • Fire • Severe Weather • Thunderstorms • Tornados • Floods • Heat • Winter Storms • Earthquakes • Hurricanes • Chemicals • Bomb Threats • Volcanoes Oregon Military Dept.