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Online Teaching & Learning . Pedagogical Best Practices. Joanne Deitsch OMDE 610 Section 9040 27-November-2013. Introduction. Background Learning Theory Overview Description Online Implications Pedagogy Evolutionary Trends Best Practices Conclusion. Background.
Online Teaching & Learning Pedagogical Best Practices Joanne DeitschOMDE 610 Section 904027-November-2013
Introduction • Background • Learning Theory Overview • Description • Online Implications • Pedagogy • Evolutionary Trends • Best Practices • Conclusion
Background (Leonard, Noh, & Orey, 2012)
Behaviorism • “Behaviorist learning theory focuses on that which is observable: how people behave and especially how to change or elicit particular behaviors” (Harasim, 2011, p. 31) • “Behaviorist strategies can be used to teach the facts (what)” (Ally, 2008, p. 39) (Microsoft, 2013c)
Behaviorist Pedagogy Online (Ally, 2008) (Roberts, 2011) (Microsoft, 2013b) (Microsoft, 2013a) (Microsoft, 2013c)
Cognitivism • “the key difference between behaviorist and cognitivist theories of learning was the importance accorded to what goes on between the stimulus or input and the resultant behavior. Cognitivists were interested in modeling the mental structures and processes that operated in the mind in order to explain behavior” (Harasim, 2011, p. 47) • “cognitivist strategies, the principles and processes (how)” (Ally, 2008, p. 39) (Microsoft, 2013c)
Cognitivist Pedagogy Online (Ally, 2008) (Microsoft, 2013c)
Constructivism • “Constructivist theory posits that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing the world, and reflecting on those experiences…This process is one of asking questions, exploring, engaging in dialogue with others and reassessing what we know” (Harasim, 2011, p. 60) • “constructivist strategies to teach the real-life and personal applications and contextual learning” (Ally, 2008, p. 39) (HCG, 2012)
Constructivist Pedagogy(Ally, 2008) (Alpha Construction, 2013) (Wilcox, 2013) (Tritschler, n.d.) (Oschatz & Wolf, 2002) (HCG, 2012)
Online Collaborative Learning (OCL) • “Online Collaborative Learning (OCL) is proposed here as a new theory of learning that focuses on collaborative learning, knowledge building, and Internet use as a means to reshape formal, nonformal and informal education for the Knowledge Age” (Harasim, 2011, p. 81) • “facilitate knowledge building” (Harasim, 2011, p. 81) (HCG, 2012)
OCL Pedagogy (Harasim, 2011) (HCG, 2012)
OCL Informal Learning (Harasim, 2011) (HCG, 2012)
Evolutionary Trends Expert knowledge resides within the instructor Responsibility for learning resides with the learner (Microsoft, 2013c) (HCG, 2012) (Delta T, n.d.)
Best Practice Discussion (Kilens, 2011)
Best Practice [1 of 4] • Online teaching and learning benefit most when pedagogy takes priority over technology (Caplan& Graham, 2008; Kanuka, 2008) (Business Quest, 2012)
Best Practice [2 of 4] • Choose the best-fit pedagogy for the learning situation (Ally, 2008), industry environment and institutional goals (Microsoft, 2013c) (HCG, 2012) (Delta T, n.d.)
Best Practice [3 of 4] • Encourage learner’s to take more responsibility for learning Responsibility for learning resides with the learner (Microsoft, 2013c) (HCG, 2012) (Delta T, n.d.)
Best Practice [4 of 4] • Acknowledge the power of informal learning and, hopefully, include in strategic plans for learning (Cross, 2008)
Conclusion [1 of 4] • Background • Behaviorism • Cognitivism • Constructivism • OCL (Microsoft, 2013c) (HCG, 2012)
Conclusion [2 of 4] • Background • Evolutionary Trends Expert knowledge resides within the instructor Responsibility for learning resides with the learner (Microsoft, 2013c) (HCG, 2012) (Delta T, n.d.)
Conclusion [3 of 3] • Best Practice 1: Online teaching and learning benefit most when pedagogy takes priority over technology • Best Practice 2: Choose the best-fit pedagogy for the learning situation, industry environment and institutional goals
Conclusion [4 of 4] • Best Practice 3: Encourage learner’s to take more responsibility for learning • Best Practice 4: Acknowledge the power of informal learning and, hopefully, include in strategic plans for learning
References [1 of 7] Ally, M. (2008). Foundations of educational theory for online learning. In T. Anderson (Ed.), The theory and practice of online learning (2nd Ed.) pp. 15-49. Athabasca, CA:Athabasca University Press. Retrieved from http://www.aupress.ca/books/120146/ebook/99Z_Anderson_2008-Theory_and_Practice_of_Online_Learning.pdf Alpha Construction. (2013). Home [Image]. Retrieved from http://alphaconstructionoc.com/ American Society for Training & Development (ASTD). (2013, January 23). New research: Informal learning recognized by organizations, not yet adopted as a component of learning & development [Blog Post]. Retrieved from http://www.astd.org/Publications/Blogs/ASTD-Blog/2013/01/Informal-Learning
References [2 of 7] Business Quest. (2012). Articles [Image]. Retrieved from http://www.westga.edu/~bquest/2001/pedagogy1.htm Caplan, D. & Graham, R. (2008). The development of online courses. In T. Anderson. & F. Elloumi (Eds.), Theory and practice of online learning (Second Edition) pp. 245-264. Retrieved July 29, 2008, from http://cde.athabascau.ca/online_book/second_edition.html Cross, J. (2008, July 12). What is informal learning? [Image]. Retrieved from http://www.informl.com/2008/07/12/what-is-informal-learning-2/
References [3 of 7] Delta T. (n.d.). Duct and pipe heaters [Image]. Retrieved from http://www.deltat.com/duct_heaters.html Harasim, L. (2011). Learning Theory and Online Technologies. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. HCG. (2012, January 10). HCG diet to lose weight [Image]. Retrieved from http://www.hcgdiettoloseweight.com/227/hcg-dieters-group-%E2%80%93-get-ideas-from-others-experiences/
References [4 of 7] • Kanuka, H. (2008). Understanding e-learning technologies in practice through philosophies in practice. In T. Anderson (Ed.), The theory and practice of online learning (2nd Ed.) pp. 91-120. Athabasca, CA:Athabasca University Press. Retrieved from http://www.aupress.ca/books/120146/ebook/99Z_Anderson_2008-Theory_and_Practice_of_Online_Learning.pdf • Kilens, M. (2011, July 26). 5 homepage design best practices [Image]. http://academy.hubspot.com/blog/bid/109553/ • Leonard, K., Noh, E. K., & Orey, M. (2012). Introduction to emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology [Image]. Retrieved from http://epltt.coe.uga.edu/index.php?title=Introduction_to_Emerging_Perspectives_on_Learning,_Teaching,_and_Technology
References [5 of 7] Microsoft. (2013a). Close-up of a test paper that has a grade of an A+ [Image]. Used with permission from Microsoft. Retrieved from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/results.aspx?qu=grade&ex=1#ai:MP900399542| Microsoft. (2013b). Pencil laying on top of a shaded test form [Image]. Used with permission from Microsoft. Retrieved from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/results.aspx?qu=test&ex=1&AxInstalled=copy&Download=MP900385588&ext=JPG&c=0#ai:MP900402266| Microsoft. (2013c). Podium [Image]. Used with permission from Microsoft. Retrieved from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/results.aspx?qu=podium&ex=1&AxInstalled=copy&Download=MP900385588&ext=JPG&c=0#ai:MP900385588|mt:2|
References [6 of 7] Oschatz, S., Wolf, M. (2002). Developing interactive irritainment-spaces with vvvv[Image]. Retrieved from http://netzspannung.org/cat/servlet/CatServlet?cmd=netzkollektor&subCommand=showEntry&entryId=79453&lang=en Roberts, Z. (2011, March 14). Learning outcomes update [Image]. Retrieved from http://tbselt.blogspot.com/2011/03/learning-outcomes-update.html Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: a learning theory for the digital age. Retrieved from http://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/connectivism.htm
References [7 of 7] Tritschler, C. (n.d.). Recapping the real world: Storylines to watch [Image]. Retrieved from http://snotap.blogspot.com/2013/04/recapping-real-world-storylines-to-watch.html Wilcox, H. (2013, May 23). Wikis and collaborative learning [Image]. Retrieved from http://haydenwilcox.edublogs.org/2013/05/23/wikis-and-collaborative-learning/