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Explore a traditional Passover celebration that symbolically points to Jesus. Experience the rituals and symbolism as they reflect the teachings of Christ. Discover the deeper spiritual meanings behind each element of the Passover meal.
Jenni Welcome to our Passover celebration. This is a traditional Passover that has been celebrated for centuries, but today we will show how all this points to Jesus! (Light the candle) John 8:12 - Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Female As we light the candle this evening, we pray that God would light our hearts and bring special meaning to this year’s Passover celebration.
Male Just as a woman began today’s celebration by lighting the candle, we remember that Jesus, the true Light of the World, came into the world as the promised seed of woman. (Gen. 3:15)
Female Passover begins in Exodus when God came to Moses and showed him how He would rescue Israel from Egypt. Let’s read the four promises:
All I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians…
All I will deliver you from slavery…
All I will redeem you with an outstretched arm…
All I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God
Female These promises are remembered by drinking from our cup four times. (Fill Cups)
Male The first cup is called the Cup of Sanctification. Sanctification means that God is making you like Him. He is making you holy.
Female As Jesus began his final Passover he said to them, “Take this cup and divide it among you.” (Luke 22:17, 18) Let us remember that Jesus’ blood is making us like Him and has brought us out from under the burden of sin.
All Jesus, thank you for making us like you. (All Drink Together)
Son Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who can stand before God?
Daughter He who has clean hands and a pure heart.
Female Before a meal we wash our hands. As we wash our hands now let us remember that Jesus taught us it is more important that we have clean hearts. As you wash your hands, ask Jesus to wash your hearts too. (Pass Water Bowl)
Male Jesus...rose from supper...and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him…Jesus said, “If I do not wash you, you have no share with me John 13
Female For the children of Israel, life in Egypt was full of pain,suffering and tears. This salt water represents their suffering. Let us take the herb and dip it in the salt water, remember that life is not always easy. In this life pain and suffering comes to us all. (Dip the herb but do not eat)
All Thank you Jesus that you bring hope to our suffering. (Eat the herb with the salt water)
Son Why do we eat unleavened bread?
Father Tonight we eat unleavened bread because as the children of Israel fled Egypt, they did not have time for their dough to rise. But let us remember that God’s freeing of Israel is a picture of God freeing us from sin. Yeast symbolizes sin.
Wife Do you not know that a little yeast affect everything? Remove the yeast that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. (I Cor. 5:6-7)
Male Let us all now take time to privately confess any sin we have committed.
Female (Lifting the plate which contains the three pieces of bread) Notice the bread: Three are wrapped together for the Passover. Rabbis have given us many different reasons for three, but we know it represents the trinity-God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. Look at how the bread is pierced.
All He was pierced for what we did. He was crushed because of our guilt. He took the punishment we deserved, and this brought us peace. We were healed because of his pain. (Isaiah 53:5)
Male (Removing and breaking the middle bread in half) Just as this bread is broken, so too was Jesus broken for us. One half is now wrapped in a white cloth just as Jesus’ body was wrapped for burial. (Pass out the bread and place the wrapped bread under the table)
All Jesus, thank you for being the bread of life that died for us. (All eat the bread)
Female Passover only has bitter herbs because as sweet as our lives are today, we remember how bitter life was for Israel. Let us remember that God freed them from that bitterness. But more importantly let us remember that God freed us from the bitterness of sin, by becoming sin for us! (lifting the horseradish)
All Christ himself suffered when he died for us, and with that one death he paid for our sins. He was not guilty, but he died for us who are guilty. He did this to bring all of us to God. I Peter 3:18
Male As we scoop some KuGua onto a piece of bread, let us remember the suffering Jesus experienced for. (Dip and Eat)
Female Jesus can turn all bitterness into something sweet. Let us remember that by eating the bitter herb with the sweet apple mixture. (Dip but do NOT eat)
Daughter And as they were reclining at the table and eating, Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.” He said to them, “It is one of the twelve, one who is dipping bread into the dish with me. (Mark 14:18-20)
All Jesus, thank you for turning my sadness to joy. (Eat)
Female The first Passover was celebrated by people who were in slavery.
All Once we were slaves, now we are free!
Male The first Passover was celebrated in a hurry, with no rest. Now Jesus gives us rest.
All “Come to me all of you who are tired from the heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28)
Son The story of Passover is a story of miracles. A story of God overcoming evil.
Female God delivered His people by sending ten plagues upon the land of Egypt. Let us take our cups a second time (The Cup of Plagues) and say the plagues together. (Pour the second cup)
All Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Cattle, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness,
Male The last plague is the death of the firstborn. Let us remember how God rescued the Israelites from this Plague. It was through the death of a lamb.
Female Jesus is the lamb. Jesus is the firstborn that died so that we might be delivered from the plague of death.
Male Tonight as we drink the cup together we rejoice knowing that God has looked at us and seen the blood of our Passover Lamb, Jesus; and having seen that blood He passed over us and delivered us from the wages of sin, which is death.
All Thank you Jesus for freeing us by taking on our sin. (All Drink)
Female After the meal the first broken bread would come back out and unwrapped. (unwrap the bread) We are reminded that Jesus did not stay in the grave. After three days. He rose again.
Male We will now eat the desert together. This is when Jesus broke the bread and said, “This is my body given for you.” (Break the bread and dip into the apple mixture. Do NOT eat.)
All The Lord has risen indeed. (All eat)
Male The third cup today is called the cup of redemption. Redemption is to be freed from slavery because someone else paid a price for you.
Son I will use my great power to redeem you. Exodus 6:6 (Pour the third cup)
Male It was this cup, the cup “after supper,” which Jesus said “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” (Luke 22:20) Blood brought temporary salvation to Israel in Egypt. Jesus’ blood brings eternal salvation to all who believe.