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Election of 1828

Election of 1828. Adams v. Jackson. Election of 1828. Background. Both Jackson and Adams had long years of public service. Adams political and Jackson militarily. Both sides would have wild stories told about them some parts of which were true and some false.

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Election of 1828

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  1. Election of 1828 Adams v. Jackson

  2. Election of 1828

  3. Background • Both Jackson and Adams had long years of public service. Adams political and Jackson militarily. • Both sides would have wild stories told about them some parts of which were true and some false. • This elections was a repeat of the election of 1824 also known as the “Corrupt Bargain”

  4. Changes to get more people voting • Dropped land owning requirements for white males to vote • Created secret, written ballot • More political offices are elected instead of appointed

  5. Return to 2 Political Parties • National Republicans • Democrats

  6. Victory goes to… • Jackson • His supporters call for a “common man” in office got him elected. • With his VP candidate from NY he was better organized and ran a more effective campaign during the election of 1828. • Still maintained support from the previous election after he used the “Corrupt Bargain” to remind the people throughout the last 4 years what happened.

  7. At the Inauguration • Jackson refused to meet with the out-going president prior to taking the oath of office. • Adams refused to attend the inauguration • I guess both men were still upset over the recent election, and the election of 1824

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