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Root = bio, vit. Meaning = life. Examples = biology, vital. Root = psych(o). Meaning = mind, spirit. Examples = psychology, psychoanalysis. Root = geo, terr. Meaning = earth. Examples = geophysics, terrain. Root = astr(o), stell. Meaning = star. Examples = astronomical, stellar.
Root = bio, vit Meaning = life Examples = biology, vital
Root = psych(o) Meaning = mind, spirit Examples = psychology, psychoanalysis
Root = geo, terr Meaning = earth Examples = geophysics, terrain
Root = astr(o), stell Meaning = star Examples = astronomical, stellar
Root = (o)logy Meaning = study of, science of Examples = geology, astrology
Root = act Meaning = to do; driven to do Examples = actor, active
Root = cosm(o) Meaning = universe Examples = cosmos, cosmology
Root = graph, gram, scrib, script Meaning = to write Examples = graphic, scribble
Root = -ic Meaning = like; related to Examples = cosmic, psychic
Root = -ion, -tion, -ism, -y Meaning = act of; state of Examples = action, question
Root = poly Meaning = many Examples = polygon, polynomial
Root = auto Meaning = self Examples = autograph, autobiography
Root = vis, vid Meaning = to see Examples = vision, video
Root = tele Meaning = from afar Examples = television, telegraph
Root = petr Meaning = rock Examples = petrograph, petrify
Root = andr(o), anthrop Meaning = male, mankind Examples = android, anthropology
Root = patr, pater Meaning = father Examples = paternal, patrician
Root = matr, mater Meaning = mother Examples = maternal, maternity
Root = ped Meaning = child Examples = pediatrician, pedagogue
Root = dem(o) Meaning = people Examples = democracy, demographics
Root = a, an, im, in, non, un Meaning = not; without Examples = impossible, unimaginable
Root = ant, anti, contra, contro Meaning = against; opposite Examples = contradict, antitrust
Root = crat, crac Meaning = government; rule Examples = democracy, demographics
Root = hyper, super, sur Meaning = over; above Examples = hyperactive, supervisor
Root = hypo, sub Meaning = under; below Examples = submarine, hypocrisy
Root = aqua, hydro Meaning = water Examples = aquatic, hydroplane
Root = naut, nav Meaning = to sail Examples = nautical, navigate
Root = met, meter Meaning = to measure Examples = metronome, millimeter
Root = chrono, temp Meaning = time Examples = chronology, tempo
Root = ible, able Meaning = able to be Examples = navigable, responsible
Root = derm(a) Meaning = skin Examples = dermis, dermatology
Root = arthr Meaning = joint Examples = anthritis, arthropod
Root = bronch Meaning = windpipe Examples = bronchial, bronchitis
Root = cardio Meaning = heart Examples = cardiology, cardiovascular
Root = cephal, cap Meaning = head, brain Examples = hydrocephaly, capable
Root = manu, mani Meaning = hand Examples = manual, manicure
Root = pod, ped Meaning = foot Examples = podiatrist, pedal
Root = opt(o) Meaning = eye, sight Examples = optometrist, optical
Root = corp Meaning = body Examples = corpse, corpulent
Root = hem Meaning = blood Examples = hematology, hematoma
Root = prim(o), proto Meaning = first Examples = prototype, primitive
Root = mono, uni Meaning = one Examples = monotone, unicycle
Root = bi, di, tu, du Meaning = two Examples = bicameral, digraph
Root = tri Meaning = three Examples = triathlon, triangle
Root = tetra, quadr Meaning = four Examples = quadratic, tetrahedron
Root = penta, quint Meaning = five Examples = pentathlon, quintuplet
Root = oct Meaning = eight Examples = octagon, octopus
Root = dec Meaning = ten Examples = decade, decimal
Root = hecto, cent Meaning = hundred Examples = hectare, century
Root = kilo, mill Meaning = thousand Examples = millimeter, kilometer