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Speed and Motion Challenge LAB. Slinky Challenge. 1. Place the slinky on the floor or counter… 2. Have a person at each end 3. Pull the slinky apart about 3 meters 4. Make one wave, use a stop watch to find how long it takes the slinky to go back and forth once
Slinky Challenge • 1. Place the slinky on the floor or counter… • 2. Have a person at each end • 3. Pull the slinky apart about 3 meters • 4. Make one wave, use a stop watch to find how long it takes the slinky to go back and forth once • 5. Double the distance in meters (**DOCUMENT THE DISTANCE IN TABLE) • 6. **DOCUMENT THE TIME IN TABLE • 7. DO three trials!!!! • 8. Calculate the average speed of all three trials
Slinky Challenge • 1. Place the slinky on the floor or counter… • 2. Have a person at each end • 3. Pull the slinky apart about 3 meters • 4. Make one wave, use a stop watch to find how long it takes the slinky to go back and forth once • 5. Double the distance in meters (**DOCUMENT THE DISTANCE IN TABLE) • 6. **DOCUMENT THE TIME IN TABLE • 7. Calculate the average speed of all three trials
Dominoes Challenge • 1. Line up 20 dominoes, about 1 cm apart • 2. Measure the total distance of your domino set • 3. Measure the time its takes all dominoes to fall • 4. **DOCUMENT THE DISTANCE IN TABLE • 5. **DOCUMENT THE TIME IN TABLE • 6. Calculate the average speed of all three trials
Dominoes Challenge • 1. Line up 20 dominoes, about 1 cm apart • 2. Measure the total distance of your domino set • 3. Measure the time its takes all dominoes to fall • 4. **DOCUMENT THE DISTANCE IN TABLE • 5. **DOCUMENT THE TIME IN TABLE • 6. Complete 3 trials • 7. Calculate the average speed of all three trials
Speed Walk Challenge • 1. Measure out distance of walking track • 2. Each person will walk track as fast as they can… your feet must not lift higher than 5 cm • 3. Measure each persons time • 4. **DOCUMENT THE DISTANCE IN TABLE • 5. **DOCUMENT THE TIME IN TABLE • 6. Complete 1 trial for each person • 7. Calculate your own speed
Speed Walk Challenge • 1. Measure out distance of walking track • 2. Each person will walk track as fast as they can… your feet must not lift higher than 5 cm • 3. Measure each persons time • 4. **DOCUMENT THE DISTANCE IN TABLE • 5. **DOCUMENT THE TIME IN TABLE • 6. Complete 1 trial for each person • 7. Calculate your own speed
Truck Challenge • 1. Measure out distance of the race track • 2. Pull back the truck about 10 cm • 3. Let go and measure the time it takes the truck to go from starting line to finish line • 4. **DOCUMENT THE DISTANCE IN TABLE • 5. **DOCUMENT THE TIME IN TABLE • 6. Complete 3 trials 7. • 7. Calculate the average speed of all three trials
Truck Challenge • 1. Measure out distance of the race track • 2. Pull back the truck about 10 cm • 3. Let go and measure the time it takes the truck to go from starting line to finish line • 4. **DOCUMENT THE DISTANCE IN TABLE • 5. **DOCUMENT THE TIME IN TABLE • 6. Complete 3 trials 7. • 7. Calculate the average speed of all three trials
Marble Challenge • 1. Measure out distance of the marble track from the bottom of ramp to the finish line • 2. Place one book under the ramp • 3. Drop a marble and measure the time it takes the marble to go from start to finish • 4. Add another book and repeat 5. Add a third book and repeat • 6. **DOCUMENT THE DISTANCE IN TABLE • 7. **DOCUMENT THE TIME IN TABLE • 8. Complete 1 trial for each height • 9. Calculate the average speed of all three trials