A feature article This is an article on albums ‘for those about to rock’ it is about the latest albums. The purpose of this article is to keep the readers updated with all the new albums and which bands will be relating it . The layout of the article is that they have used a cropped image of two people, and the heading in large bold to make the article stand out also the sub heading is to tell the readers what is this article about and why, and used a lot of information about the latest albums the stars of it and the realest date. They have also used a darker colour as the heading and sub heading is light they have also used a darker colour to represent the cropped image.
Advertisement effecting Kerrang The PCC deals with all editorially-controlled material in UK newspapers and magazines (and their websites) issues a ruling on the substance of the complaint. . This edition of kerrang complaints are the shocking pictures they used and the words they used during the interview such as f word and the c word. And also the complaints were received about Kerrang!'s sudden emphasis on emo and metalcore music.