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The First Civilizations and the Rise of Empires Chapters 1 and 2. The First Civilizations: The Peoples of Western Asia and Egypt. I. The First Humans II. Agricultural Revolution III. Emergence of Civilization a)Mesopotamia IV. First Civilizations a)Sumerians f) Chaldeans
The First Civilizations and the Rise of EmpiresChapters 1 and 2
The First Civilizations: The Peoples of Western Asia and Egypt I. The First Humans II. Agricultural Revolution III. Emergence of Civilization a)Mesopotamia IV. First Civilizations a)Sumerians f) Chaldeans b)Akkadians g) Phoenicians c)Amorites / Old Babylonians h) Hebrews d) Hittites i) Persians e) Assyrians V. Egyptians VI. Conclusion
I. THE FIRST HUMANS CHRONOLOGY OF THE FIRST HUMANS AND THEIR CIVILIZATIONS BC and BCE – religious versus secular, otherwise no difference in usage. BC – Before Christ BCE – Before Common Era Years ago: Paleolithic - old stone; JAVA man, PEKING man, Neanderthal man, Cro-Magnon man Neolithic - new stone Bronze - use of bronze
1st Stage: Hominids FROM AFRICA - East and South Africa 3-4 million years ago Australiopithecines Simple stone tools 2nd Stage: Homo Erectus From same area 1.5 million years ago More tools and more varied tools First to leave Africa and moved into Europe and Asia 3rd Stage: Homo Sapiens (wise human being) 250,000 ya
Two branches off of homo sapiens - Neanderthal (Nender Valley, Germany) Dated to 100,000 and 30,000 bce Relied upon variety of stone tools First to bury their dead - Homo sapiens sapiens (wise wise human being) First anatomically modern humans Dated 200,000 – 100,000
III. Emergence of Civilization Civilization: a complex culture in which large numbers of humans share a number of common elements Basic Characteristics of Civilization: • -Urban revolution: cities become focal point for politics, economics, social, and cultural The basic characteristics – writing and cities Languages: Semitic: Assyrian, Akkadian, Aramaic, Babylonian, Canaanitic, Phoenician, Syriac, Arabic, Hebrew Indo-European: English, German, Greek, Latin, Persian, and the languages of India.
IV. FIRST CIVILIZATIONS • Sumerians • Time Period: 3000 BC – 2350 BC • Region: • Language: • Social Structure: 3 major groups – highly stratified • Leadership: • Gender Roles: • Religion: • Legal: • Economy: • Cities: Eridu, Ur, uruk, Umma, Lagash - • Notables: Epic of Gilgamesh
B) Akkadian • Time Period: 2350 – 2100 BC • Region: • Language: Semitic • Social Structure: • Leadership: Sargon: 2334-2279 BC • Gender Roles: • Religion: • Legal: • Economy: • Cities: • Notables:
c) Amorites or Old Babylonians: Time Period: 1792 BC – 1750 BC Region: Language: Semitic Social Structure: Leadership: Hammurabi Gender Roles: Religion: Legal: Economy: Cities: Notables: Code of Hammurabi – 282 Laws
Code of Hammurabi 282 laws -written so as to not be arbitrary -eye for an eye -standards for professions: public officials had numerous duties, responsibilities. -Consumer protection -sought to protect women and children / focus on family matters -sexual promiscuity permitted – for men. -reorganized and consolidated previous laws in order to maintain the established social / economic order. ALSO devised most sophisticated mathematical system based on numerical system of 1-60 (we use hours and minutes - 60), Quadratic equation (used in computing amounts of materials for bldg) When Hammurabi died, his son lost ½ the kingdom in revolts and thus weakened, fell to Hittites
d) Hittites Time Period: 1500 – 800 BC Region: Asia Minor and Anatolia Language: Indo-European Social Structure: Leadership: Sargon: 2334-2279 BC Gender Roles: Religion: adopted many of the gods of the Sumerians and Old Babylonians Legal: modified the system of law they inherited from the Old Babylonians Economy: Cities: Notables: Iron
e) Assyrian • Time Period: 800 – 600 BC • Region: • Language: Semitic • Social Structure: • Leadership: Ashurbanipal 669-626 B.C. • Gender Roles: • Religion: • Legal: • Economy: • Cities: • Notables: iron weapons, Use of terror, lay siege to cities
f) Chaldeans Time Period: 600 – 500 BC Region: Language: Semitic Social Structure: Leadership: Gender Roles: Religion: Legal: Economy: Cities: Notables:
g) Phoenicians Time Period: Region: Language: Semitic Social Structure: Leadership: Gender Roles: Religion: Legal: Economy: Cities: Byblos, Tyre, and Sidon Notables: traders, alphabet
h) Hebrews • The Hebrews: The “Children of Israel” Between 1200 and 1000 B.C.E., the Israelites emerged as a distinctive people organized into tribes • The United and Divided Kingdoms • Solomon (c. 970-930B.C.E.) • Temple housed the Ark of the Covenant • The divided kingdom • Division into the kingdom of Israel with its capital at Samaria and Judah with its capital at Jerusalem • Assyrians destroyed Samaria in 722 B.C.E. and overran the kingdom of Israel • Deported the Hebrews to other parts of the empire • Chaldeans defeated the Assyrians and destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C.E. • Persians destroyed the Chaldean kingdom • Judah remained under Persian control until Alexander the Great
Spiritual Dimensions of Israel • Yahweh • Created nature but not in nature • God of mercy and love • Spoke through Moses • Covenant, law, the prophets
i) Persians • Babylon fell to the Persians in 539 B.C.E. • Indo-European people • Cyrus (559-530 B.C.E.) • Cambyses (530-522 B.C.E.) • Darius (521-486 B.C.E.) • Civil Administration and the Military • Divided into 20 provinces • Satraps collected tribute, responsible for justice and security • Roads • Royal Road stretched from Sardis to Susa • All subjects were the king’s servants • Professional army with a core of 10,000 cavalry • Persian Religion • Zoroaster (b. 660 B.C.E.) • Zoroastrianism • Monotheism • Ahurmazda, the creator, gave all humans free will and the power to chose between right and wrong • Each soul faced final evaluation
First settlement around 4000 BC Over 2500 years, most stable civilization the western world had ever known. Included 31 dynasties grouped into four periods Egyptian
Divine Kingship • The Importance of Religion • Inseparable element of the world order • Polytheistic • Sun gods and land gods • Sun god worshiped as Atum in human form • Egyptian ruler took the title “Son of Re” • King Pharoh • HORUS (sky and falcon god) • RA (sun god) • AMEN-RE • OSIRIS (god of the dead) • Mummification – important for return of spiritual ka Hyksos - result was the Egyptian use of bronze for improved tools and weapons, more effective methods of warfare which enabled the Egyptians to establish the New Kingdom and expand their empire, use of horse-drawn war chariots, significant increase in Egyptian imperialism. Ahmose I Empire – Somalia, Nubia, Palestine, Syria Hatshepsut 1490-1468 BC Amenhotep IV 1364 – 1347 BC TUTANKHAMEN
New Centers of Civilization By 6500 BC, Agriculture had spread into the Balkan peninsula By 4000 BC, humans in what is now France, central Europe, Mediterranean area had domesticated animals Between 3200 – 1500 BC – the druids ended up with very large stones (megalithic constructions) throughout Britain. These megalithic constructions were also evident as far north as Scandinavia and as far south as Corsica and Malta. Role of Nomadic People • Herding, hunting, gathering, limited farming • Indo_Europeans were most significant nomadic people. • Indo-Europeans from somewhere in the steppe region north of the Black Sea or in southwestern Asia