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Concierges and Contractors, Shamans and Sergeants: Staff Development Beyond Leaders

Discover the different roles in staff development beyond leaders and learn how to motivate, identify, and develop staff in these roles. Explore possible career paths and understand the strengths and motivations of concierges, contractors, shamans, and sergeants.

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Concierges and Contractors, Shamans and Sergeants: Staff Development Beyond Leaders

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  1. Concierges and Contractors,Shamans and Sergeants:Staff Development Beyond Leaders Denise Eltouny Susan Grajek Sean Jackson Patrick Lynch Yale University

  2. Major emphasis onleadership development

  3. What about everyone else?

  4. Everyone else • Concierges: Customer service staff • Contractors: Project managers • Shamans: Technologists • Sergeants: Operations managers

  5. What you will learn today • Types of jobs fall into each ofthe 4 roles • What types of people gravitate toeach of these roles • How to motivate, identify and develop staff in these roles • Possible career paths for these roles

  6. The Concierge Helps others understand and negotiate complex environments and ameliorate anxiety associated with change • Slogan: How may I help you? • Metrics: Problems solved or avoided • Reward: Happy, loyal clients • Danger: Owning the client’s problem • Seducer: Over-identifying with the client • Dark side: Inducing dependency(I know something you don’t know)

  7. The Concierge Strengths • Building and maintaining relationships • Flexibility • Empathy • Finding alternatives that work • Consensus-building

  8. The Contractor Links strategy to operations by executing projects • Slogan: Git-r-Done! • Metrics: Delivered: On time, On budget, As specified • Reward: ROI • Danger: Not seeing the forest for the trees • Seducer: The plan • Dark side: Appeaser: Say “yes” to everyone

  9. The Contractor Strengths • Staying on task • Ability to arrange resources for maximum productivity • Finding alternatives that work

  10. The Shaman Two types: The inventor and the seer • Slogan: I have the answers • Metrics: Patents, new applications, accuracy of predictions • Reward: I invented that! I was right! • Danger: Solving problems we don’t have • Seducer: Complexity • Dark side: “Not Invented Here” syndrome

  11. The Shaman Strengths • Making good things even better • Craving for knowledge; collecting and archiving all kinds of information • Finding the patterns in order to create solutions

  12. The Sergeant Ensures the availability of vital services and commodities • Slogan: Always open, Can-Do • Metrics: Up-time (# of 9’s) • Reward: Predictability • Danger: Don’t think -- execute • Seducer: Rules, policies & procedures: CONTROL • Dark side: Defensiveness, resistance to change, tolerance of mediocre but obedient staff

  13. The Sergeant Strengths • Responsibility • Fairness; adherence to rules and standards

  14. If the types were dog breeds… Concierge Sergeant Contractor Shaman

  15. If the types were dog breeds… Concierge Sergeant Contractor Shaman

  16. If the types were dog breeds… Concierge Sergeant Contractor Shaman

  17. If the types were dog breeds… Concierge Sergeant Contractor Shaman

  18. If the types were dog breeds… Concierge Sergeant Contractor Shaman

  19. What motivates these people? Active Reflective People Things

  20. What motivates these people? Active Achievement Power Harmony Creativity Reflective People Things

  21. What motivates these people? Active Achievement Contractors Power Sergeants Harmony Concierges Creativity Shamans Reflective People Things

  22. A brief digression into Myers-Briggs 16 types along 4 dimensions E I Introvert Extrovert Favorite world Outer world Inner world Energized by solitude Energized by environment S iN Sensing Intuitive Information Just the facts Fact, interpretation Immediate, real, concrete Abstract, intangible T F Thinking Feeling Decisions Logic driven People driven Objective, impersonal Driven by belief & values J P Judging Perceiving Structure Make decisions Keep options open Judicious, decisive Plastic, pliable, possibilities

  23. Most common MTBI types 11-14% 9-14% 1-3% 2-4% ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ Inspectors Nurturer Protector Scientist 4-6% 5-9% 4-5% 3-5% ISTP ISFP INFP INTP Mechanic The Artist Healer The Thinker 4-5% 4-9% 6-8% 2-5% ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP Realist, Doer Performer The Idealist The Visionary 8-12% 9-13% 2-5% 2-5% ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ Administrator The Host The Giver The Leader Center for Applications of Psychological Type CAPT

  24. Least common MTBI types 11-14% 9-14% 1-3% 2-4% ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ Inspectors Nurturer Protector Scientist 4-6% 5-9% 4-5% 3-5% ISTP ISFP INFP INTP Mechanic The Artist Healer The Thinker 4-5% 4-9% 6-8% 2-5% ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP Realist, Doer Performer The Idealist The Visionary 8-12% 9-13% 2-5% 2-5% ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ Administrator The Host The Giver The Leader Center for Applications of Psychological Type CAPT

  25. MTBI types - Concierge 11-14% 9-14% 1-3% 2-4% ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ Inspectors Nurturer Protector Scientist 4-6% 5-9% 4-5% 3-5% ISTP ISFP INFP INTP Mechanic The Artist Healer The Thinker 4-5% 4-9% 6-8% 2-5% ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP Realist, Doer Performer The Idealist The Visionary 8-12% 9-13% 2-5% 2-5% ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ Administrator The Host The Giver The Leader Center for Applications of Psychological Type CAPT

  26. MTBI types - Shamans 11-14% 9-14% 1-3% 2-4% ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ Inspectors Nurturer Protector Scientist 4-6% 5-9% 4-5% 3-5% ISTP ISFP INFP INTP Mechanic The Artist Healer The Thinker 4-5% 4-9% 6-8% 2-5% ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP Realist, Doer Performer The Idealist The Visionary 8-12% 9-13% 2-5% 2-5% ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ Administrator The Host The Giver The Leader Center for Applications of Psychological Type CAPT

  27. MTBI types - Sargeants 11-14% 9-14% 1-3% 2-4% ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ Inspectors Nurturer Protector Scientist 4-6% 5-9% 4-5% 3-5% ISTP ISFP INFP INTP Mechanic The Artist Healer The Thinker 4-5% 4-9% 6-8% 2-5% ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP Realist, Doer Performer The Idealist The Visionary 8-12% 9-13% 2-5% 2-5% ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ Administrator The Host The Giver The Leader Center for Applications of Psychological Type CAPT

  28. MTBI types - Contractors 11-14% 9-14% 1-3% 2-4% ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ Inspectors Nurturer Protector Scientist 4-6% 5-9% 4-5% 3-5% ISTP ISFP INFP INTP Mechanic The Artist Healer The Thinker 4-5% 4-9% 6-8% 2-5% ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP Realist, Doer Performer The Idealist The Visionary 8-12% 9-13% 2-5% 2-5% ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ Administrator The Host The Giver The Leader Center for Applications of Psychological Type CAPT

  29. What motivates these people? Active Achievement Contractors NT Power Sergeants TJ, especially STJ Harmony Concierges NF, especially NFP Creativity Shamans Futurists: NTP Inventors: STJ Reflective People Things

  30. IT Competencies Core competencies – EVERYBODY • Work Expertise • Working as a Team • Results Orientation • Professionalism • Initiative • Client Focus • Continuous Learning • Communication Functional competencies – by ROLE: • Technology Expertise • Client Service • Leadership • Project Management

  31. Training and Development Concierges • Strengths to build on • Customer service skills • Emotional intelligence • Service quality improvement • What to bolster • Time management • Technical skills • Coaching possibilities • ID everything that is incomplete, then complete it. • ID when taking on too much • Take time to learn something in depth

  32. Training and Development Contractors • Strengths to build on • Project management • Negotiation • Change management • Risk management • What to bolster • Emotional intelligence • Perspective-taking/big picture thinking • Coaching possibilities • Pause, think before taking action • ID ramifications of action

  33. Training and Development Shamans • Strengths to build on • Technical skills • Future orientation • Challenge the status quo • What to bolster • Time management • Emotional intelligence • Organizational perspective • Coaching possibilities • Select new projects judiciously • Make yourself carry project through to details • Force yourself to focus on routine work

  34. Training and Development Sergeants • Strengths to build on • Technical expertise • Process mapping and improvement • Operation-specific best practices • What to bolster • Customer service • Communications • Staff management and motivation • Coaching possibilities • Explore alternatives • Do things differently (for no reason) • Distinguish between rules and guidelines

  35. Career Paths

  36. Career Paths

  37. Career Paths

  38. Career Paths

  39. Career Paths

  40. Role Interactions Contractor Shaman Affinity Opposition Indifference Indifference Affinity Concierge Sergeant

  41. No typology is cleanly fits the real world • Most job require multiple roles • Generally two roles • Rarely one, rarely all four • Most people combine multiple roles • You get further if you are a blend

  42. What does it take to be CIO?

  43. What does it take to be CIO? • Most people don’t want to be CIO

  44. 11 Traits of a True IT Leader • Fluency in both technology and the business • Foresight to connect disparate pieces into cohesive solutions • Ability to work at tactical and strategic levels simultaneously • Project management excellence • Flexibility • Marketing competence • Consummate communication skills • Vendor management expertise • Willingness to delegate • Commitment to lifelong learning, with a readiness to stretch beyond core competencies • Ability to find and manage top talent Source: CIO Magazine, July 15 2005

  45. Who has those traits? Shamans • Fluency in both technology and the business • Foresight to connect disparate pieces into cohesive solutions Contractors • Ability to work at tactical and strategic levels simultaneously • Project management excellence Concierges • Flexibility • Marketing competence • Consummate communication skills Sergeants • Vendor management expertise • Willingness to delegate Source: CIO Magazine, July 15 2005

  46. Who has those traits? Plus… • Commitment to lifelong learning, with a readiness to stretch beyond core competencies • Ability to find and manage top talent Source: CIO Magazine, July 15 2005

  47. Where do we go from here?

  48. When good types go bad…

  49. When good types go bad… The sergeant

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