Dear parent, We are delighted and a little nervous, to be co Vice-chairing the fundraising committee this year. Our first Friends meeting took place on Tuesday evening after the AGM. Thanks to all those who came along and if you couldn’t make it do remember that you are automatically a member of the Friends of St Clement’s and that you are ALWAYS WELCOME to join a meeting or speak to your class rep with any thoughts/ideas that you have. We are a mixture of parents that work together for the benefit of St. Clement’s. Some are full-time parents, some work part-time or work full-time. NONE of us are specialists in fundraising but by pulling together the time we spend can be very rewarding for those involved and most importantly for the children of St Clement’s school. This year we are hoping to make a contribution towards the final phase of the building work as well as additional tablets and books for all classrooms. If you’re interested in finding out what was discussed at our first meeting, the minutes are available. We hope to start publishing these soon but for now if you’d like a copy please email The friends. Best wishes, Jemma Harrison, Becky Cook and Alex Labbett Friends of St Clement’s Autumn Newsletter 2014 Christmas Raffle – Please Help In order to avoid prizes like this…… we desperately need donations for prizes for the Christmas Fayre and would be really grateful if you could spare a little time to approach any of your friends, family or businesses contacts who might be able to donate a prize for the Grand draw. We’d be really grateful for anything you can track down and a few suggested ideas are: • Encourage a hotel to donate a weekend stay • Ask your health club/beauty salon to donate a voucher • Ask a professional to donate their time • Tickets for the theatre, music concerts or sporting events • Ask a large store to donate, food, drinks or prizes Please let us know about any prizes you have managed to collect by Friday 24th October – Thank you!!
Put to good use… We are aiming to make it as easy as possible for you as parents to support the Friends of St. Clement’s by matching the work that we do to the talents of our parents. We would like to know a little bit more about the work/skills of our parent community to help us to do this. If you are comfortable doing so, we would be very grateful if you would complete the parent talent form attached to this Parentmail and send it back to us in the ways described on the form. By providing this information it would help us to raise much needed funds in a more efficient way. As christmas shopping time approaches, please have a look and assist us by signing up to www.easyfundraising.org.uk/stclementsprimary where your on-line shopping raises money for the school at no extra cost! We will be updating our facebook page regularly with news, photos and information about upcoming events. It is a closed group so anything posted will only be seen by parents of St Clement’s. If you would like to be added to the group, please email us at: friendsofstclements@outlook.com • Fireworks Update • Unfortunately it was confirmed this week that we can not go ahead with the school fireworks because of the proposed development on the Salesian Fields. This really is sad news for the children and the budget but we have been looking at a number of options to fill the gap and will hopefully have better news to relay next week. In the meantime please put the following cake sales into your diaries: • Friday 19th September – year 6 • Friday 3rd October – year 5 And talking of cake sales…..we would love somebody to help co-ordinate the class cake sales. The class get to spend the money that they make, Year 6’s this week is going towards a ‘Shakespearian Experience’, so we really want to maximise the potential. It could be a very rewarding project if somebody has a little time to spare and we would be truly grateful. Track Us Down: friendsofstclements@outlook.com Jemma 07834 008253 Alex 07861 297895 Becky 07981 653799