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Part One The Historical Messenger. Muhammad. The age of the world at 5,600 years then: Adam 0 Noah 1200 Abraham 2342 Moses 2907 Jesus 4832 Muhammad 5432. Monotheist history. Translation issue in Arabic the word for Apostle and Messenger is the same: Prophet نـَبـِيٌّ
Part One The Historical Messenger Muhammad
The age of the world at 5,600 years then: • Adam 0 • Noah 1200 • Abraham 2342 • Moses 2907 • Jesus 4832 • Muhammad 5432 Monotheist history
Translation issue in Arabic the word for Apostle and Messenger is the same: Prophet نـَبـِيٌّ Messengerرَسُـولٌ Apostleرَسُـولٌ Apostolateر ِسَـالـَة ٌ from Greek root Άπόστολον Prophet or messenger
SiratRasul Allah (The Life of Muhammad) by: IbnIshaq(I.I.); edited: IbnHisham (I.H.) سيرة رسول الله لإبن اسحاق وبن هيشام Ansaab al-Ashraaf (The origin of the Arabs) By: Ahmad ibnYahya (Al-Balaathuri) أنساب الأشرافتصنيف أحمد بن يحيى المعروف بالبَلاذ ُري Islamic Sources
Main reference is IbnIshaq’sSiratRasul Allah translated in English by A. Guillaume. • OUTLINE: • Mecca + War • Early Life + The Faith • Mission • The Hijra • The Umma Life of muhammad
Muhammad born into the Arab tribe of Quraysh in the southern Hijaz. Quraysh from the male descendants of FihribnMalik, who lived 11 generations before Muhammad. Qusayy forged an alliance by war and diplomacy to possess the Meccan sanctuary (5 generation before Muhammad) uniting fellow-tribesmen establishing the society in which Muhammad was born. Mecca 1
Hashim, grandson of Qusayy (3rd generation before Muhammad) established Quraysh as merchants of international standing by establishing 2 caravan journeys a year and making friends with the Roman Emperor obtaining protection for merchants of Quraysh in Roman territory. Dies in Gaza – Palestine. His brothers obtained similar concessions from rulers of Persia, the Yemen and Ethiopia securing safety of Meccan trade in the territories of the intervening Arab tribes. A mercantile economy in which Muhammad was to play a part. Mecca 2
Qurayshians were integrated Socially and culturally in Mecca becoming friendly with neighbouring pastoralists . Mecca remained a sanctuary with monotheistic foundation, but became pagan in effect even though traditional rites and pilgrimages continued, even from the time of Qusayy. Ka’ba central shrine (building) of Muhammad’s youth was revived and reconstructed by the Prophet’s grandfather. Mecca 3
B. 570 AD (uncertain date) d. 632 he was aged 60, 63, 65 according to different authorities. His mission at the age 40 (43 or 45) around year 610 AD A light at his birth by which his mother could see the castles of Bostra in Syria. Prophesies from Jews, Christians and soothsayers. Abu Talib on a caravan to Syrian a monk recognises the boy’s identity and advised to protect him from the Jews. Early life
Muhammad’s father dies soon after birth and is handed over to foster-parents in an impoverished neighbouring tribe , he returned to his mother who died when he was six. Under his grandfather’s care for two years, he went to life with the family of Abu Talib his uncle who became a father to him. Retained as a young man by a wealthy widow Khadija to be her commercial agent in the trade in Syria. Marrying her brought him to a higher social status. Early life
After Khadija - SaudabintZam'aanother widow. A'ishamarried at 9 years of age. Hafsa the daughter of the 2ndCalif ‘Umar UmmSalama xUmm Habiba ZainabxZafiya JuayriyaxRayhana ZaynabbintJahsh Q.33,37 Maryam the Coptic The wives of the Prophet
Every year he would retire for 1 month near mount Hira’ Angel Gabriel visits Muhammad, Q.96 The Qur’an was gradually revealed to him which at times was disturbing, Khadija confirmed its from the angel Gabriel not the devil. Some Christians noticed similarities between Muhammad’s experience and that of Moses. After receiving his mission he spent 15 (13 or 10)years in Mecca where simple rituals, moral rules developed with the revelations. The five pillars; oblations, supernatural journey to Jerusalem where he prayed wih Abraham, Moses and Jesus. mission
By Christians and the Ethiopian ruler. Several first converts at Mecca where all from his immediate family: khadija his wife, ‘Ali son of Abu Talib and Zayd, a slave whom he had manumitted. After three years change from private matter to be ordered by God to make the new religion public. Pagan reaction initially tolerant with cynicism, then Muhammad started to disparage the local pagan gods. Confirmation of his mission
Supporters like the Ethiopian ruler who was too distant, Abu Talib died; hostilities began when Muhammad refused the offer to be a Meccan king with a compromise with pagan gods. Medina or Yathrib (pre-Islamic name) rich oases with ancient Jewish population well assimilated in Arabian environment. Forming tribes of Aws and Khazraj who needed central authority which Muhammad with his vocation coincided their cause. conflict
It is the ‘emigration’ from Mecca to Yathrib in 622 AD called Hijra new era. Those who ‘emigrated’ with Muhammad from Mecca are called muhajirun. Those who became his ‘supporters’ in Medina are called ansar. All alike were ‘believers’ or ‘Muslims’ – submission – Islam. From the time of the Hijra onwards the city of the Prophet, became Medina. From 622 and died 632 AD for a decade. The hijra
Political order: the ‘Constitution of Medina’ declares the existence of a community or society (umma) made by Muhammad’s followers, both those of Quraysh and those of Yathrib. This document declares: religious freedom to Jews; establishes authority to solve disputes i.e. God and Muhammad. It clarifies the relations between the new community and tribal structure. The parties of the document and the waging of war. The umma
The most violent episodes concerning Muhammad’s relations with Medinese Jewish tribes: 2nd year of Hijra – BanuQaynuqa`, who were expelled from Medina. 4th year of HijraBanu `l-Nadir, who plotted to assassinate Muhammad were exiled. 5th year of HijraBanuQurayaza sided with external enemies of Muhammad who were besieging him in Medina; men were executed, women and children enslaved. Jews had no +ve role to play in Muhammad’s politics even though some remained converts. Suspicions: Between Medineseansar and Meccanmuhajirun with their kinship with Muhammad. Inner scepticism and disaffection ‘hypocrites’ (munafiqun)