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COSMO-LEPS verification

COSMO-LEPS verification. Chiara Marsigli Francesco Boccanera Andrea Montani Tiziana Paccagnella. super-ensemble (ECMWF 5RM) BSS outliers. number of RMs BSS outliers. new suite. COSMO observations. obs mask 1.5 x 1.5. adjacent boxes.

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COSMO-LEPS verification

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Presentation Transcript

  1. COSMO-LEPS verification Chiara Marsigli Francesco Boccanera Andrea Montani Tiziana Paccagnella

  2. super-ensemble (ECMWF 5RM)BSS outliers

  3. number of RMsBSS outliers new suite

  4. COSMO observations

  5. obs mask 1.5 x 1.5

  6. adjacent boxes

  7. COSMO-LEPS vs 5RM-EPS vs51M-EPSROC area average on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes tp > 10mm/24h tp > 20mm/24h COSMO-LEPS 5-MEMBER EPS 51-MEMBER EPS

  8. COSMO-LEPS vs 5RM-EPS vs51M-EPSROC area maxima on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes tp > 30mm/24h tp > 20mm/24h tp > 50mm/24h COSMO-LEPS 5-MEMBER EPS 51-MEMBER EPS

  9. COSMO-LEPS vs ECMWF 5 RMROC average on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes fc. range +66 tp > 20mm/24h fc. range +90

  10. COSMO-LEPS vs ECMWF 5 RMCOST-LOSS average on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes tp > 10mm/24h fc. range +66 tp > 20mm/24h envelope envelope COSMO-LEPS 5-MEMBER EPS COSMO-LEPS 5-MEMBER EPS

  11. COSMO-LEPS 5-MEMBER EPS COSMO-LEPS vs ECMWF 5 RMCOST-LOSS average on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes envelope fc. range +90 tp > 20mm/24h

  12. COSMO-LEPS vs ECMWF 5 RMdetscores average on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes false alarm rate observed forecast

  13. COSMO-LEPS vs ECMWF 5 RMdetscores average on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes bias score observed forecast

  14. COSMO-LEPS vs ECMWF 5 RMdetscores average on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes threat score observed forecast

  15. COSMO-LEPS vs ECMWF 5 RM OUTLIERS average on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes

  16. italian observations

  17. COSMO-LEPS - parallel suiteROC average on 0.5 x 0.5 boxes tp > 20mm/24h fc. range +90 Tiedtke Kain-Fritsch both (10-m)

  18. COSMO-LEPS - parallel suiteROC maxima on 0.5 x 0.5 boxes tp > 50mm/24h fc. range +90 Tiedtke Kain-Fritsch both (10-m)

  19. FINE

  20. obs mask 0.5 x 0.5

  21. ECMWF 5RM newsuiteBSS average on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes tp > 1mm/24h tp > 10mm/24h fc. range +90

  22. ECMWF 5RM newsuiteBSS average on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes fc. range +114 tp > 10mm/24h tp > 1mm/24h

  23. ECMWF 5RM newsuiteBSS average on 1.5 x 1.5 boxes fc. range +114 tp > 20mm/24h

  24. COSMO-LEPS - areasROC average on boxes fc. range +90 tp > 1mm/24h tp > 10mm/24h

  25. COSMO-LEPS - areasROC average on boxes fc. range +90 tp > 20mm/24h

  26. deterministic scores observed forecast

  27. COSMO-LEPS vs EPSrm -ndj0203 1.5 x 1.5 ave & max

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