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9 /05/13 Eighth Day of School. Learning Goal: I will be able to identify the steps in the Scientific Method of a real-world problem. Due Today: Signed quiz Assignment: Foldable identifying s teps in the Scientific Method Review foldable and notes from class. 9/5/13
9/05/13Eighth Day of School Learning Goal: I will be able to identify the steps in the Scientific Method of a real-world problem. Due Today: Signed quiz Assignment: Foldable identifying steps in the Scientific Method Review foldable and notes from class
9/5/13 Answer the following in your Science composition notebook. • In which scientific method step did Tim & Moby notice that the fig plants were brown and the soil was squishy? • In which scientific method step did Tim & Moby determine that plants watered once a week looked the best? Do Now
Watch the following video to view how scientists use the scientific method to investigate a real-world problem: • http://www.pbs.org/saf/1204/segments/1204-4.htm • Use the questions handed to you to jot down notes about what is happening with the “Dust in the Air” video. Using the Scientific MethodVideo: Dying Coral Mystery
1. Add information from the Dust in the Air Video to the right inside page of your foldable. 2. Be sure each label fits the description of what the scientists are doing. Completing your foldable
Review the steps in the scientific method and any notes from class. Assignment to complete at home