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Lundi le 29 avril. Le centre Beaubourg /Pompidou. L’art au centre Pompidou. April 29 th to May 3 rd week . Mon. F 2R. Warmup : Notes 240 (ALL), 241 (TOP ) LUI/LEUR (due: 230, 231) Due-Flashcards check for 105
Mon. F 2R • Warmup: Notes 240 (ALL), 241 (TOP) LUI/LEUR (due: 230, 231) • Due-Flashcards check for 105 • Due NOW! Classwork: Pg. 219 Ex. 1, 3 Pg.220-21 ex. 5, 7 Pg. 222 ex. 8 for 50%(assigned Wed-1st, Thur. 4th, unless you were absent, then it’s 100%) 4. Song for 105. QUIZ tomorrow! See pre-quiz ** H/W: STUDY Know: ME, Te, Nous, Vous & where they go! Mardi: Quiz on DOPS/IDOPS. Flashcards for 100. www.classzone.com Mercredi-test prep. Flashcards for 90. Jeudi- Test unit 4. Flashcards for 80. Fri-F/C=70. Fri: Finish LA VIE EN ROSE/SAM SERIES
F 2 QUIZ **review-TRY THIS! • Me=? • Te=? • Nous=? • Vous=? • Where do DOPS/IDOPS go in a normal, positive sentence? • Where in a normal, negative sentence? • Where in a positive command? • Where in a negative command? • Where in a sentence with 2 verbs (positive)? • Where in a sentence with 2 verbs (negative)?
F 2 pre-quiz KEY • 1. Me-me, to me • 2. Te-you, to you • 3. Nous-us, to us • 4. Vous-you, to you • 5. Before the conjugated verb. Je teregarde! • 6. Before the conjugated verb. Je ne teregarde pas! • 7. After the verb (add a hyphen). Regarde-moi! • 8. Before the verb. Ne meregarde pas! • 9. Before the 2nd verb (the infinitive). Je vaisteregarder! • 10. Before the 2nd verb (the infinitive). Je ne vais pas teregarder!
F 2, 3 DOP/IDOPS Review • D O Pronouns by P W to French(2).ppt • Direct Object Pronouns 1 and 2.ppt • DOPS & IDOPS review 2.pptx • dopsidops y and en.ppt • F 2 and F 3 DOP IDOP Y EN videos etc.ppt • f 2 3 y and en intro.pptx • F 2 F 3 direct objectpronouns intro le la les.pptx • F 2 and 3 indirect objectpronouns lui leur intro.pptx • new y_et_en.ppt
Mon. F 3 • DUE: Notes-Amsco pg. 38, 46. ETpg. 43 avec le conditionnel! • Warmup: Pg. 157 ex. 1 et traduisez, pg. 159 ex. 5 et traduisez. • Finisissons les notes orales(10 phrases) • Les cartes de vocabulaire: dans LMS 7:25 du matin pour 105%. (Donnez les papiers/devoirs) • Les devoirs: APT pg. 68, 69 et étudiez-l’interrodemain! Study pgs. 152-62, 166-69 Mardi- L’interro 4! Mardi-les cartes du vocabulaire (sur LMS-100% à 7:25 du matin!) (lundi +5)Mercredi-90%,Jeudi-80%,Vendredi-70% www.classzone.comJeudi-L’examen4! New 50 sentences: (Oral quiz end of next week) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX_oeV3OQzw
Mon. F 2 PreAP 1. Due: H/W in Pg. 218 Ex. 1, 3 Pg.220-21 ex. 5, 7 Pg. 222 ex. 8 –tomorrow, we’ll grade them! 2. Check: H/W APT pg. 85-86,89-90 F 2 unit 4 lesson 14 APT answers 85 86.pdf F 2 unit 4 lesson 15 APT answers 89 90.pdf 3. Notes: Lui/LeurNotes 240 (ALL), 241 (top) 4. Song for 105 5. Flashcards in LMS by 7:25 for 105 today (100 Tue) Next: W/B, APT, Prac. Online quizzes www.classzone.com
Mon. F 1 1. Notes: BAGS & C’est/Cesont Pgs. 175-78 ( 1 X) Green & yellow, all examples and arrows. www.classzone.com 2. Flashcard check in for 105 (pg. 184, 185) See: (6th did not see) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOdeR9EUCqM 3. Oral practice in text-adjectives pgs. 165-168 & if time, start audio work on workbook page • H/W: APT pg. 55/56 and make your flashcards for 100! • TEST THURSDAY-unit 4! NO LATE WORK IN FROM LAST WEEK CAN BE ACCEPTED UNLESS YOU WERE ABSENT! Open book quiz Wed.