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Discover the path to enlightenment through education, reasoning, and ethical considerations. Explore the concepts of truth, perception, and morals to navigate life's complexities. Embrace transparency, accountability, and courageous actions while challenging conformity and ignorance. Unveil hidden truths in our society and empower yourself with critical thinking skills to make informed decisions for a better future.
Education Latin educum = to lead, let out, reveal. Occult Latin occulere = to hide, keep secret, conceal. Education= act or process of imparting or acquiring knowledge, developing the process of reasoning and judgment and intellectually preparing oneself or others for a mature life. Edification= Intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement; enlightenment.
Ignorance = a state of being un-informed. From ignore; information may have been presented yet it has been ignored or denied, therefore not incorporated into the world view or perception of an individual. Nescient = not knowing, due to never having been exposed to the information. Naive = having or showing a lack of experience, judgment or information.
Truth The actual state of a matter; That which is. Conformity with fact or reality; Objective. Whatever occurred or is occurring. Perception The act of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; Subjective. Your understanding of something;
Ethics the practice of morality in the society you live in. Morals what an individual may believe is right or wrong.
What are your Morals? Questionnaire: Is there any meaning or purpose to our lives? □ Yes □ No □ Not sure If No, then make up your own rules or remain ignorant for the rest of your life! If Yes, then how do you determine what is right and what is wrong?
What is the “Right” thing to do? a) How should I know and why should I care? b) Whatever is best for me at the time. c) As long as I don’t get caught, I can do anything I want. d) The Golden Rule… Do No Harm. e) Do not tolerate or allow harm to others. d) and e) = Do not take things that do not belong to you.
R R L Creative General Imaginative Intuitive Conceptual Holistic Heuristic Empathetic Figurative Irregular Analytical Precise Logical Repetitive Organized Details Scientific Detached Literal Sequential Do No Harm Tolerate No Harm
Society Conscience Willful Ignorance 1. Transparency 1. Thinking Fully Informed 2. Accountability 2. Emotions Passionate/Empathetic Apathy 3. Performance 3. Actions Cowardice Courageous * In alignment with the Truth
Example from July 20th, 2015 Article: Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) makes assessments of GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) ingredients to FDA for use in foods! FEMA claims the data they provided to the FDA since 1960 would fill about 500 boxes. Center for Public Integrity (CSPI) FOIA October 2014 for “all information that the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) has supplied to FDA since 1960 as support for its determinations that flavors it has evaluated are generally recognized as safe, or GRAS”. The FDA’s reply was: “We have searched our files and find no responsive information.”
Controlled Corporate music from ‘megastars’ Trinket-like gadgets to distract people Toxic food for prevalent sickness Is something Blocking our ability understand things and reason?
“It frightens me still to realize how deeply alcohol advertisers understand the precise nature of addiction and how deliberately and destructively they use their knowledge” Jean Kilbourne, Chair, Council on Alcohol Policy
“SALT SUGAR FAT” How the Food Giants Hooked Us By Michael Moss (2013) Potato Chips among the most addictive junk foods (2011) – Hits all 3!
Why is MSG bad for you?!? Interferes with actions of the Hypothalamus in your brain. Satiety Center Inhibited by MSG
How can we protect ourselves? Understand the Mind and ‘Thinking’ better and apply a useful system of thinking
Oracle of Delphi Heed these words…Know Thyself and you will know the Universe… Frederick Douglass “I found that to make a contented slave it is necessary to make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision and as far as possible to annihilate the power of reason. He must be able to detect no inconsistencies in slavery, he must be made to feel that slavery is right and he can be brought to that only when he ceases to be a man.”
The Trivium 1. Grammar - Discovering and ordering facts of reality; collecting information, it provides a base of systematicKnowledge. 2. Logic – DevelopingReasonin establishing valid relationships among facts, forming systematicUnderstanding(non-contradictory identification). 3. Rhetoric - Speaking or writing persuasively. Systematically useable knowledge & understanding generatingWisdom.
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting one in a fruit salad. Develop skills of critical thinking (the Trivium) and practice applying them daily by discussing important issues with the people around you.
The Story of Bt-Toxin The Corn cells Now make their own Bt-toxin Corn Cell
This very same Corn that kills the other Pest that eats it, is in practically Everything You Eat!
Human Genome Project (2000) Expected ~150,000 Genes, but only found ~21,000 1 gene ≠ 1 protein
Conflict of Interest? Shamefully Obvious
The Story of Glyphosate Glyphosate is the major ingredient in Monsanto’s Round-Up Pesticide Control Normal Soil Sterile Soil Glyphosate Action is to promote virulent soil-borne pathogens by killing good ones! Glyphosate Applied No Glyphosate Glyphosate Applied
Bacteria Glyphosate works by interrupting the shikimate pathway, how plants make essential Amino Acids. Human cells don’t have this pathway = safe for us… Altered Gene Inserted into crop But our Good Gut Bacteria DO! They are Essential to Health and our Immune System The Premise: Whack in gene from bacteria into plant - Now only this plant is Protected from Glyphosate mechanism of killing! Genetically Modified Soybean Crop BUT In fact, this will radically affect the good bacteria in the soil too!
Glyphosate – major ingredient in Monsanto Round-Up Pesticide Glyphosate
“Roundup has one of the most extensive human health safety and environmental data packages of any pesticide that's out there. It's used in public parks… to protect schools. There's been a great deal of study on Roundup, and we're very proud of its performance.” Monsanto spokesman John Combest One inert ingredient, polyethoxylated more deadly to human embryonic (placental, umbilical cells) than herbicide itself. Many Ethical Scientist believe there may be a link between glyphosate use and… Autism; Alzheimer’s; Obesity; Low serotonin, tryptophan, linked to depression, mental illnesses; Parkinson’s; Birth defects; Celiac disease, Crohn’s and Colitis; Cancer; Diabetes; etc… 4.6 million lbs 2001 to 100 million lbs 2009
GMO Toxicity Affects on Animals, Plants and Soil 1) GMOs disrupt digestion. A 2004 study Nature Biotechnology found that transgenic plant DNA persists in the human gastrointestinal tract upon consumption. This is the closest thing to a human clinical trial that has ever been conducted with GMOs, shows genetic material from GMOs actually transfers into the DNA of living bacteria in the gut, where it reproduces indefinitely. (http://www.anh-usa.org) 2) GMOs cause cancer. The Seralini Study provides solid evidence that GMOs are processed by mammals differently than natural foods. Rats fed a lifetime of GMOs sprayed with the toxic Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide developed serious tumors that took over their entire bodies. Also the International Journal of Biological Sciences showed similar results, with the addition of organ failure as a symptom of GMO consumption. (http://www.naturalnews.com) 3) GMOs increase herbicide use. Contrary to industry claims, GMOs have not reduced the need for chemical inputs, but rather greatly expanded it. Washington State University's Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources found that herbicide use has increased by an astounding 527 millions pounds since GMOs were first introduced. 4) GMOs damage native species. A major point of contention with GMOs is that they can very easily pass their traits onto non-GMO, organic, and native crops and other plants, effectively destroying their very integrity permanently. Hundreds of farmers have been sued by Monsanto and other GMO giants after their crops were inadvertently contaminated by GMOs. GMOs are also responsible for killing off bees, bats, butterflies, and other pollinators, whose bodies are unable to handle the onslaught of altered DNA and chemicals that are characteristic of GMO technologies. 5) GMOs pollute the environment. A 2011 study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that the Bacillus thuriengensis (Bt) bacteria engineered into Monsanto's GM corn can now be found in hundreds of streams and waterways throughout the U.S. Another study published in the journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry revealed that Roundup herbicide is also present in many waterways and groundwater sources throughout America as well. (http://naturalsociety.com) 6) GMOs deplete soil minerals, destroy beneficial bacteria. Studies have shown that these chemicals degrade and deplete soils of vital minerals and beneficial bacteria, both of which protect crops from pests, viruses, and other threatening elements. Glyphosate, the active component in Roundup, also does not biodegrade, which means it is continually accumulating in the environment without restraint, 7) GMOs spawn crop-destroying 'superweeds,' 'superbugs.’ The premise is GMOs artificially engineer crops with resistance to chemicals and exposures that would otherwise kill them, thus they can improve yields and protect the environment. This allowed farmers to indiscriminately spray chemicals (Roundup) on crops without worrying about killing them. But system is now failing, as the weeds and pests targeted by GMO technologies have mutated and developed resistance As a result, pestilence and disease is on the rise due to GMOs.
Some Facts: 65% of Americans are overweight. 27% are clinically obese. 60% of Americans do not exercise. (17% of kids ages 6 to 19) 3 Worst Foods? 1. 2. 3.
#3 Acrylamide ↑ starch ↑ glycemic index! ↑ Trans Fats GM Potatoes Zero Nutrients * Tertiary Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ)
#2 Contains lots of sugar Contains no sugar Regular Diet Both are Highly Addictive with Harmful Ingredients
#1 Sugar Acrylamide Artificial colors and flavors ↑ ↑ glycemic index! 30-40% Trans Fat GM Bleached White Flour 200-300 Calories
Fight for your Mind! Effects of Watching TV Decreased melatonin Early puberty Cancer Autism Difficulty sleeping Diabetes Obesity Decreased immunity Poor metabolism Poor eyesight Alzheimer's Just Say NO to TV!
How can we protect ourselves? Exercise your Body to strengthen and protect your Mind and Spirit
Benefits of Exercise Healthier brains and increased cognitive skills, makes neurons release brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), trigger brain stem cells to into new neurons. Greater blood flow to your brain , decreased risk of heart and blood vessel diseases Slow the development of Alzheimer's disease. Significantly fewer plaques and beta-amyloid peptides (Alzheimer's). Lowers activity of bone-morphogenetic protein (BMP, which slows rate of new brain cells). Increases Noggin, that acts as a BMP antagonist. At least as good as antidepressants, elevating serotonin and endorphins levels in brain. Increases hippocampus cells (depression shows fewer cells hippocampus). Avoid sugar (esply fructose) - suppresses BDNF; levels critically low in depression. Exercise is profoundly beneficial effects on memory and mental health!
Golden Ratio – Sacred Anatomy You are Amazing! The Vetruvian Man expressed the Canon of Proportions.
Golden Ratio Examples in Human Anatomy
“Meditation Increases Compassionate Responses to Suffering”Psychological Science (2013) *Insula and Cingulate gyrus involved in empathy. Northeastern and Harvard Universities examined effects of 8 weeks of meditation on compassion and virtuous behavior. Who acted to help? Non-meditating group = 15% Meditating group = 50%
You are in the Universe and the Universe is in you! Human egg cell and follicle The Microscope: 1665-1674 Robert Hooke; Anton van Leeuwenhoek. Robert Fludd (1574 – 1637)