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Molecular Mass Spectrometry. Prof. N. Rama Rao Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical sciences, Guntur nadendla2000@yahoo.co.in. 44amu. 44amu. +1. +2. =. =. 44. mass (amu or dalton). charge(+). =. =. 22. m. m. z. z. I. Introduction.
Molecular Mass Spectrometry Prof. N. Rama Rao Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical sciences, Guntur nadendla2000@yahoo.co.in
44amu 44amu +1 +2 = = 44 mass (amu or dalton) charge(+) = = 22 m m z z I. Introduction • Mass Spectrometry - used to determine the mass and structure of molecules based on the mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio of the molecular ion and its fragments. • m/z = mass-to-charge ratio = • Example: CH3-CH2-CH3 + e- CH3-CH2-CH3+ + 2e- CH3-CH2-CH3 + e- CH3-CH2-CH3++ + 3e-
• Spectra are plotted in terms of relative molecular ion abundance vs. m/z. • Molecular ion peak (M) - the peak arising from the entire molecule with a +1 charge. • Base peak - the peak with the highest abundance (i.e. the most stable molecular fragment). • Abundance is commonly expressed as a percentage of the base peak, where the base peak = 100% abundance.
• All mass spectrometers are constructed of the same basic components. • The inlet system, ion source, mass analyzer, and detector are incased in a vacuum chamber so air molecule (N2, O2, CO2, etc.) will not interfere with the analysis. • The ion source and the mass analyzer are the two most important components of any mass spectrometer.
II. Ion Sources • A mass spectrometer works by using magnetic and electric fields to exert forces on • charged particles (ions) in a vacuum. Therefore, a compound must be charged or • ionized to be analyzed by a mass spectrometer. • Furthermore, the ions must be introduced in the gas phase into the vacuum system of • the mass spectrometer. • This is easily done for gaseous or heat-volatile samples. • However, many (thermally labile) analytes decompose upon heating. These • kinds of samples require either desorption or desolvation methods if they are to • be analyzed by mass spectrometry. • Although ionization and desorption/desolvation are usually separateprocesses, the term "ionization method" is commonly used to refer to both ionization and desorption (or desolvation) methods.
II. Ion Sources (cont……) • The component responsible for the formation of the molecular ions. • There are a variety of techniques used to form the molecular ions and the appearance of the spectra is highly dependent upon the ion source. • There are two major categories of ion sources: A) Gas-Phase - samples are vaporized prior to ionization. This technique is useful for compounds with masses less than 1000 amu and boiling points below 500° C. B) Desorption - molecular ions are formed from solid or liquid samples. This technique is useful for nonvolatile and thermally unstable compounds.
• Ion sources are also classified by the energetics of the ionization process: A) Hard Sources - impart sufficient energy on the analyte to leave the molecule in an excited state in which relaxation results in the rupture of bonds. Electron Impact Ionization A) Soft Sources - cause little fragmentation and the spectra have few, if any, peaks besides the M peak. Field Ionization
• There are varying degrees of source “hardness”. Electron Impact Ionization (EI) Chemical Ionization (CI) Field Desorption (FD)
A. Electron Impact (EI) Ionization • A hard, gas phase ion source. • The analyte molecules pass through a stream of electrons which bombard the molecule and dislodge an electron. M + e- M• + + 2e- • The positive ions are attracted to the accelerator plate by a potential ( 70 V) applied between the accelerator plate and the repeller. • Results in a highly excited M•+, which undergoes fragmentation and rearrangement.
• The spectra from EI mass spectrometers have many peaks arising from many fragments (daughter peaks).
• Isotope Peaks - peaks with a m/z greater than M in an electron impact mass spectrum are usually due to the natural abundance of isotopes. • The relative abundance of these peaks are useful in determining the carbon, oxygen, sulfur, bromine, and chlorine content of a compound being analyzed.
• Advantages and disadvantages of electron impact ionization: Advantages: 1) Good sensitivity 2) The fragmentation pattern allows for unambiguous identification of an analyte. Disadvantages: 1) Samples must be volatilized, so the technique is not useful for high boiling or thermally unstable compounds. 2) Extensive fragmentation can cause the disappearance of the M peak.
B. Chemical Ionization (CI) • Same setup as EI except the ionization chamber is pressurized with a reagent gas. • The reagent gas is present in a 103 to 104 excess over the analyte. • The reagent gas, usually methane, is preferentially ionized. CH4 + e- CH4•+ + 2e- • The primary ions CH4•+ and CH3+ form, which go on to give secondary ions. CH4•+ + CH4 CH5+ + CH3• CH3+ + CH4 C2H5+ + H2 CH4 + C2H5+ C3H5+ + 2H2 • Collisions between the reagent ions and the analyte cause proton transfer and hydride transfer to occur. CH5+ + MH MH2+ +CH4 C2H5+ + MH MH2+ + C2H4 C2H5+ + MH M+ + C2H6 Proton Transfer Hydride Transfer • Spectra contain M+1 & M-1 molecular ion peaks.
C. Desorption Techniques • Soft ionization techniques that usually result in spectra that consist of only M or M+1 peaks. • Commonly used for biological samples (i.e. proteins & DNA) or thermally unstable molecules and can measure molecular weights that exceed 10,000 amu. 1. Electrospray Ionization (ESI) • The most common ionization technique used to analyze biomolecules. • Can be used to analyze biological macromolecules > 100,000 amu. • The sample is pumped through a needle surrounded by several kV of potential. • The charged spray of ultra-fine droplets of sample then passes into a capillary. • While in the capillary the solvent evaporates and the charge is attached to the analyte.
2. Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB) • The sample is prepared in a glycerol matrix and bombarded with high velocity argon or xenon atoms. • Analyte anions and cations sputter off the sample, but only cations enter the mass analyzer due to a negatively charged accelerator/repeller plate at the analyzer inlet. • The matrix reduces fragmentation of the analyte by absorbing most of the vibrational energy imparted by the fast atom stream. • Used primarily for high molecular weight polar compounds.
3. Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) • The sample is prepared in an aqueous/alcohol solution and mixed with a large excess of a radiation-absorbing matrix material. • The sample matrix is then dried (evaporated) on the surface of a metallic probe. • The mixture is then irradiated with a pulsed laser beam of the same wavelength that the radiation-absorbing matrix absorbs. Analyte cations are released from the mixture and enter a time-of-flight mass analyzer. • The entire mass spectrum is obtained between laser pulses. • MALDI has found widespread application for large (mw > 100,000) biological macromolecules since its inception in 1988.
III. Mass Analyzers A) Resolution - measurement of a mass analyzers ability to separate masses that are very close together. R = resolution m = average mass of two adjacent peaks Dm= mass difference of two adjacent peaks • Two peaks are considered resolved if the height of the valley between the peaks is < 10% the height of the shortest peak. • Example: What is the resolution of a mass analyzer that resolves peaks at m/z = 436.036 and 436.055?
B. Some Common Mass Analyzers 1. Magnetic Sector Mass Analyzer • Select mass based on centrifugal force in a magnetic field and the velocity of the molecular ion in the magnetic field. • Curvature of molecular ions flight path depends on the mass of the ion, velocity of the ion, and the magnetic field strength. • Mass is selected by varying either the strength of the magnetic field or the velocity of the ions. • The velocity of the ions can be varied by adjusting the potential difference between the repeller plate and the accelerator plates in an EI ionizer.
2. Quadrapole Filter • Constructed of four metal rods, which have an alternating charge applied. • At a given rate of alternation of the rod charges, only ions of the proper m/z will pass through the quadrapole and reach the detector slit. • Quadrapole filters have very fast scan times (< 1 s) and are often used as detectors for gas chromatography or liquid chromatography systems.
3. Time-of-Flight (TOF) Mass Analyzers • Select mass based on the time it takes an ion to fly through a field free, evacuated tube and reach a negatively charged detector. • Ions with higher m/z will take longer to reach the detector than ions of lower m/z. • Used for high molecular weight compound due to the limited resolution and sensitivity of the analyzer.
3. Ion Trap (Ion Cyclotron) • Constructed of a donut-shaped ring electrode and a second pair of electrodes that form end caps. • A current is placed on the ring electrode inducing a magnetic field in the trap. The gaseous ions that enter the trap will circulate in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field, effectively trapping the molecular ions. • The potential on the end cap electrodes is then scanned. The ions will spin out of the trap to the detector as a function of the mass-to-charge ratio and the strength of the potential on the end caps. • Ion traps have a limited mass range (500 – 1000 amu) and selectivity. • Low cost alternative to a quadrapole filter detector for a gas chromatography system.
Mass Spectrometry: Mass and Molecular Formula The Mass of a Charged Particle Can Be Measured In A Mass Spectrometer Sample Molecule Held in Gas Phase Radical Cations are High Energy Species and Are Capable of Undergoing Fragmentation
Mass Spectrometer - General Layout Typical Mass Spectrum Only charged particles are deflected by the Magnet
Mass Spectrum of Toluene BASE PEAK m/z = 91 C7H7+. PARENT ION: P m/z = 92 C7H8+. PEAKS DUE TO PARENT ION FRAGMENTATION: DAUGHTER IONS P+1 m/z = 93 12C613C1H8 i) The P+1 Peak is Approximately 1% of the Intensity of the Parent Ion. Why? ii) The Level of Fragmentation is Quite Low. Why?
Fragmentation of Toluene Parent Ion C7H8+. m/z = 92 Benzyl cations are stabilized by resonance Positive charge smeared across 7 carbon atoms
Different Molecules Can Have the Same Molecular Weight! In most cases we don’t know the formula of our molecule ahead of time……. SO How can we distinguish between A and B? A B
Accurate Mass Measurement is the Solution! A B Mass Spectrometers are accurate enough to distinguish between molecules which have the same molecular formula
Parent Ions Undergo Fragmentation Parent Peaks (M+.) Daughter Peaks Each Molecule Has a Unique Fragmentation Pattern
Mass Spectrometer - Location of Fragmentation Fragmentation Occurs Here Typical Mass Spectrum Only charged particles are deflected by the Magnet
The Course of Fragmentation is Directed by Daughter Ion Stability
Fragmentation Patterns - Formation of Acylium Cations Base Peak C4H9+ m/z = 57 Parent Peak m/z = 142 C5H9O+ m/z = 85
The Course of Fragmentation is Directed by Daughter Ion Stability (Alkenes) m/z = 72 Remember 3o > 2o >> 1o cations No Parent Peak at m/z = 72! WHY?
Fragmentation Patterns - Elimination of Water No Parent Peak at m/z = 74! WHY?a E1 Elimination Reactions
McLafferty Rearrangement of Butyraldehyde C3H4O, m/z = 44 C4H8O, m/z = 72 M +1 You can recognize a McLafferty Rearrangement by loss of 44 mass units (ethylene)
Applications for Mass Spectrometry Technology biomedical research • Genomics (Genotype) • Genetic disease markers (e.g. SNP’s) • Proteomics (Phenotype) • Protein based disease markers • ‘Metabolomics’ (Chemotype) • Metabolite based disease markers • The ultimate expression of a disease • These 3 application • areas represent • new and exciting • opportunities for • mass spectrometry. • The 3 areas are • closely related to one • another and to • human health.
Important Recent Developments in Biological Mass Spectrometry • API Ionization-MSMS (ITD or QqQ) • Electrospray • APCI • MALDI-TOF • Qq-TOF • FT-MS with MALDI and ESI
Fastest Growing Applications • Biomedical • Proteomics • Genomics • Clinical “Metabolomics” (metabolic disorders, TDM) • Pharmaceutical • Preclinical pharmacology (Drug discovery) • Combinatorial chemistry (Drug discovery) • Clinical trials (Drug development)
A A A A = Analyte; = Solvent; = Vacuum system Atmospheric Pressure Ionization (API) Before API e.g. GC/MS A A+ MS Liquid Introduction Mass Spectrometry After API e.g. LC/MS A A+ MS
NH 2 Homocysteine Exact Mass: 135.04 Mol. Wt.: 135.18 Homocysteine by LC-MSMS HOOC SH Cardiovascular Risk Factor: mechanism currently unknown, however, believed will become as important to cardiovascular health and wellness as cholesterol Clinical Chemistry, 45(1999)1517
Homocysteine: MSMS Product Ion Spectrum [M+H-HCO2H]+ [M+H]+
140+ 94+ 136+ 90+ Homocysteine in Plasma:LC-MSMS Response (15 mM)