Women’s History Resource Project This project is intended to help the 5th grade students at Dexter Middle School to learn more about how women have affected our nation’s history. Included in the project are pictures, videos, podcasts, photos, and audio segments to help make this part of history come alive and help the students to be made more aware of the impact of women in the past and to our future. By Amber Gibson Dexter Middle School Librarian Figure 1: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division [LC-USZ62-93552 DLC]
Professional Resource Project Amber Gibson agibson@scsk12.org (work) or lgibson2@memphis.edu (school) IDT 7064/8064 March 26, 2009
Women during Colonial times The Role of Women Before and During the Colonial Period Women in Colonial America Marriage in Colonial North Carolina A collection of articles regarding women and their lives and times during the colonial period. Anne Hutchinson - an important woman during the Colonial Period Primary sources on Colonial America including the lives of women Figure 3: Woman performing multiple household tasks.
Women during the Salem Witch Trials A possible cause of the Salem Witch trials including an interactive game A Salem Witch Trials Webquest Websites created by students on the topic of Salem Witch trials (Thinkquest) An interactive witch hunt from National Geographic Discovery education interactive website on the Witch Trials Figure 4: “Witch Hill” painting by Thomas Hill depicting the trials.
Women during the Revolutionary War Women soldiers during the Revolutionary War Interactive website overviewing the Revolutionary War including the role of Women Women in the Revolutionary War A video on the heroine Molly Pitcher Daughters of Liberty information Figure 5: Depiction of the woman hero Molly Pitcher
Women during the Civil War Smithsonian Civil War exhibit including the affect on women Ladies, Contraband and Spies of the Civil War The Civil War Through a Child's Eye (Library of Congress) Women of the American Civil War Primary sources from Duke University about Women in the Civil War Primary Sources about Southern Women in the Civil War Library of Congress War Photos Figure 6: Lucy Stone, an Early suffragist during the Civil War.
Women of the Suffrage Movement Links and introduction of the Women's Suffrage Movement Susan B. Anthony website Interactive website from PBS on Suffrage Movement Interactive website from Scholastic on Suffrage Little known facts about Women's Suffrage Brainpop movie on Suffrage (username: shelby, password: county) Women's suffrage webquest Figure 7: 1923 Memorial Service for Susan B. Anthony
Women during the World Wars • BBC site on World War I and women • Listing of websites of women and WWI • A compilations of video oral histories about WWII • Read lost diary of WWII pilot and lost love from NPR • Links and primary sources on WWI and WWII and women • Library of Congress American Women on the Homefront • Interactive website on women on the homefront Figure 8: British propaganda poster, WWI
Equal Rights and Vietnam War Primary sources and links to women in the Vietnam War Oral accounts and links to Women in Vietnam Interviews with women in war including Vietnam (Library of Congress) Timeline and links to Women's Rights National Women's History Project including Women's Rights Movement Britannica online includes images, videos, article on women's rights (username: shelby pass: county) Figure 9: Sally Ride, the first American woman astronaut
Notable Women Figure 10: Notable women in America Biography.com has a listing of well-known women in history Videos on women throughout history (username: shelby, password: county) Scholastic listing of notable women including weblinks Listing of famous women by their subjects Women's milestones from Time for Kids Links, activities for notable women
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