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Student Expectations . 2011 - 2012. The Nimitz Admiral. We did a good job last year and we are going to do a great job this year. We are excited to see you. Let’s go through some criteria that will help you make this year great. 1. Be on time. Tardy Policy:.
Student Expectations 2011 - 2012
The Nimitz Admiral We did a good job last year and we are going to do a great job this year. We are excited to see you. Let’s go through some criteria that will help you make this year great.
1. Be on time Tardy Policy: • To avoid a tardy be in your classroom before the tardy bell rings. • If you are tardy, you will go to the front foyer to receive a tardy pass from Ms. Alvarado. • This contains the time and date of your tardy and is your pass back to class. • If you receive a 4th tardy, you will be assigned an overnight suspension. • Overnight suspension means you may not return to the classroom until a parent/guardian meets with an Assistant Principal (AP). • After the 4th tardy you will meet with an AP for each tardy.
2. Bring all required materials to class • Your teacher will explain to you the required supplies you will need for each of your classes. • ID’s must be worn at all times. • No purses or backpacks in class. These items must be placed in your locker at the beginning of the day and remain there until the end of the day. • Grooming items should not be brought to class. (brushes, combs, mirrors, make-up, etc.)
All hands, feet and objects need to be kept to yourself 3. Respect others and their property
No put downs, rude gestures or cruel teasing 4. Treat others as you want to be treated
ID Badges • When you receive your ID it must be worn at all times throughout the year • If you lose your ID, you must purchase a new one. • A new ID can be purchased before school and during from the library. A new ID will cost $5. If you need to purchase a new ID and lanyard the cost is $6. • If you leave your ID at home, you must purchase a temporary ID. • A temporary ID can be purchased from any teacher. The cost is $1.00. If you do not have a dollar you will be placed on a fine list. • All ID’s must be worn with the lanyard provided. You may not wear a different lanyard.
Smile for the picture!! • 9th grade takes ID pictures in the library starting Monday (8-22). • 8th grade takes ID pictures in the library on Tuesday (8-23) in English classes. • 7th grade takes ID pictures in the library on Wednesday (8-24) in English classes. • Ms. Sorum will call classes when it is time to travel to the library.
Cafeteria Behavior: Breakfast Behavior: • Students are welcome to eat a free breakfast in the cafeteria before school • Breakfast is served every morning. Students are encouraged to help keep the new cafeteria clean • Breakfast menus are posted online or in the Odessa American newspaper
Cafeteria Behavior: Lunch Behavior: • Please walk calmly to the cafeteria for lunch with your teacher - daily. • Students must get to the cafeteria in a timely manner (5 minutes)
Cafeteria BehaviorLunch Behavior • Upon entering the cafeteria, students must be seated by classes. Tables will be allowed to line up to in order. • While waiting for food selections, line up single file and respect those waiting behind them.
Cafeteria Behavior: Lunch Behavior con’t: • Students are responsible for cleaning their area • Lunch menus are posted online and the Odessa American newspaper • Parents can pay with a check into the students’ account monthly
Standard Attire Expectations • Pants are to be worn at waistline • Shirts must be tucked in AT ALL TIMES and belts must be completely visible all the way around • Only Black or Brown solid leather style belts
Standard Attire Expectations • No logos • If your clothing has a logo, a patch must be worn over it • Patches are available in the front office for $1.00 • Coats may not be worn in the building
Standard Attire Shirt Magic • No rolling or folding under • Cuts are not permitted on spirit shirts
Referrals: • Referrals can result in the loss of privileges, such as: • Membership in the National Junior Honor Society • Being a cheerleader • Admission to playnights • Removal from the bus
School Success Attendance – • All absences need to be called in by parent or guardian. • Absences that are not called in are automatically entered into the automated home call system. • State Attendance Requirements: Includes both excused and unexcused absences. 9th grade - 9 absences per semester. 7th and 8th grade - 18 absences per school year. Students not making up absent hours will not be promoted to the next grade level. • Students are encouraged to apply for the attendance appeal process to make up time to recover grades and credits
School Success Attendance – continued • Extra Curricular Activities: Students are allowed to participate in extracurricular school activities (music, athletics, AVID) during to school day. • These absences do not count toward state attendance requirements.
School Success Homework - • Homework is assigned by the teacher. All homework is to be completed as per individual teacher requirements. • The time allotted for completing make-up work is one school day for each consecutive absence plus one day. • Make-up work may not be requested before a minimum of three-days consecutive absences.
School Success Homework - continued • Tutoring. All teachers will offer a morning tutoring sessions dependent upon their duty schedule. Morning tutoring sessions begin at 8:25 a.m. promptly. • Students attending tutoring are encouraged to enter the building between 8:20-8:25 a.m.
Passing Periods • Students are given 5 minutes between classes. Use this time to get materials, use the restroom and be on time to class. • Candy and other items will not be sold during the school day by any organization, per state law.
Passing Periods continued • If you need to see the nurse, please visit with your classroom teacher before leaving. You must have a pass to leave class. • Visiting other teachers during class time is not permitted. Student are expected to be with their assigned classroom teacher at all times. A pass from the visiting teacher will not be accepted.
Passing Periods continued • Students attending off-campus athletic classes must remain in their regular on-campus classes until the bell rings. • Changing into athletic clothes must be accomplished after the bell rings. (No early release)
Hallway Behavior • Be cool in the hallways. • Refrain from shoving, playing around, and running. • Keep the traffic moving safely in the hallways.
Lockers • Students are to write down their locker number and combination and place it in a safe place. • Take the extra time to ensure that the locker is closed and locked before walking away. Keep your locker combination to yourself (others are not allowed to know it). • Students may not share lockers. The student assigned to the locker is held responsible for all items placed in the locker.
Lockers continued • Students are to practice opening their lockers (using the combination). • Students are not to stand at lockers and visit with other students. Use proper locker etiquette. • Use of a locker organizer is allowed.
Student behavior with substitutes • Respect substitute teachers. Show the substitute the same consideration as any other classroom teacher. • School and classroom rules will be in effect and followed.
Cellular Phones and other Electronic Devices • All electronic devices must be in the OFF position during school hours and while at the school campus. • Any electronic device observed not in the OFF position will be confiscated.
Cellular Phones and Paging Devices continued • Students who violate the restricted use and possession stipulations shall be subject to the following measures related to the confiscation of the electronic device. • District employees shall confiscate any electronic devices found on school campuses during school hours that are being used or possessed in violation of School Board policy. They shall be held in the school office until the end of the school day in which confiscated. A $15.00 administrative fee will be assessed for the return of the device to the student’s legal parent/guardian.
Permanent Markers • Students are prohibited from possessing or using permanent markers on school property, at school-related or school-sponsored activities on or off school property. The District shall not require permanent markers for students’ school supplies.
Bullying or Taunting Behaviors • Students must not participate, either individually or in a group, in bullying or taunting behaviors toward another student. Such behaviors may include repeated teasing or ridicule, name-calling, threats, theft, gossip and rumors, or physical intimidation of any kind. • A substantiated complaint against a student will result in disciplinary action, according to the nature of the offense and the Student Code of Conduct.
SEARCHES • In the interest of promoting student safety and attempting to ensure that schools are safe and drug free, District officials may from time to time conduct searches of a student’s clothing, personal property, method of transportation, or school property used by the student (such as lockers or desks). Searches may include the use of metal detectors and specially trained dogs. Such searches are conducted without a warrant and as permitted by law.
Students’ Desks and Lockers • Students’ desks and lockers are school property and remain under the control and jurisdiction of the school even when assigned to an individual student. • Students are fully responsible for the security and contents of the assigned desks and lockers. • Students must be certain that their locker is locked, and that the combination is not available to others. • Searches of desks or lockers may be conducted at any time there is reasonable cause to believe that they contain articles or materials prohibited by District policy, whether or not a student is present. • The parent will be notified if any prohibited items are found in the student’s desk or locker.
TEXTBOOKS • State-approved textbooks are provided free of charge for each subject or class. Books must be covered by the student, as directed by the teacher, and treated with care. A student who is issued a damaged book should report the damage to the teacher. Any student failing to return a book issued by the school loses the right to free textbooks until the book is returned or paid for by the parent. However, a student will be provided textbooks for use at school during the school day.
Attendance and 1st day counts • The 1st day count is the number and identity of students who attended class on the first day of school. • Balance membership and keep track of no-shows. • Teach student how to read and understand the schedules.
Remember that the staff at Nimitz Junior High School is committed to your academic success. We accept the responsibility of creating school and classroom conditions that promote the best possible experience. We will provide opportunities for you to learn, lead, take responsibility and be accountable for the tasks assigned. WELCOME!!!
This is a GREAT school year. • Way to go Admirals!