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Project: American literature. TALES of MYSTERY and IMAGINATION Edgar Allan Poe Františka Prokopová. Genres and authors in American literature. H. Melville – Moby Dick - Romance E. Hemingway – A Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea, For Whom the Bell Tolls J.- War Romance
Project: American literature TALES of MYSTERY and IMAGINATION Edgar Allan Poe Františka Prokopová
Genres and authors in American literature • H. Melville – Moby Dick -Romance • E. Hemingway – A Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea, For Whom the Bell Tolls J.-War Romance • Steinbeck – The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men – Short story • J. Heller – Catch 22 – War Romance • W. Styron – Sophia´s Choice – Romance • T. Williams – Cat on a Hot Tin Roof – Drama
My choice • NAME: TALES of MYSTERY and IMAGINATION • AUTHOR : EDGAR ALLAN POE • Publisher : OXFORD BOOKWORKS LIBRARY • Published : OXFORT UNIVERSITY PRESS 2000 • Reasons : - I Like scary stories - I Wanted comfrond this book with Hole and pendulum
AUTHOR • January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849 • American writer , poet , editor and literary critic • His parents died when he was young • In January 1845, Poe published his poem „The Raven " to instant success. • Other books : Eureka : A prose poem : , Tamerlane and other poem ,
Language I got from the reading – key words and phrases • My need for alcohol soon grew intro a terrible disease – need change to depedence • I shake today as I write these words down – he is scared • I refused to obey – he must listen • Cheat – Do something what is not from rules • Large amount of money – lot of money
The Masque of the Red Death The Red Death had been in the country for many, many years. No disease had ever been so deadly. People called it the Red Death because it left blood, red horrible blood, on the body and face of each person it visited. And no one, if visited, was ever left alive. Once a person was touched by the Red Death, he immerdiately felt pains, and soon afterwards started to bleed from every part of this body. In thirty minutes he was dead. After that no one, not even his family, went near the blood-covered body. page. 26 I choose it because it is tipical language for author. Maska Rudé Smrti Rudá smrt byla v kraji dlouhé, dlouhé roky. Žádná nemoc nebyla nikdy tak smrtíci. Lidé jí řikali rudá smrt , protože zanechávala krev. Rudou odpornou krev na těle a v tváři každého kdo jí viděl. A nikdo kdo jí viděl nezůstal na živu. Když byl člověk jednou poznamenán Rusou Smrtí, okamžitě cítil boles a brzy poté začal krvácet ze všech častí těla. Ve třiceti minutách byl mrtev. A poté nikdo ani jeho rodina se nepřiblížili k mrtvému krví pokrytému tělu. str.26 Quotation
What I did know before reading the book • That somebody can describe so teribble thing so easily • That cat can survive set-in the wall
Fearless Strange Angry Scared Average Little Angry Prince Prospero
If I were…, I would/would not • If I were Prince I would not invited Red Death • If I were Prince I would hide • If I were Prince I would not risk life of my friends
Recommendation • If you have like scare it is book for you • You must be very esprit fort if you want to read it • I think that this is not very good book • I was disappointed
Resources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Edgar_Allan_Poe_2.jpg