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Ground Percolation Testing

Ground Percolation Testing. How long will it take for a latrine to fill. Empowering people to help themselves with what they already have. Gratitude. Many thanks to the generous people of PLAN-Cambodia and WTO offering guidance, transportation, translation, housing and friendship.

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Ground Percolation Testing

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  1. Ground Percolation Testing How long will it take for a latrine to fill Empowering people to help themselves with what they already have . . . www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  2. Gratitude Many thanks to the generous people ofPLAN-Cambodia and WTOoffering guidance, transportation, translation, housingand friendship www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  3. What kind of latrine are we talking about? www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  4. What is a percolation test • Method to determine how fast water (urine) will flow into the ground • A tool to determine an appropriate site for a latrine • A tool to determine how soon the tank or pit will fill • Can be used to size a simple leach-field www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  5. Where do the liquids go? • Liquids leak into soil, but only so much per day . . . We’ll calculate how much. • With time, fecal sludge builds up and closes off the tank floor – it will fill faster after that. www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  6. What we’ll calculate • How fast water is absorbed by the soil – in three steps • How much liquid will enter the latrine per day • How large of a soil area will be needed to get rid of the liquids each day We are going to make our calculations for a pour-flush toilet because it uses a lot more water than a pity latrine. www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  7. First – dig a hole and smaller test hole www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  8. Second – pre-soak the hole www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  9. Third – start test and record data www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  10. Example calculation www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  11. What we’ll calculate • How fast water is absorbed by the soil – in three steps 2.1 minutes/cm • How much liquid will enter the latrine per day 3. How large of a soil area will be needed to get rid of the liquids each day www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  12. Calculating liters of liquid per day Urine related liquids: • Average person pees a total of 1.5 liters per day, they pee about 5 times per day, but they do not pee each time in a latrine. • We will assume they pee 0.4 liters each time they pee. • We will assume they pee twice a day in the latrine. • Assume the average flush after peeing is 2 liters. • Total peeing related liquid is 2 x (0.4 + 2) = 4.8 liters per person per day www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  13. Calculating liters of waste per day Fecal related liquids: • Assume the average person poops 1.25 times per day • The average flush after pooping is 3 liters of water. • Therefore there are 1.25 x 3 = 3.75 liters of liquid due to pooping in the latrine per person per day. • Assume 5 people per household • Total liquid is 5 x (3.75 + 4.8) = 43 liters of liquid per household per day www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  14. What we’ll calculate • How fast water is absorbed by the soil – in three steps 2 minutes/cm • How much liquid will enter the latrine per day 43 liters per day for this household 3. How large of a soil area will be needed to get rid of the liquids each day www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  15. Soil Area Needed for Liquid Absorption • The soil percolation rate is 2.1 minutes per cm • The suggested soil treatment area is 0.02 sq. meters/liter • We have 43 liters per day so the suggested area is 43 x .02 = 0.86 sq. meters • Perc rate > 24 minutes per cm will fill septic tank very soon • Perc rate < 3 seconds per cm has a high probability of contaminating wells that are nearby. www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  16. The “take away” on percolation testing • A simple test can avoid dissatisfaction. • The “standard” pour-flush toilet design (three rings) is marginal for anything other than sandy soils. • Lower percolation rate = Low emptying frequency • High percolation rate = High emptying frequency • Very-low percolation rate = Risk of contaminating wells • Fecal sludge buildup will always hinder percolation • We recommend the following design for testing . . . www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  17. Recommended design changes www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  18. Thank you and good luck. www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

  19. Ground Percolation Testing Additional sources of information: http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/naturalresources/DD0583.html http://www.deq.gov.mp/artdoc/Sec6art108ID255.pdf Empowering people to help themselves with what they already have . . . www.naturehealingnature.org mark@naturehealingnature.org www.thecenterforrainwaterharvesting.org 016-685-915 & +1 832-423-8425

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