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An LFH style. A Linguist-Friendly Hybrid. Institute of English, University of Silesia April 28 th , 2009. Book by a single author. Main text:
An LFH style A Linguist-Friendly Hybrid Institute of English, University of Silesia April 28th, 2009
Book by a single author • Main text: “To a large extent disciplinary discourse has evolved as a means of funding, constructing, evaluating, displaying and negotiating knowledge” (Hyland, 2000: 5). As Hyland (2000: 5) observes in his recent monograph, disciplinary discourse “has evolved as a means of funding, constructing, evaluating, displaying and negotiating knowledge.” • References: Hyland, Ken. 2000. Disciplinary discourses: Social interactions in academic writing. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education.
Book by two or more authors • Main text: (Hatim and Munday, 2004: 8) (Fløttum et al., 2006: 19) • References: Fløttum, Kjersti, Trine Dahl, and Torodd Kinn. 2006. Academic voices: Across languages and disciplines. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Hatim, Basil and Jeremy Munday. 2004. Translation: An advanced resource book. London: Routledge.
Book which is edited • Main text: (Smith, 1987) • References: Smith, Larry E., ed. 1987. Discourse across cultures: Strategies in world Englishes. New York: Prentice Hall.
Book with more than one editor • Main text: (Bybee and Fleischman, 1995) (Arabski et al., 2007) • References: Bybee, Joan and Suzanne Fleischman, eds. 1995. Modality in grammar and discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Arabski, Janusz, Danuta Gabryś-Barker, and Andrzej Łyda, eds. 2007. PASE papers 2007. Vol. 1, Studies in language and methodology of teaching foreign languages. Katowice: Para.
Book with no author • Main text: (Roget’s Thesaurus, 1966) (Roget’s, 1966) • References: Roget’s thesaurus of English words and phrases. 1966. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books.
Volume in a multivolume work • Main text: (Arabski et al., 2007) • References: Arabski, Janusz, Danuta Gabryś-Barker, and Andrzej Łyda, eds. 2007. PASE papers 2007. Vol. 1, Studies in language and methodology of teaching foreign languages. Katowice: Para.
Translated book • Main text: (Eliade, 1994: 60-61) • References: Eliade, Mircea. 1994. Historia wierzeń i idei religijnych – Histoire des croyances et des idées religieuses. Vol. 2, Od Gautamy Buddy do początków chrześcijaństwa. Trans. Stanisław Tokarski. Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy PAX.
Book in a foreign language • Main text: (Zaśko-Zielińska et al., 2008: 67) • References: Zaśko-Zielińska, Monika, Anna Majewska-Tworek, and Tomasz Piekot. 2008. Sztuka pisania. Przewodnik po tekstach użytkowych (The art of writing. A guide to functional texts). Warszawa: PWN.
Book in a series • Main text: (Johns, 1997: 7) • References: Johns, Ann. 1997. Text, role, and context: Developing academic literacies. Cambridge Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: CUP.
Subsequent editions • Main text: (Jordan, 1999: 8) • References: Jordan, Robert R. 1999. Academic writing course: Study skills in English. 3rd ed. Harlow, Essex: Longman.
Article, or ‘chapter’, in an edited book • Main text: (Swales, 1996: 47) • References: Swales, John. 1996. Occluded genres in the academy: The case of the submission letter. In Eija Ventola and Anna Mauranen, eds., Academic writing: Intercultural and textual issues, 45- 58. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Article in a journal • Main text: (Biber, 2006: 102) (Narrog, 2005: 680) • References: Biber, Douglas. 2006. Stance in spoken and written university registers. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 5: 97-116. Narrog, Heiko. 2005. Modality, mood, and change of modal meanings: A new perspective. Cognitive Linguistics 16(4): 677-731.
Reprint • Main text: (Mukařowský, 1970) • References: Mukařowský, Jan. 1970. Standard language and poetic language. Trans. Paul L. Garvin. In Donald C. Freeman, ed., Linguistics and literary style, 40-56. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Reprinted from A Prague School reader on esthetics, literay structure, and style, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1964.
Secondary quotations • Main text: Baker proposes that...(as cited in Kaznowski and Mioduszewska,1983:102) • References: Kaznowski, Andrzej and Ewa Mioduszewska. 1983. Exercises in English: Structural and transformational syntax. Warszawa PWN.
Electronic sources (book): • Main text: (Welch, 1999) • References: Welch, Kathleen E. 1999. Electric rhetoric: Classical rhetoric, oralism and a new literacy. Cambridge: MIT Press. Retrieved October 21, 2004 (http://www.netlibrary.com). The example above comes from: http://lib.trinity.edu/research/citing/asa%20style%20citations.pdf
Electronic sources (book): • Maintext: (James, 2001) • References: James, Henry. 2001 [1881].The portrait of a lady. Vols. 1-2. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Etext #2833-4. First Release: Sep 2001. Retrieved February 2, 2003 (http://www.gutenberg.net)
On-line article (no date available) • Maintext: (Skujina, n.d.) • References: Skujina, Valentina. n.d. Vitality of Latin and Greek word-elements in the modern interlingualterm-building processes. Retrieved February 7, 2003 (http://www.liis.lv/latval/Darbinieki/ Jauniecit/vasarefer.htm)
Electronic sources (article in a journal, on-line): • Main text: (Jobe, 2000) • References: Jobe, Karen D. 2000. Women and the language of Hackerdom: The gendered Nature of Hacker Jargon. Kairos 5(2). RetrievedMarch 23, 2005 (http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/5.2/binder.html? coverbweb/ jobe/ women&hackerdom.htm). The examples above come from: http://lib.trinity.edu/research/citing/asa%20style%20citations.pdf
Electronic sources (article in a journal, on-line): • Main text: (Khayal, 1998) • References: Khayal, Ma'hmoud. 1998. Hebrew-Arabic Translations in the Modern Era: A General Survey. Meta: Translators' Journal 43(1): 86-94. Retrieved April 26, 2009 (http://id.erudit. org/iderudit/003311ar).
Electronic sources (article in a journal, full-text database): • Main text: (Ferrell, 1990) • References: Ferrell, Robert H. 1990. Truman's place in history.Reviews in American History 18 (1): 1-9. (Retrieved February 3, 2005from JSTOR.) The examples above come from:http://lib.trinity.edu/research/citing/asa%20style%20citations.pdf
Electronic sources (article in a journal, full-text database): • Main text: (Verstraete, 1990) • References: Verstraete, Jean-Christophe. 2005. Scalar quantity implicatures and the interpretation of modality: Problems in the deontic domain. Journal of Pragmatics 37: 1401–1418. (Retrieved June 24, 2007 from ScienceDirect .)
Electronic sources – no author available • Main text: (Coleman Balls) • References: Coleman Balls. Retrieved May 5th, 2004 (http://www.btinternet.com/~homepage/ballsa.htm)
Review • Main text: (Crosby, 2008) • References: Crosby, Cate. 2008. Review of An Introduction to Applied Linguistics. From Practice to Theory (2nd edition), by Alan Davies. English for Specific Purposes 27: 363-367.
Preface • Main text: (Russell, 1984) • References: Russell, Bertrand. 1984. Preface to Professor Mmaa’s Lecture, by Stefan Themerson. Woodstock, NY: Tusk / Overlook. Russell, Bertrand. 1984. Introduction. In Stefan Themerson, Professor Mmaa’s Lecture,1-2. Woodstock, NY: Tusk / Overlook.