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Proposal for a beamline on Non Crystalline Diffraction for Life and Material Sciences

This proposal outlines the design and specifications for a beamline on ALBA optimized for Non-Crystalline Diffraction in Life and Material Sciences. It focuses on the requirements, layout, detectors, and user engagement for Small Angle X-ray Scattering and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering studies, with a modular microfocus option. The proposal also highlights current research topics and the scientific cases for both Biological and Materials Science applications.

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Proposal for a beamline on Non Crystalline Diffraction for Life and Material Sciences

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  1. SAC presentation, Barcelona 21st February 2005 Proposal for a beamline on Non Crystalline Diffraction for Life and Material Sciences with Modular Microfocus Option on ALBA Presented on behalf of the working group by: T.A. Ezquerra Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC Serrano 119, Madrid 28006

  2. Outline • What? • Why? • Who?

  3. Small Angle X-ray Scattering Wide Angle X-ray Scattering Microfocus Option What? Non Crystalline Diffraction Beamline Requirements Brilliance: 1017-1018 photons/s/(mrad)2/(mm)2 Energy range: Continuous from 0.2 nm (6 keV) to 0.07 nm (20 keV) optimized for 0.1 nm (12.4 keV). Photon flux: 1012 Ph/s Band Pass: 10-4 With standard focusing Beam size at sample/detector: 10mm (V), 150 mm (H) Divergence at sample/detector: 0.02mrad(V), 0.04 mrad (H) With microfocus Beam size at sample/detector < 5mm diameter. Divergence at sample/detector:  0.05 mrad Positional stability: 1 % RMS during 1-10 seconds

  4. What? Tentative layout ID Monochromator Mirror Microfocus optics Pin-hole collimation (5 and 10 mm collimators). Kirkpatrick-Baez mirror. ≤ 1 mm Fresnel lenses (0.1-0.5 mm with a 109 ph/s flux). Beryllium Compound Refractive Lenses. Toroidal focusing mirror (vertical and horizontal focusing). A double crystal Si (111) monochromator or Multilayer Vacuum undulator will be required due to the higher flux and to the lower divergence

  5. WAXS detector • A fast single photon counting area detector • area approximately 20 x 20 cm2, large dynamic range • maximum count rate of 10 x 106 counts/sec • spatial resolution of 200 – 250 mm • efficiency between 60 – 80 % What? Tentative layout SAXS detector • CCD Area detector for SAXS and WAXS (MAR CCD, diameter ~ 300 mm) • Fast linear one dimensional detectors • (1-D microstrip gas chamber curved arrangement) • (1-D wire detectors) diffractometry.

  6. Engagement of Users!! What? Tentative layout • Scanning set-up: - x/y translation stage • Micro-hexapod: rotation range ±5º with 2 mrad increment • Video microscope. • Microgoniometer: rotating arm • Temperature furnaces. • High pressure cells. • Heating/cooling stage for DSC • Heating/cooling shear cell. • Tensile stretching machine. • Magnetic field. Electric field. • Stopped flow and continuous flow equipment. Sample environment

  7. All cases supported by “real” groups neither “virtual” nor “potential” Current topics¡¡¡ Time-resolved X-ray fibre diffraction studies on “live” muscle tissues Time-resolved studies and organization of the photosynthetic apparatus Condensed chromatin within metaphase chromosomes Amyloid fibril formation: biophysical studies Structure and lipid organization of cutaneous tissues The scientific Case Why? • Materials Science • Biological systems

  8. The scientific Case Why? • Biological systems • Materials Science • Polymer Science • Polymer Crystallization: necessity for millisecond resolution and microfocus • Structure formation in liquid crystalline polymers • Multi-component materials: Polymer blends & Microstructure of interphases • Multi-component materials: Polymer foams • Multi-component materials: Block and graft polymers • Mechanically induced structure modification • Electrically induced structure formation • Mechanical Surface Deformation • Non-conventional polymer processing • Ezquerra, T.A.; et al., Phys. Rev. E, 1996, 54, 989……………………..61 cites S.Sánchez-Cortés et al. Biomacromolecules, 3, 655 (2002)………8 • Flores, A. J. Macromol. Sci. Phys. B40(1), 749 (2001)………….……….5 M.L. Cerrada et al Polymer, 43, 2803-2810 (2002)……………………….3

  9. The scientific Case Why? • Biological systems • Materials Science Microdiffractometry Micro and Nanotechnology Nanocomposites in food packaging Carbon nanotube reinforced composites Nanostructured Composites Based on Thermoplastic Polymer Blends Nanofilms: Ordering phenomena in confined environments (GISAX) Carbon fibers Colloidal systems Interfacial transport phenomena Microfocus approximation to single particle scattering/diffraction Phase transitions induced by temperature jumps in colloidal systems Dynamics of phase transitions induced by compositional change Kinetics of liposome-surfactant interaction G. Zolotukhin, F.J. Baltá Calleja, D.R. Rueda et al. Acta Polymer. (1997) 48, 269.........2 cites Lagaron JM et al. Polymer 2001;42:9531……………………………………………………………………………..13 Lozano-Castelló D et al. Carbon 2002;40: 2727……………………………………………………………………3

  10. The scientific Case Why? • Biological systems • Materials Science Microdiffractometry Micro and Nanotechnology Nanocomposites in food packaging Carbon nanotube reinforced composites Nanostructured Composites Based on Thermoplastic Polymer Blends Nanofilms: Ordering phenomena in confined environments (GISAX) Carbon fibers Colloidal systems Interfacial transport phenomena Microfocus approximation to single particle scattering/diffraction Phase transitions induced by temperature jumps in colloidal systems Dynamics of phase transitions induced by compositional change Kinetics of liposome-surfactant interaction O.López et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 105: 9879 (2001)…………………………….………………..8 cites MA Urbaneja et al.Biochem. J. 270: 305 (1990)…………………………………………….84 M. Cócera et al Langmuir, 20(8): 3074 (2004)……………………………………………………..1

  11. Potential groups 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 The group Who? Supporting groups 1 1 5 4 2 1 1 1 S. Bergmann,NanoBioMatters SL F. Fernández-Sibón, REPSOL YPF S.A. I. Angulo ,GlaxoSmithKline, I+D

  12. The group Who?

  13. Support letters Who? • REPSOL YPF S.A: • President of the Spanish Polymer Group (GEP) of the • Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) and Physics (RSEF) • President of the Specialized Group of Colloids and Interfaces (GECI) • of the RSEQ and RSEF • Director of the Institute of Science and Technology of Polymers, CSIC • Director of the Institute of Chemical and Environmental Research, CSIC

  14. Support letters Who?

  15. Summary • The beamline is feasible • The scientific case represents the • real activity of the supporting groups • The scientific case covers a significant area • of what is being done in the outer world • Both the supporting groups and the potential groups are • very precise, with experience in both science and • instrumentation and ready to start working in this • beamline today ! ! • Significant potential industrial interest

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