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The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED. Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385. The Victor’s Voice. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY April 2010. Post 240 website: www.americanlegion240.org. COMMANDER
The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The Victor’s Voice FOR GOD AND COUNTRY April 2010 Post 240 website: www.americanlegion240.org COMMANDER Marsha Martin 982-5750 ADJUTANT Michael Munoz 292-1464 1ST VICE COMMANDER Jimmy Lee Martin 457-1847 2ND VICE COMMANDER Bud Kalman 380-9966 3RD VICE COMMANDER D.J. Massey 516-4799 FINANCE OFFICER Hal Eyerly 944-7741 HISTORIAN Chuck Krahn 458-0530 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Timothy Tracy 757-472-1947 CHAPLAIN Stewart “Stu” Baker 341-2208 SERVICE OFFICER Greg Grover 450-3702 ALR DIRECTOR J.D. Ellis 554-5257 SAL COMMANDER Mark Seaman 453-4357 CHAPLAIN EMERITUS Mary Kent 457-1822 HOUSE COMMITTEE James Fournier 458-0173 Don Whitney 456-5433 Phil Gist 456-2914 Al Rogers 455-2741 Ron Woolsey 453-6969 LOUNGE MANAGER Tim Wright 455-6111 From the Chaplain In Remembrance: James R. Johnson – 30yr member Hal Krom – 21yr member Stermen Terrebone – 10 yr member Prayers of Recovery: James Healey – 24 yr member Lenny Mackin – 23 yr member For God and Country, Stu Baker Commanders Corner Our Legion year for Officers is quickly coming to an end. We will have nominations for new officers on 13 April and 11May. Elections will be held at the general membership meeting on 8 June. Installation of new officers will be scheduled in July following the Dept of Florida Convention 24-27 June. Please remember the Fish Fry in April will be the 2nd Sunday due to Easter Sunday on 4 April. Please come and help with our Post Beautification day the 17th of April for our Spring cleaning. Our Post will be hosting the 1st District meeting on 24 April at 10:00AM. All members are welcome to attend. And don’t forget our Biloxi trip on 3 May. Thanks to all our volunteers for their hard work and dedication for trying to make all of our events enjoyable and successful for everyone. See you at the Post!! For God and Country, Marsha Martin 1st Vice Commander We have had 988 members pay their due, which gives us an attained percentage of 84%. We need 188 members to pay their dues to reach 100%. Our next Department of Florida Goal is 95%, which is needed by April 7, 2010. Please welcome our new members: Woody Pentecost, James Label, Brian Horstman, John Taylor and New Transfers: Houston Hicks and Ted Robinson. Please welcome them. We are going to do a Post Cleanup day on April 17, 2010 at 09:00am. I’m trying to get us back to doing what we used to do to save the Post money and make the Post look inviting to new prospective members and old members. Please come and help. Please come out and support your Post and Lounge. We, the Post Officers can’t do anything for the Post or the Veterans without your support and help. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin From Post Judge Advocate: This month we start the process of electing new Post Officers. Nominations begin at the General Membership Meeting on April 13, 2010. Elections will be June 8, 2010. Please run for an office if you want to get involved with the business of the Post and what we do for the Veterans and children. Don’t run if you don’t have any idea what the position you want does or, is supposed to do. If you want to know the responsibilities of the Post Officers, please see me and I will get you a copy of the Post By-laws. Don’t run because your mad at the current Officers, run because you want to make a difference and the Post better. Jimmy Lee Martin Hello Riders, Yee Haw! Spring is here!!!!! Let's go for a ride. There is a lot going on in April and May. April the 10th - the 5th annual Autism Ride. Escorted ride from Gulf Breeze High to Cocodries in Navarre. Post clean-up is April 17th at 9;00am. I would like to see all the ALR to make plans to come out and help. The Post sure needs a good cleaning. We will miss a ride this day, but there will be many, many more. So come and show your support for our post. April 24th the VFW Riders, Poker run in Elberta, Al. Don't forget to stop and get donations for our upcoming ride. Money Donations always help. See Frank, Ken J., or Jimmy Lee for your basket of cheer donations. FYI...Next ALR meeting is April 11th at 10;00am Hope to see you there. For God and Country J.D. Ellis Sr., Director ALR 240 2nd Vice Commander We had Exit 105 come back for a Friday night dance on the 19th of Mar, however, it was not a great turnout. We are planning another dance for May. Please help us make the Friday night dances a success and come on out for dinner from our kitchen and support our Post. For God and Country Bud Kalman 3rd Vice Commander Our Fish Fry was a great success. We had the largest turnout of the past two years. Please remember that next month the Fish Fry will be the second Sunday on 11 April 2010 at 1400 (due to Easter Sunday on the 4th). Thanks once again to all those who continue to work to make the Fish Fry a success. See y’all on Apr 11th. DJ Massie