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Enhancing English Proficiency: ACCESS for ELLs Suite of Assessments

Discover detailed reports and scores of the ACCESS for ELLs suite of assessments for Florida's English Language Learner (ELL) population. Learn about proficiency level scores, criteria, and resources available for students. Find essential information on student performance, reclassification criteria, and test administration guidelines. Prepare for the Spring 2020 ACCESS for ELLs assessments using the essential resources provided by the Florida Department of Education.

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Enhancing English Proficiency: ACCESS for ELLs Suite of Assessments

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  1. ACCESS for ELLsSuite of Assessments Sabrina Read, WIDA Florida ACCESS Manager Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment 2019 Annual Statewide Assessment Meeting August 28, 2019

  2. ACCESS for ELLs District Assessment Coordinator Resource Available at https://fsassessments.org/resources/annual-dac-meeting/

  3. Overview of the English Language Proficiency Assessment Results

  4. ACCESS for ELLsMeasuring Students' Academic Language Abilities in English

  5. 2018–2019ACCESS for ELLsSuite of Assessments Results Florida’s 2018–2019 English Language Learner (ELL) population: 291,407 • 275,088 ELLs were assessed in Florida on all four language test domains (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing) during January 28, 2019–March 27, 2019. • 22% of ELLs were proficient in English on ACCESS for ELLs (Grades K–12) • 55% of ELLs were proficient in English on Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (Grades 1–12) Source: PK–12 Enrollment, ELLs, Final Survey 2, 2018–19

  6. ACCESS for ELLs (Grades K–12) Proficiency Level Scores • Describes student performance in terms of WIDA English language proficiency levels 1.0–6.0. • Rule 6A-6.09021.4, FAC, Annual English Language Proficiency Assessment for English Language Learners (ELLs): Florida’s English Language Proficiency criteria is at least a 4.0 in Reading and a 4.0 for the Overall Composite score.

  7. Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (Grades 1–12)Proficiency Level Scores • Describes student performance in terms of WIDA Alternate English language proficiency levels A1–A3 and P1–P2. • Rule 6A-6.09021.4, FAC, Annual English Language Proficiency Assessment for English Language Learners (ELLs): Florida’s English Language Proficiency criteria is at least a P1 for the Overall Composite score.

  8. ACCESS for ELLsFlorida’s English Language Proficiency Scores on the Individual Student Report (ISR) Alternate ACCESS Overall score must be P1 or greater ACCESS for ELLs Reading and Overall scores must be 4.0 or greater

  9. Spring 2019 ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Student Results For the comprehensive Spring 2019 ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs student results, please visit the following link: https://info.fldoe.org/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-8619/DPS-2019-114-Attachment%20A.pdf Current and historical student results are posted to FDOE’s ACCESS for ELLs webpage.

  10. Exiting Students from the ESOL Program Florida utilizes a conjunctive model to make decisions regarding reclassification. Per Rule 6A-6.0903, FAC, Requirements for Exiting ELLs from the ESOL Program, a student must demonstrate proficiency in the English language and achieve scores on applicable FSA in ELA or FSAA, as follows: • For students in grades K–2, the statewide English Language Proficiency Assessment is the only assessment required; • For students in grades 3–9, earning a passing score on the grade level FSA in ELA or the FSAA, pursuant to rule 6A-1.09430, FAC; or • For students in grades 10–12, a score on the 10th grade FSA in ELA, or a score on the FSAA, pursuant to rule 6A-1.09430, FAC, or a score on the 10th grade FCAT in Reading, pursuant to rule 6A-1.09422, FAC, sufficient to meet applicable graduation requirements, or an equivalent concordant score pursuant to section 1008.22, F.S.

  11. ACCESS for ELLsTest Administration and Coordination Overview

  12. New for Spring 2020 ACCESS for ELLs

  13. 2019–2020 ACCESS for ELLs Schedule

  14. ACCESS for ELLsSuite of Assessments For the Spring 2020 administration, the following assessments will be used to satisfy state and federal requirements for the annual assessment of the English language proficiency of English language learners (ELLs): • Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, a paper-based assessment for Kindergarten • ACCESS for ELLs Paper, a paper-based assessment for Grades 1–12 • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, a paper-based assessment for ELLs in Grades 1–12 who have significant cognitive disabilities

  15. Florida Department of Education’s (FDOE) ACCESS for ELLs Webpagehttp://fldoe.org/accountability/assessments/k-12-student-assessment/access-for-ells.stml Important resources for Florida’s administration of ACCESS for ELLs suite of assessments can be located on the FDOE website.

  16. ACCESS for ELLsSpring 2020 Key Resources Coming Soon!

  17. ACCESS for ELLsSuite of Assessments – At A Glance Tier placement assigned via Survey 2 will be listed as the District Student ID on the Pre-ID Label and within WIDA AMS. Note: If the tier changes for a student, schools can proceed to affix label to the Student Response Booklet (i.e., BC to A). (continued on next slide)

  18. ACCESS for ELLsSuite of Assessments – At A Glance (cont.) (continued on next slide)

  19. ACCESS for ELLsSuite of Assessments – At A Glance (cont.) (continued on next slide)

  20. ACCESS for ELLsSuite of Assessments – At A Glance (cont.)

  21. ACCESS for ELLsStudents to Be Tested All students enrolled in the district (grades K–12) and classified ELL, with a code of “LY” on the 1st day of the test administration window, must be administered one of the following English language proficiency assessments: • Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs • ACCESS for ELLs • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (continued on next slide)

  22. ACCESS for ELLsStudents to Be Tested (cont.) ELLs with disabilities participate in the statewide assessment program by taking one of the following English language proficiency assessments with or without accommodations: • Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, • ACCESS for ELLs, or • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Note: Document the participation and accommodation decisions in the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan and in the student’s ELL Plan. (continued on next slide)

  23. ACCESS for ELLsStudents to Be Tested (cont.) Home Education Program Students • Students who receive instruction at home, are registered appropriately with their district office as Home Education Program students, and meet the requirement for students to be tested for the 2020 ACCESS for ELLs administration may participate in the administration for their grade level only, as directed by the District Assessment Coordinator. Florida Virtual School (FLVS) Full-Time Students • Per Section 1002.37(9)(c), F.S., students enrolled full-time in the Florida Virtual School and who meet the requirement for students to be tested for the 2020 ACCESS for ELLs administration require accommodations for testing in the district in which they reside. • Note: Testing district will be provided with FLVS student labels to affix to test materials from local overage.

  24. Participation Criteria for Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Florida's Alternate ACCESS for ELLs participation criteria is as follows: • The student is classified as ELL, with a code of "LY" on the first day of the testing window (January 27, 2020). • The student has a significant cognitive disability and receives special education services under IDEA (2004). • The student requires extensive direct individualized instruction and substantial supports to achieve measurable gains in the grade and age appropriate curriculum. • The student is or will be participating in Access Points Curriculum and/or Statewide, Standardized Alternate Assessment. Determining whether a student should be tested on ACCESS for ELLs Paper or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is a decision best made by the student’s IEP team.

  25. ACCESS for ELLsTier Placement and Test Materials Ordering via Survey 2 To ensure that the district receives the necessary test materials for the Spring 2020 ACCESS for ELLs administration, it is imperative that all ELL students with a code of LY, LF, LP, LA, and LZ have a tier designation/code as indicated below.  •  All grades 1–12 students with a code of LY have a code of A, B, or C. • Note: Students who have a significant cognitive disability and meet the participation criteria for Alternate ACCESS for ELLs must have a code of D. • All kindergarten students with code of LY and students in grades K–12 with a code of LF, LP, LA, and LZ have a code of Z. To review the tier placement guidance, please visit http://fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/18758/urlt/1920-197279.pdf

  26. ACCESS for ELLsShipping Address and Overage Quantities Survey Purpose: To collect the district’s shipping address for initial test materials. In addition, this survey permits districts to request additional overage quantities to reduce the need to place additional material orders for ACCESS for ELLs (Grades K–12). If materials are requested, please note a student record will be created and assigned to the State Provided School (9999) within the Pre-ID file submitted to DRC in November. Survey Link:  https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3reRjknnhkRXnrT Please identify one district contact to complete this survey by September 4, 2019.

  27. ACCESS for ELLs2ndWave of Pre-ID Labels Process • FDOE ShareFile Pathways • ACCESS for ELLs Resources: K–12 Administration > ACCESS for ELLs > Districts > 2019–2020 Resources • District’s ACCESS for ELLs Folder: K–12 Administration > ACCESS for ELLs > Districts > District Name > 2019–20 Administration

  28. ACCESS for ELLsWho will receive a 2nd Pre-ID Label? • If student was submitted via Survey 2, a change in the following will create a new Pre-ID Label: • Student Name (First/Last) • FLEID • District and/or School Code • Grade Level • Any new student enrollments included in the 2nd Wave Pre-ID File will automatically receive a Pre-ID Label.

  29. ACCESS for ELLsWIDA Accessibility and Accommodations Framework Testing accommodations must be listed in a student’s active IEP or 504 plan. [Triangle width indicates estimated proportion of ELLs using each type of support]

  30. ACCESS for ELLsAccommodation or Administrative Consideration? (continued on next slide)

  31. ACCESS for ELLsAccommodation or Administrative Consideration? (cont.)

  32. ACCESS for ELLsImportant Resources & Secure Portals

  33. ACCESS for ELLsFDOE ShareFile: https://fldoe.sharefile.com/ District ACCESS for ELLs Folder Pathway: (K–12 Administration > ACCESS for ELLs > Districts > District Name > 2019–2020 Administration) The purpose of this folder is to report testing irregularities, submit scoring appeals, data correction requests, and other PII. After testing is complete, District Assessment Coordinators will have an opportunity to conduct Pre-Reporting Data Validation Activities. ACCESS for ELLs 2019–2020 Resources Folder Pathway: (K–12 Administration > ACCESS for ELLs > Districts > 2019–2020 Resources) The purpose of this folder is to provide all districts with resources to modify/share with participating schools to support understanding of Florida’s policies and procedures related to the ACCESS for ELLs suite of assessments. Note: Notification will be provided as resources become available within each folder. 1 2

  34. ACCESS for ELLsWIDA Website https://wida.wisc.edu/ Login to WIDA Secure Portal

  35. ACCESS for ELLs Select WIDA Secure Portal

  36. ACCESS for ELLs WIDA Secure Portal and Account Info

  37. ACCESS for ELLsFlorida’s Key Resources in Training Courses STOP • 2020 Florida-Specific Manuals: • Spring 2020 ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration Manual • 2020 Florida Accessibility and Accommodations Supplement

  38. ACCESS for ELLsCertification Requirements for Test Administrators 1 3 2 Test Administrators must complete the applicable quiz(zes) with a passing rate of 80% or higher to become certified to administer the assessment. For state-specific requirements, please review the Florida ACCESS for ELLs Checklist for additional responsibilities for before, during, and after testing. • Educators with training certificates earned prior to July 2018 mustrecertify.

  39. ACCESS for ELLsAnnual Recertification • It is a district’s decision whether certified Test Administrators must retake the Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, ACCESS for ELLs Speaking, Paper Administration Quiz Grades 1–12, and/or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs quizzes for the 2019–20 administration. • Even if Test Administrators are not required to recertify this year, it is recommended that educators review the training materials to prepare for their roles.

  40. ACCESS for ELLsTraining and Certification Requirements for Assessment Coordinators • Complete tasks identified for the Assessment Coordinator on the Florida ACCESS for ELLs Checklist • Review applicable sections of the FL Accessibility and Accommodations Supplement and WIDA AMS User Guide • Review the online training available via the WIDA Secure Portal for each assessment being administered in the district and/or school • It is recommended to complete the ACCESS for ELLs Paper Administration Quiz with a passing rate of 80% or higher

  41. FDOE ACCESS for ELLsUpcoming Pre-Recorded Webinars Florida webinars will be displayed under State/District Webinars via the Download Library in the WIDA Secure Portal. Note: Notification will be provided when webinars are accessible.

  42. ACCESS for ELLsCreating WIDA Secure Portal Accounts District Assessment Coordinators have three options to create accounts for school and district personnel involved in the Spring 2020 ACCESS for ELLs administration.   • Use the WIDA Accounts Form that is posted in the FDOE’s ACCESS for ELLs 2019–20 Resources folder. Complete the spreadsheet and send to help@wida.us for an automatic upload of all user accounts and permissions. • Create individual accounts using the Account Creator via the WIDA Secure Portal.  • District Assessment Coordinators can assign the “Creating Users” permission to School Assessment Coordinators, which would allow those staff members to create basic ACCESS-only accounts. Educators would still be required to obtain additional permissions (i.e., WIDA Screener) from their District Assessment Coordinator.

  43. ACCESS for ELLsDeactivating WIDA Secure Portal Accounts District Assessment Coordinators have the functionality to deactivate an account within the WIDA Secure Portal via the Account Management & Training Status > User Permissions. Inactive Accounts: Blue Check Mark

  44. ACCESS for ELLsMonitoring Training Certification via WIDA Secure Portal Use the Account Management and Training Status tile to monitor the training status for school-level personnel. • Assessment Coordinators are responsible for ensuring that all Test Administrators have completed applicable training components before handling secure test materials or administering the ACCESS for ELLs suite of assessments. • Download a spreadsheet for the district or individual schools to track training progress. • Users can view/print a certificate from the My Training Certificate tile.

  45. ACCESS for ELLsWIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS) www.wida-ams.us WIDA AMS is a secure portal for District Assessment Coordinators to manage test logistics and access score reports. Note: Notification will be provided when the 2019–20 Administration is added to WIDA AMS.

  46. ACCESS for ELLsTop Pathways in WIDA AMS Always start with “All Applications” • Add/Deactivate Accounts: All Applications > User Management • Edit Student Information: All Applications > Student Management > Manage Students • Retrieve Shipping Reports: All Applications > Report Delivery > Test Results • Order Additional Materials: All Applications > Materials > Additional Materials • Report Missing Materials: All Application > Materials > Accountability Form • Complete Student Transfer Form: All Applications > Student Management > Manage Students > Student Transfer Form • Retrieve Score Report (District/School): All Applications > Report Delivery > Test Results • Retrieve Individual Student Report: All Applications > Report Delivery > On-Demand Reports

  47. ACCESS for ELLsWIDA AMS Accounts for Assessment Coordinators • New District Assessment Coordinators can submit a request via email to sabrina.read@fldoe.org. • School Assessment Coordinators: District Assessment Coordinator creates accounts at their discretion. User accounts can be created individually or via file upload. • Important: WIDA, DRC, and FDOE will not process requests for a new account. 2019–20 Administration Coming Soon! Notification will be provided when the new school year is an option in WIDA AMS to create new users for the new administration.

  48. ACCESS for ELLsDeactivate WIDA AMS Accounts For user accounts within the 2018–19 administration that should be deactivated, please visit All Applications > User Management > Edit User. • Search by User Role and/or school to narrow the list. • Click the 3rd icon (person) under Action to deactivate an account. Note: Accounts that remain active from the 2018–19 administration will automatically roll-over in mid-September to the 2019–20 administration. Inactive Accounts: Red ball will turn Green

  49. ACCESS for ELLsAdditional Materials Ordering (AMO) The District Assessment Coordinator can place up to 3additional materials orders for the district office via WIDA AMS for school site “District-Level Additional Orders Only Site - WWWW.” • All additional materials will be delivered to the district office within 2 to 4 days after placing the order. • Depending on the district's policy, test materials (except District/School Labels) may be transferred from school-to-school sites within a district as needed to avoid ordering additional test materials via WIDA AMS.

  50. ACCESS for ELLsSpecial Orders (Not Available in WIDA AMS) • If needed, DistrictAssessment Coordinators can submit an ordering form to FDOE for Human Reader Accommodation Scripts oradditional District/School Labels. • The Human Reader Accommodation Script is intended for use only in cases where students have the specific Human Reader accommodation for ACCESS for ELLs Paper. • Ordering forms will be posted to FDOE ShareFile ACCESS for ELLs Resources: (K–12 Administration > ACCESS for ELLs > Districts > 2019–2020 Resources) • Orders are processed and shipped within 2 to 4 days.

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