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Election of 1828

Election of 1828. Jeffersonian Republicans split into 2 parties. The Democratic Republicans – Jackson – state’s rights. National Republicans – John Q. Adams – Strong Central Government. Jackson is Victorious!!! Landslide Victory!!. Jackson’s Presidency

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Election of 1828

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Election of 1828 Jeffersonian Republicans split into 2 parties.

  2. The Democratic Republicans –Jackson – state’s rights • National Republicans • – John Q. Adams – • Strong Central Government

  3. Jackson is Victorious!!! Landslide Victory!! • Jackson’s Presidency • Suffrage – equal protection and equal benefits (right to vote) • Expanded suffrage to include all white males – no longer had to own land.

  4. Spoils System • “to the victors belongs the spoils” • Jackson fired government workers and filled the white house with his supporters and friends. • This act of replacing employees with supporters and friends became known as the spoils system.

  5. The Tariff of Abominations • 1828 Congress passes a very high tariff on manufactured goods from England. • North – supports it- good for Northern manufacturing. • South- Hated it- nicknamed it the tariff of Abominations or, tariff of everything hated! • Said it caused ALL prices to be higher.

  6. South looks to John C. Calhoun. • Calhoun says states have right to nullify, or cancel a law that goes against a state’s best interest.

  7. The South threatens to… • Secede, or break away from the U.S. if they do not nullify this tariff.

  8. Jackson takes a stand… • “Our federal Union… must be preserved!”

  9. South very angry and pass the Nullification Act • Basically saying they will not pay the tariff.

  10. Henry Clay proposes the Compromise Bill • This bill would gradually lower the tariff over a couple of years.

  11. Election of 1832 • Jackson wins reelection.

  12. Jackson passes the Force Bill • This bill states that the federal government could use the military to enforce acts passed by Congress.

  13. South learns a lesson…. • The federal government would not let a state leave without a fight!

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