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-Literature is a telling style.Can be called telling your emotions strongly. . About Turkish Literature :.
-Literature is a telling style.Can be called telling your emotions strongly. About Turkish Literature : We can seperate kinds like this – ‘’Nazım’’ ‘’Nesir’’. NazımPoem-Legend-Lament-Masnavi -Turkish literature,comprises both oral compositions and written texts in the Turkish language, either in its Ottoman form or in less exclusively literary forms, such as that spoken in the Republic of Turkeytoday. -To any text needs to be artistic for being a Literature.For the understanding literature you need to put the different ways for it. NesirNovel-Story-Tale-Theater-Experiment-Article-Biography-Autobiography-Review-Memory-Comedy-Literary Epic-Chatting What’s the Turkish Literature ? Nesir is a text art and Nazım is kind of poem. KINDS OF LITERATURES
Mehmet Akif Ersoy : The Great Person of TurkishHistory.Mehmet Akif Ersoy was a Turkish poet, author, academic, member of parliament, and the poet of the Turkish National Anthem. The İstiklal Marsi(Independence March) is the Turkish National Anthem, officially adopted on 12 March 1921 - two and a half years before the 29 October 1923 establishment of the Republic of Turkey, both as a motivational musical saga for the troops fighting in the Turkish War of Independence, and as an anthem for a Republic that was yet to be established. IMPORTANT PERSONS OF TURKISH LITERATURE
Safahat On Kastamonu Chair Verse and Hadith From Koran Articles of Mehmet Akif Ersoy WORKS OF MEHMET AKIF ERSOY
Fear not! For the red flag that proudly ripples in this glorious twilight, shall neverfade, Before the last fiery hearth that is ablaze within my nation is extinguished. For That is the star of my nation, and it will forever shine; It is mine; and solely belongs to my valiant nation. Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent,But smile upon my heroic race! Why the anger, why the rage?Our blood we shed for you will not be worthy otherwise;For freedom is the absolute right of my God-worshipping nation TURKISH Independence March I have been free from eternity and forever will be soWhat madman shall put me in chains! I defy the very idea!I’m like the roaring flood; I’ll run over my embankment and overflow,I’ll tear apart mountains, exceed the offingsand still gush out!
My friend! Leave not my homeland to the hands of villainous men!Render your body shield, so that this disgraceful rush shall stop!For soon shall come the promised days, by God (also interpreted as “the promised days, which you deserve)…Who knows? Perhaps tomorrow? Perhaps even sooner! The horizons of the West may be armored with walls of steel,But I have borders guarded by the mighty chest full of faithRecognize your innate strength (also interpreted as “Let it howl”)! Never fear how can this fiery faith ever be killed,By that battered, single-fanged monster so-called “civilization”? (a symbol referring to the better-armed military forces of the invading European nations that had been greatly reduced by severe Turkish opposition - see Turkish War of Independence ) View not the soil you tread on as mere earth, recognize it!And think about the shroudless thousands who lie so nobly beneath itYou’re the noble son of a martyr, hurt not your ancestor, that will be shame on you!Unhand not this heavenly homeland, even when you’re given worlds. What man would not die for this heavenly piece of land?Martyrs would gush out were one to just squeeze the soil! Martyrs!May God take my life, my beloved and all my possessions from me if He will,But may He not deprive me of my one true homeland for the world
For only then, shall my tombstone -if there is one- lay its forehead on the earth (like in salah) a thousand times in ecstasy,And, o God, my bloody tears shall gush out of my every wound,And precisely so shall my corpse gush out from the earth like an eternal spirit,And perhaps only then, shall my head rise and at long last reach the heavens Oh glorious God, the sole wish of my pain-stricken heart is that,No extrinsic hand should ever touch the bosom of my sacred templeThese adhans, shahadahs of which are the base of my religion,May them resound over my eternal homeland So flap and wave like the bright dawning sky, oh thou glorious crescent,So that our every last drop of blood may finally be worthy!Neither you nor my nation shall ever be annihilated!For freedom is the absolute right of my ever-free flag;For freedom is the absolute right of my God-worshipping nation!
Halide Edip was born in Istanbul (Constantinople).Her father was a secretary of the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II. Edipwas educated at home by private tutors from whom she learned European and Ottoman literature, religion, philosophy, sociology, piano, English, French, and Arabic. She learned Greek from her neighbors and from briefly attending a Greek school in Constantinople. She attended the American College for Girls briefly in 1893. In 1897, she translated Mother by Jacob Abbott, for which the sultan awarded her the Order of Charity.She attended the American College again from 1899 to 1901, when she graduated. Her father's house was a center of intellectual activity in Constantinople and even as a child Halide Edip participated in the intellectual life of the city. HALİDE EDİP ADIVAR : Halide EdIpAdıvar was a Turkish novelist and feminist political leader. She was best known for her novels criticizing the low social status of Turkish women and what she saw as the lack of interest of most women in changing their situation. About Her Literatures Common themes in Halide Edip’s novels were strong, independent female characters who succeeded in reaching their goals against strong opposition. She was also a strong Turkish nationalist, and several stories highlighted the central role of women in the fight for Turkish Independence.
Seviye Talip (1910). Mevut Hükümler (1918). Yeni Turan(1912) Son Eseri(1919). Ateşten Gömlek(1922; translated into English as The Daughter of Smyrna or The Shirt of Flame). Çıkan Kuri(1922). Kalb Ağrısı(1924). Vurun Kahpeye(1926). The Memoirs of Halide Edib, New York-London: The Century, 1926 (published in English). The Turkish Ordeal, New York-London: The Century, 1928 (memoir, published in English). Zeyno’nun Oğlu(1928). Turkey Faces West, New Haven-London: Yale University Press/Oxford University Press, 1930. The Clown and His Daughter (first published in English in 1935 and in Turkish as Sinekli Bakkalin 1936). Türkün Ateşle İmtihanı (memoir, published in 1962; translated into English as House with Wisteria). Mayor WORKS OF HalIde EdIp ADIVAR
Nazımwas born on January 17, 1902, in Selanik, the westernmost metropolis of the Ottoman Empire (today Thessaloniki in Greece), where his father served as a government official. He attended the TaşmektepPrimary School in the Göztepedistrict of Constantinople[its name was Constantinople at that time, until it was renamed as Istanbulin 1930 as part of Atatürk's national reforms[, and later enrolled in the junior high school section of the prestigious GalatasarayLisesi in the Beyoğludistrict, where he began to learn French; but in 1913 he was transferred to the Numune Mektebiin the Nişantaşıdistrict. In 1918 he graduated from the Turkish Naval Academy in Heybeliada, one of the Princes' Islands located in the Sea of Marmara, to the southeast of Constantinople.His school days coincided with a period of political upheaval as the Ottoman government entered the First World War allying itself with Germany. For a brief period he was assigned as a naval officer to the Ottoman Navy cruiser Hamidiye, but in 1919 he became seriously ill, and not being able to fully recover, was exempted from naval service in 1920. In 1921, together with his friends Vala Nurettin (Va-Nu), Yusuf Ziya Ortaçand Faruk Nafiz Çamlıbel, he went to İneboluin Anatolia in order to join the Turkish War of Independence ;from there he (together with Vala Nurettin) walked to Ankara,where the Turkish liberation movement was headquartered. In Ankara they were introduced to Mustafa Kemal Pasha(Atatürk) who wanted the two friends to write a poem that would invite and inspire the Turkish volunteers in Constantinople and elsewhere to join their struggle. This poem was much appreciated, and Muhittin Bey (Birgen) decided to appoint them as teachers to the Sultani(high school) in Bolu, rather than sending them to the front as soldiers. However, their communist views were not appreciated by the conservative officials in Bolu, and the two decided to go to Batumi in the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic to experience in first person the results of the Russian Revolution of 1917, arriving there on September 30, 1921. In July 1922 the two friends went to Moscow, where Hikmetstudied Economics and Sociology at the Communist University of the Toilers of the East in the early 1920s. There, he was influenced by the artistic experiments of Vladimir Mayakovsky and VsevelodMeyerhold, as well as the ideological vision of Lenin. Nazım Hikmet Ran : Commonlyknown as ‘’Nazım Hikmet’’.He was a Turkishpoet, playwright, novelist and memoirist. He was acclaimed for the "lyrical flow of his statements".Describedas a "romantic communist’’and "romantic revolutionary", he was repeatedly arrested for his political beliefs and spent much of his adult life in prison or in exile. His poetry has been translated into more than fifty languages.
A POEM FROM NAZIM HIKMET Invitation Galloping from The Far East reaching to the Mediterranean like a mare head This land is ours. Wrists in blood, teeth clenched, feet bare and like a silk carpet this land, this hell, this heaven is ours. Let the alien doors be closed, let them not open again, abolish man's servitude to man, this invitation is ours. To live like a tree in solitude and free and like a forest in solidarity, this yearning is ours. Nazım Hikmet (1902–1963)
His father was a medical doctor Doktor Nuri Bey.Reşat Nuriattended primary school in Çanakkale,the ÇanakkaleSecondary School and the İzmir School of Erenes. He graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature in 1912. He worked as a teacher and administrator at high schools in Bursa and Istanbul, he taught literature, French and philosophy; then he worked as an inspector at the Ministry of National Education (1931). He served as the deputy of Çanakkalebetween 1933 and 1943 in the Turkish Parliament, the chief inspector at the Ministry of National Education (1947), and a cultural attaché to Paris (1950), when he was also the Turkish representative to UNESCO. After his retirement, he served at the literary board of the Istanbul Municipal Theatres. He died in London, where he had gone to be treated for his lung cancer. He is buried at the KaracaahmetCemetery in İstanbul ResatNuri Güntekin: Reşat Nuri Güntekin was a Turkish novelist, storywriter and playwright. His novel, Çalıkuşu("The Wren", 1922) is about the destiny of a young Turkish female teacher in Anatolia; the movie was filmed on this book in 1966, and remade as TV series in 1986. His narrative has a detailed and precise style, with a realistic tone. His other significant novels include Yeşil Gece("Green Night") and Yaprak Dökümü("The Fall Of Leaves")
Stories Recm, Gençlik ve Güzellik (1919) Roçild Bey (1919) Eski Ahbab (Without known time) Tanrı Misafiri (1927) Sönmüş Yıldızlar (1928) Leylâ ile Mecnun (1928) Olağan İşler (1930) Novels Çalıkuşu (1922) (The Wren - translated as: "The Autobiography Of A Turkish Girl") Gizli El (1924) Damga (1924) Dudaktan Kalbe (1923) (From The Lip To The Heart) Akşam Güneşi (1926) (Afternoon Sun) Bir Kadın Düşmanı (1927) Yeşil Gece (1928) (The Green Night) Acımak (1928) (To Pity) Eski Hastalık (1938) (That Old Sickness) Yaprak Dökümü (1939) (The Fall of Leaves) Değirmen (1944) (The Mill) Kızılcık Dalları (1944) Miskinler Tekkesi (1946) Harabelerin Çiçeği (1953) Kavak Yelleri (1961) Son Sığınak (1961) (The Last Shelter) Ateş Gecesi (1953) (The Night Of Fire) Works Of Nesat Nuri Guntekin
Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı : Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı (born Hüseyin Cahiton October 4, 1910 – October 13, 1956) Turkish poet and author. Biography : Tarancıbelonged to a well known clan family of Diyarbakır(present day: Diyarbakır) like his father Pirinccizade Bekir Sıdkıand his uncle PirncccizadeAziz Feyzi. Tarancıfinished his secondary education in St. Joseph HighSchool, then graduated from GalatasarayLisesiin Istanbul. After Tarancıfinished high school, he continued his education in the School of Political Sciences in Istanbul between the years 1931 and 1935. Then he left for Paris,to study in the Instutd’EtudesPolitiquesde Paris, but he had to return to Turkey without completing his education in the wake of World War II in 1940. From 1944 on, he worked as a translator in the state-owned news agency Anatolian Agency, the Turkish Grain Board (TMO) and the Ministry of Labor. In 1951, he married Cavidan Tınaz. Following a severe illness in 1954, he became paralyzed. As the treatment of his health problem did not succeed in Turkey, he was taken to Vienna, Austria. He died on October 13, 1956 in a hospital there. His body was brought to Turkey and was laid to rest at the Cebeci AsriCemetery in Ankara.
Poems Of Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı AbbasAffet Bizi LambaAkrostişAşk İleBir ŞeyBir Ölünün AğzındanBiz Nerdeyiz Sevgilim?Bugün CumaÇocuklukDesem kiDeğişikDüşten GüzelGün Eksilmesin PenceremdenHepimize DairKar ve HatıralarKorkunç GüzelMemleket İsterimMisafirNüOtuz Beş Yaş ŞiiriÖlümden SonraÖmrümde Sükut
I WANT A COUNTRY I want a country Let the sky be blue,the bough green,the cornfield yellow, Let it be a land of birds and flowers I want a country Let there be no pain in the head, no yearning in the heart Let there be an end to brothers' quarrels A POEM FROM CAHIT SITKI TARANCI I want a country Let there be no rich and poor, no you and me On winter days let everyone have hose and home I want a country Let living be like loving fromthe heart If there must be complaint, let it be of death
Can Yucel : Can Yücel(1926, İstanbul - 1999 Datça) was a Turkish poet noted for his use of colloquial language Biography : Can Yucelwas the son of a former Minister of National Education, HasanAli Yücelwho left his mark on the history of education in Turkey, and a grandchild of an Ottoman sea captain who perished with the frigate Ertuğrul. He studied Latin and Ancient Greek at Ankara University and Cambridge. He later worked as a translator at several embassies and in the Turkish language section of the BBC in London. After his return to Turkey in 1958, he briefly worked as a tourist guide in Bodrumand Marmaris, and then lived in Istanbul where he worked as a freelance translator and started writing poetry. In his later years, he settled in the remote peninsular town of Datçain southwestern Turkey. He died in İzmir in 1999 and is buried in Datça. His tomb is much visited. He had two daughters, Güzeland Su, and a son, Hasan, from his marriage to Güler Yücel
POEMS OF CAN YUCEL Yazma (1950) Her Boydan (1959, Çeviri Şiirler) Sevgi Duvarı (1973) Bağlanmayacaksın Bir Siyasinin Şiirleri (1974) Ölüm ve Oğlum (1976) Şiir Alayı (1981, ilk dört şiir kitabı) Rengâhenk (1982) Gökyokuş (1984) Beşibiyerde (1985, ilk beş şiir kitabı) Canfeda (1985) Çok Bi Çocuk (1988) Kısa Devre (1990) Kuzgunun Yavrusu (1990) Gece Vardiyası Albümü (1991) Güle Güle-Seslerin Sessizliği (1993) Gezintiler (1994) Maaile (1995) Seke Seke (1997) Alavara (1999) Mekânım Datça Olsun (1999) En Uzak Mesafe Benim Adım Firuzansa Ne Olayım Cazcı firuzan (1997) Hotuhların dramı Bilmelisin ki Biraz alıştım Kadın dediğin Bördübet'ten Sedir Adası'na
Assume We Never Separated Assume we never separated I am still longing for you Your magic is still in my eyes I feel as if we are always together You and I, and the world... A POEM FROM CAN YUCEL
Gökalp’swork was particularly influential in shaping the reforms of Kemal Atatürk; his influence figured prominently in the development of Kemalism, and its legacy in the modern Republic of Turkey. Influenced by contemporary European thought, Gökalprejected Ottomanismand Islamismin favor of Turkish nationalism. He advocated a Turkificationof the Ottoman Empire, by imposing the Turkish language and culture onto all the citizenry. His thought, which popularized Pan-Turkism and Turanism, has been described as a "cult of nationalism and modernization". His nationalist ideals espoused a de-identification with Ottoman Turkey's Muslim neighbors, in lieu of a supernationalTurkish (or pan-Turkic) identity with "a territorial Northeast-orientation [to] Turkish speakingpeoples". ZIYA GOKALP : Ziya Gökalpwas born Mehmed Ziya; March 23, 1876, Çermik, Diyarbakır Province - October 25, 1924, Istanbul) was a Turkish sociologist, writer, poet, and political activist. In 1908, after the Young Turk revolution, he adopted the pen name Gökalp("sky hero"), which he retained for the rest of his life. As a sociologist, Ziya Gökalpwas influential in the overhaul of religious perceptions and evolving of Turkish nationalism
Principles of Turkism History of Turkish Civilization Kızılelma (poems) Turkism, Islamism and Modernism History of Kurdish Tribes (Kürt Aşiretleri Hakkında Sosyolojik Tetkikler) A poem from ziya gokalp To The Wind Works of Ziya Gökalp Oh wind,wind where to If you ever pass trough Istanbul Flapping your invisible wing Scatter a sweet breeze on my land While you coming down on a stream Go and greet my home you can hear surely Take kisses from me My heart’s cry To my dearest daughters !