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A Study on Adaptation of Electronic Books and Usability of E-Resources among Researchers in Scientific Organization at Faisalabad-Pakistan. Muhammad Asif Dr . Muhammad Haroon Usmani Ch . Muhammad Hanif. Introduction ( Quan-Haase - 2011).
A Study on Adaptation of Electronic Books and Usability of E-Resourcesamong Researchers in Scientific Organization at Faisalabad-Pakistan Muhammad Asif Dr. Muhammad HaroonUsmani Ch. Muhammad Hanif
Introduction(Quan-Haase- 2011) Quan-Haase (2011) analyzed the initial results that showed diversity of attitude of historians relating to adaptation of e-books positive as well as negative. Feedback received from the respondents showed highly enthusiasm and concentration to adopt certain features of e-books. At the same time some respondents were showed degree of unwillingness and doubt. Further study found that librarians may work as change agents on the university campus for improvement of impact by using the new information and communication technologies to meet the academic requirements of the users.
(Hoffmann 2009 ) Hoffmann (2009) studied regarding users experiences while searching out their appropriate information via means of electronics and printed e-books. This study draws the conclusion that expectations of customers during their first visit for usage & accessing of e-books were not wholly fulfilled.
Carol Tenopir (2003) Carol Tenopir (2003) recommended two key features for which usage tendency of electronics publication has enhanced among youngster users. Availability of convenient access of electronic resources on their P C,s desktop, fast speed of searching and some other facilities like downloading, printing and easy forwarding the e-papers etc. are very significant aspect of benefit for users. Secondly, reliance of young users on e-sources is remarkably outstanding because of fervent adapters of e-books. Doman (2001) investigated that the concept of electronic books was present more or less in our environs since long especially in general writings of science fiction and fantasy. Many groups in late 1990s commercialized the e-books systems to make it feasible. More than eighteen e-books systems were obtainable in market prior to 2001 and out of them now mostly ebooks systems vanished from the long time. However, some manufactures sustained their endeavors to develop and take on e-books systems to make ubiquitous employ.
Mcknight (2003) Mcknight (2003) reported that it was not obvious from findings of study as portable electronic books supply feasible deliverance methods inside public library. Cox John (2004) concluded that wherever identical contents of technology and business disciplines required electronic books might assist the academic undertaking programme efficiently by reducing time and accumulation the significance like combined on-line resources comparatively put of single headings. Innovative technologies, inventions and prospects surfaced carry on and electronic books future revealed enlightened if its exploitation of study could make easier on computer monitor and extra supple could be recognized in client oriented, flexibility and licensing area.
Lam (2009) Lam (2009) observed that statistics of academic ebooks enhanced in university libraries. Nevertheless, student’s observation worth studying drift to use e-publication was not much widespread. Experiences showed that both groups of students usually acknowledged inventive expertise had prosperous capacity to amplify the teaching and learning in institutions locality.
Grinina, A. (2012) Grinina, A. (2012) showed that significant variation found in respondents groups between ages of 19-25 & 46-55 in the context of usage and acceptance of electronic books. Impediments were surveyed like computer and internet literacy in adoptation of electronic books among the users of 46-55 ages. This study further concludes that evaluated electronic books for extensive period are not appropriate for studying and these e-books may be made more advantageous only by improving the useful utilization.
Main Purpose of the Study The main purpose of this recent study was to examine/assess the awareness, usage and preference of researcher attitude about electronic books and e-resources .Further to determine the future needs of users.
Methodology A survey methodology was used to conduct research. In this context, a well-structured questionnaire was adopted and distributed to gather the necessary information from scientists/researchers to understand e-books perspectives. The survey was consisted on fifteen questions .The questions were prepared relating to electronic books awareness, usage, preference and electronic resources etc. Thus data was collected from respondents and summarized for the extraction of results.
Offering of ebooks In this present study 77.14% Scientists showed that they were well-known, 17.14% recorded the less knowledge and 5.71% said they had not totally aware about the offering of electronic books by library.
Have you ever make use of ebooks About 68.57% respondents rated that they had used electronic books, 25.71% replied in negative and 5.71% were not ever used electronic books to complete their research assignment.
Purpose of ebooks usage The highest number 43.42% researchers showed their interest that they consult electronic books for the purpose of research, 35.85% for study and 20.71% for entertainment purpose only.
Types of ebooks Scientific electronic books use received the most responses with 65.71% recorded by respondents to complete their research assignment, 25.71% indicated the general books and 7.57% used other disciplines/subjects books.
Searching sites A question was inquired by the scientists regarding the usage of searching sites to trace out the scientific literature for completing their research tasks, projects and the highest responses with 75.14% received that indicated to use of search engines like (google scholar, yahoo etc.,). Similarly, 17.14% use vender provided sites on internet as second choice of respondents and 7.57% researchers were used other sites as information source to accomplish research assignments and project reports.
Usefulness of ebooks About 82.14% respondents marked the ebooks were very useful for research activities, 8.57% considered useful and the same percentage was rated by respondents that electronic books were useful for other study areas to accomplish research related tasks.
Preference In this current study mostly scientists/researchers with 72.57% preferred the electronic books for research purpose, 26.71% still preferred to use printed books for performing their research activities.
Format preference The researcher’s asked to furnish their preference for electronic books formatting they indicated with 72.57% to PDF the highest user preferred format of ebooks, 18.14% cited full text HTML and 8.57% showed no concern for about formatting preference of ebooks as well as other related devices etc.
Category of ebooks A question was inquired from the respondents to know what are the categories of ebooks which presently library offered to its users. Researcher’s rated 66.71% scientific ebooks, 19.71% inferred general electronic books while 13.14% recorded the reference electronic books. Three categories of electronic books were presently offering to scientists for accomplishing their very need of research.
How did you learn about ebooks In the recent study, over forty sixty per cent researchers searched out information about ebooks from librarian, 13.14% got information from locating library catalogue, 27.28% through web search engines and 6.57% received information from library bulletin and with the same percentage through blogs. This information revealed that librarian remained the highest factor/source to disseminate in information to its users in this period of vastly expanding electronic devices.
E-resources awareness As the e-resources has provided new fuel to libraries in the form of online journals to enhance the research and development relating activities. Mostly e-journals are available on line in full text form free of cost and easily can be consulted to retrieve information to meet research needs by users. In this study about 26.71% respondents showed the excellent level of awareness regarding e-resources at library, 55.42% rated good, while 8.57% mentioned the same ratio relating fair and poor..
Types of e-resources In this study a question was asked from respondents what types of e-resources were used, in reply 68.57% rated electronic books, 52.42% recoded print books, 25.42% used online encyclopedias etc., 77.14% consulted e-journals, 34.28% mentioned e-databases and print journals, 85.71% inferred the e-newspapers the highest number of usage e-resource, 34.28% used e-magazines and sixty percent recorded they used social webs as information source.
Attitude about use of ebooks Sixty percent of respondent said that electronic books are friendly in use, 34.28% rated not friendly in use. 34.28% participants recorded about electronic books easy global access, while more than fifty percent (51.42%) electronic books were not has easy global access. The highest number received relating easy search of ebook with 68.57%, while 25.71% respondents faced difficulties in searching of electronic books. 77.14% said electronic books could easily share, while 17.14% inferred the problems in sharing of ebooks. 34% participants indicated easy to read electronic books, while sixty percent felt difficult to read electronic book for long hours reading. 85.71% participants acknowledged they would not prefer easy use of ebooks for their study. About 8.57% respondents recorded that they would prefer ebooks to read cover to cover while 85.71% responses were received from respondents in negative.However, e-resources can be searched out globally at any time.
Ebooks features Mostly respondents thought searching feature with 77.14% very important feature of ebook, while sixty percent said important and 17.14% rated the searching feature was not important for completion of their research assignment. They indicated global access with sixty percent very important, 68.57% important and 8.57% thought it not important for finding answers for their questions. Sixty percent thought the feature of downloading was very important and on the other hand respondents said with 60% printing were not important for them.
Recommendations Over 85.71% respondents recommended for addition more titles of electronic books relevant to their disciplines for completion of their running national and international projects as well as to enhance research activities. More than (51.42%) researchers recommended to add electronic books reader while 42.85% stressed on digital access availability. 8.57% participants rated the current titles of electronic books were insufficient to meet their research needs that might be improved.
References 1. Quan-Haase, A. and Martin, K. (2011). Seeking knowledge: An exploratory study of the role of social networks in the adoption of Ebooks by historians. Prod.Am. Soc..Info. sci.Tech., 48: 1-10.doi: 10.1002/meet.2011.14504801128. 2. Hoffmann, K., Dawson, D. & Berg., S (2009). Determining the usability of ebooksusing the think-aloud method. Paper presented at the 2009 Ontario Library Associations Super Conference: Session 1802, January 28-31, Toronto, Canda. 3. Carel, Tenopir (2003). Use and Users of Electronic Library Resources: An Overview and Analysis of Recent Research Studies (Washington, Council on Library and Information Resources), http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub/120/pub120.pd . 4. Doman, T.(2001). Electronic Books: An Overview of the First Two Generations. Unpublished Masters Thesis, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tenn.
References 5. Mcknight, C.,and James D. (2003). Electronic Book Use in a Public Library. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Vol.35, No.4; 235-242. A study on adaptation of ebooks 6. Cox, John. (2004).E-Books: Challenges and Opportunities. D-Lib Magazine, Vol.10, No.10, 2004. Ireland. 7. Lam, P… [et. al] (2009).Usability and usefulness of e-Books on PPCs: How students opinions vary over time. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(1), 30-40. 8.Grenina A.(2012).Electronic books :content provision and adoption possibilities among Users in Latvia “Information Research, 17(1).