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Lundi le 8 avril. http://www.musee-armee.fr/en/english-version.html lundi le 8 avril. 5 th week of 5 th 6 weeks. F 2 R Poster due for +10. Warmup : 5 new verbs * (get your verbcharts back) . NEED NOTES: 228, 244! Review of 5 new verbs ** Grade Verbchart on board
Lundi le 8 avril http://www.musee-armee.fr/en/english-version.html lundile 8 avril
F 2 R Poster due for +10 • Warmup: 5 new verbs * (get your verbcharts back) . NEED NOTES: 228, 244! • Review of 5 new verbs ** • Grade Verbchart on board H/W: Study for quiz on verbs tomorrow! Test Mon. then re-tests all week as we learn DOPS/IDOPS . Showing 5 FFF next week
***F 2 ALL: QUIZ tomorrow! • SAMPLE OF QUIZ: you will write the infinitive, conjugate with all 6 subjects and then write the past participle! • 1. To know facts • 2. To read • 3. To say/tell • 4. To know people/places • 5. To write
* F 2R & PreAP: Warmup Translate: • Je lis un livre. I read/am reading/do read a book. • Tuconnaisce café? (D0)You know this café? • Ilssavent la leçon. They know the lesson. • Vousdites la verité? You say/tell the truth? • Nous écrivonsunelettre. We write a letter. • Il a dit un mensonge. He told/did tell/has told a lie. • Victor Hugo a écrit un roman. VH wrote a novel. • J’ailu la bandedesinée. I (did/have) read the cartoon/comic strip/comics • Elle a connu le restaurant. She knew/has known, did know the restaurant. • Vousavezsu le poème. You have known/knew/did know the poem.
** F 2 all: 5 new verbs from unit 4: • 2. To read: Lire-Je lis, Tulis, Il lit, Nous lisons, Vouslisez, Ilslisent . PP: Lu • 3. To say/tell: Dire-Je dis, Tudis, Il dit, Nous disons, Vousdites, Ilsdisent. PP: Dit • 5. To write: Écrire-J’écris, Tuécris, Il écrit, Nous écrivons, Vousécrivez, Ilsécrivent. PP: écrit • 1. To know: Savoir-Je sais, Tu sais, Il sait, Nous savons, Voussavez, Ilssavent. PP: Su • 4. To know: Connaître-Je connais, Tuconnais, Il connaît, Nous connaissons, Vousconnaissez, Ilsconnaissent. PP: Connu
F 2 PreAP Bonus poster +10 • Warmup: 5 new verbs * • Review of 5 new verbs ** • Notes:text pg. 228, 244 • If time, song practice! F_2_je_ne_regrette_rien_rubric.doc • H/W: Due Wed borrowed K words in sentences. (Quiz on borrowed words next Wed.!) • Mon: TEST, then Showing 5 FFF all next week & practicing song.
F 3-5thweek! Poster +10 • Unité 4-les notes du vocabulaire page 152! • La parure2-5 Finissezcettesemaine! • Voyez: La conte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CDVAeaT7Ks
F 1-5thweek! Poster +10 6th only: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-3QQTM76Xk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5Zr_mdRIiU&feature=player_embedded Both- Vocabulary: Turn in Scrapbook for 105! 1. Notes: AVOIR pg. 152, green & yellow box-2 X’s F, 1X E. 2. Over “ER” verbs-see two powerpoints :ER PP **F 1 other ER VERBS REVIEW.pptx 3. Over Topic oral grade. *** F 1 SPEAKING PACKET.pdf 4. ER book work: Pg. 101 (14, 15) Pg. 107 (2,4) Pg. 110 (9, 10), Pg. 111 (11). 5. An early bird topic oral grades? H/W: Finish your ER book work. Do scrapbook if not done! Practice 4 oral gradetomorrow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lssLbGVQvo
F 1 PG. 101 Example of ex. 14! WRITE QUESTION: • Est-cequetuaimesnager? • Aimes-tunager? WRITE ANSWER: • Oui, j’aimenager! (Non, je n’aime pas nager)