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EVOX 5.0 Mastering the Basics. 1-1. Section One. Perception. 1-2. Subjective Consciousness. Thought. Emotion. Perception. Beliefs. Experience. 1-3. Perception. 1-1. Perception. 1-4. 1-5. Perception. 1-6. Perception. 1-7.
EVOX 5.0 Mastering the Basics
1-1 Section One Perception
1-2 Subjective Consciousness Thought Emotion Perception Beliefs Experience
1-3 Perception
1-1 Perception 1-4
1-5 Perception
1-6 Perception
1-7 • 1. Perception is created by which of the following (circle all correct answers): • a. Experience • b. Thoughts • c. Emotions • d. A bit of bad mustard • e. What you were told as a child • f. Disease • g. Your X • T F Perception is created through the filters of belief. • T F The easiest way to change your perception is to change your belief. • T F Perceptions are always correct. • T F Perceptions are always valid. • 6. T F Perception creates personal reality.
1-8 • 1. Perception is created by which of the following (circle all correct answers): • a. Experience • b. Thoughts • c. Emotions • d. A bit of bad mustard • e. What you were told as a child • f. Disease • g. Your X • T F Perception is created through the filters of belief. • T F The easiest way to change your perception is to change your belief. • T F Perceptions are always correct. • T F Perceptions are always valid. • 6. T F Perception creates personal reality.
2-1 Section Two Voice
2-2 VOX = voice
2-3 Why Voice?
2-4 Subjective Consciousness Thought Emotion Thoughts Experience Emotions Memories Beliefs PERCEPTIONS Perception Beliefs Experience
2-5 • 7. VOX is Latin for what? • 8. Perception is carried in the voice because (circle all correct answers): • a. You have to think before you speak. • b. It takes your entire anatomy to make voice. • c. You may be a bass or a soprano. • d. You can only talk about things you know something about. • e. You can only talk about things you believe in. • As you get older your voice changes. • 9. Memory stored in body tissue is referred to as (circle all correct answers): • a. Body Memory • b. Bad Tissue • c. Inflammation • d. Energy Cysts
2-6 • 7. VOX is Latin for what? VOICE • 8. Perception is carried in the voice because (circle all correct answers): • a. You have to think before you speak. • b. It takes your entire anatomy to make voice. • c. You may be a bass or a soprano. • d. You can only talk about things you know something about. • e. You can only talk about things you believe in. • As you get older your voice changes. • 9. Memory stored in body tissue is referred to as (circle all correct answers): • a. Body Memory • b. Bad Tissue • c. Inflammation • d. Energy Cysts
3-1 Section Three Perception Reframing
3-2 Objective Consciousness Subjective Consciousness Thought Emotion Perception Beliefs Experience
3-3 Subjective Consciousness Thought Emotion Perception Beliefs Experience
3-4 Perception Reframing Perception Reframing
3-5 I Perception Index P Perception Reframing
3-6 Each Zone corresponds to one note of a 12-note piano scale. ZONE Medium Extreme High Low Excess Energy Negligible Total Voice Energy
3-7 PI is analyzed by the EVOX program and each ‘Blue Slice’ represents Frequency Signature (VSI) that will be used. 1
3-8 PI is analyzed by the EVOX program and each ‘Blue Slice’ represents Frequency Signature (VSI) that will be used. 1 2 The Optimizing Biosurvey Eliminates any VSI Creating a negative dR.
3-9 PI is analyzed by the EVOX program and each ‘Blue Slice’ represents Frequency Signature (VSI) that will be used. VSIs creating a positive dR are sent to Hand Cradle during the Timed Output period. 1 3 2 The Optimizing Biosurvey Eliminates any VSI Creating a negative dR.
3-10 Light Frames provide distraction from outside environment and facilitate inward focus. They also create a hemi-sync action, integrating both hemispheres of the brain. Head Phonesand the music played provides a distraction from the outside environment and facilitate inward focus. Microphone and Hand Cradle are essential. Light Frames and Head Phonesare helpful but optional.
3-11 Session: One Client appointment. Round: The part of a session that includes the recording of a PI and the Timed Output.
3-12 Perception Reframing
3-13 • T F Frames are the boundaries we place around objective reality in order to make it consistent with our subjective reality. • T F When your Perception Reframes your beliefs change. • T F The graphic display of the voice energy is called a Perception Index or PI. • 13. On the PI the gray area is: • a. The background noise. • b. The total energy in the voice. • The personality profile. • 14. The blue slices around the PI during the Timed Output are VSIs linked to what? • a. The mood of the client. • b. The music played into the headphones. • c. The frequencies that are sent to the Hand Cradle. • Common nursery rhymes that everyone learned as a child.
15. A red zone indicates: • a. Low excess voice energy. • b. Medium excess voice energy. • c. High excess voice energy. • d. Extreme excess voice energy. • 16. The purpose of the Optimizing Biosurvey in the Timed Output is to: • a. Give the client more time to think about their perceptions. • b. Shorten the time needed to reframe the perception. • c. Scan all frequency VSIs and eliminate any that create a negative response. • Reduce the possibility of presenting the body with something that may be too harsh. • 17. What items help the client focus inward on the topic of the PI during the timed output? • a. Music played into the headphones. • b. Lights from the light frames. • VSI output to the Hand Cradle. • 18. T F A Round is the period of time from the recording of the PI through the Timed Output. • 19. T F The PI shifting makes the perception reframe. 3-14
3-15 • T F Frames are the boundaries we place around objective reality in order to make it consistent with our subjective reality. • T F When your Perception Reframes your beliefs change. • T F The graphic display of the voice energy is called a Perception Index or PI. • 13. On the PI the gray area is: • a. The background noise. • b. The total energy in the voice. • The personality profile. • 14. The blue slices around the PI during the Timed Output are VSIs linked to what? • a. The mood of the client. • b. The music played into the headphones. • c. The frequencies that are sent to the Hand Cradle. • Common nursery rhymes that everyone learned as a child.
15. A red zone indicates: • a. Low excess voice energy. • b. Medium excess voice energy. • c. High excess voice energy. • d. Extreme excess voice energy. • 16. The purpose of the Optimizing Biosurvey in the Timed Output is to: • a. Give the client more time to think about their perceptions. • b. Shorten the time needed to reframe the perception. • c. Scan all frequency VSIs and eliminate any that create a negative response. • Reduce the possibility of presenting the body with something that may be too harsh. • 17. What items help the client focus inward on the topic of the PI during the timed output? • a. Music played into the headphones. • b. Lights from the light frames. • VSI output to the Hand Cradle. • 18. T F A Round is the period of time from the recording of the PI through the Timed Output. • 19. T F The PI shifting makes the perception reframe. 3-16
4-1 Section Four What
4-2 EVOX records the energy in your voice as you speak about any specific topic and displays it in a graph called a Perception Index. It then analyzes the data and builds a playlist of computer signatures that can be output to balance the Perception Index. It then measures your body’s response to each signature in the playlist, eliminating those signatures that you respond negatively to. Then, as you focus on the topic of which you are speaking the EVOX sends you the signatures, or data in the playlist. Even though you can’t hear the playlist it’s like getting just what you need to hear relative to the topic of which you speaking. The result is a reframe of your perception of the topic. Perception Reframing is used to improve human performance at every level including interpersonal relationships.
4-3 EVOX listens to and analyzes your voice and then plays back to you just what you need. It’s very specific and powerful; it’s called Perception Reframing. It can improve every aspect of your life including your personal relationships, how much money you have, even your golf game. Its effects are wide reaching because perception creates reality and reframing your perception can create a new reality.
4-4 Your perception creates your reality. If you can’t perceive something it doesn’t exist to you. Everyone has blind spots that are limiting. EVOX helps you reframe your perception, making it possible for you to perceive things you couldn’t before. New perception means greater choice and new reality. That can make everything better.
4-5 Why can EVOX results be profound? Because perception creates reality and reframing perception can create a new reality.
4-6 Topic Specific
4-12 • 20. T F Perception Reframing can be profound because for the most part perception creates reality. • 21. T F You should tell your clients to expect a miracle with EVOX. • 22. T F EVOX can help every aspect of a person’s life. • 23. T F Once you reframe perception everything gets better. • 24. T F If you reframe on money you will have more money. • 25. T F If you reframe your perception of someone else that person will change for the better. • 26. T F You can fix any problem with perception reframing.
4-13 • 20. T F Perception Reframing can be profound because for the most part perception creates reality. • 21. T F You should tell your clients to expect a miracle with EVOX. • 22. T F EVOX can help every aspect of a person’s life. • 23. T F Once you reframe perception everything gets better. • 24. T F If you reframe on money you will have more money. • 25. T F If you reframe your perception of someone else that person will change for the better. • 26. T F You can fix any problem with perception reframing.
5-1 Section Five 6-1 Section Six The EVOX Experience Data Analysis
6-2 What to look for: Change in the conversation. Change in the energy. Emotional release. % number increasing from PI to PI. Yellow and Red zones making at least a 2-zone shift (not adjacent). Yellow and Red zones bouncing between adjacent zones.
6-3 Dynamic Shift
6-4 Releasing Shift
6-5 Releasing/Dynamic Shift
6-6 • 27. This is a • a. Releasing Shift • b. Dynamic Shift • 28. How long should the Timed Output be? • a. :30 • b. 2:30 • c. 6:00 • 29. T F You should change the music track for each Round.