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神是美 善 (2). 2014-2-16 張玉明牧師 爾灣大公園靈糧堂. 11 耶和華說:我知道我向你們所懷的意念是賜平安的意念,不是降災禍的意念,要叫你們末後有指望。 ( 耶 29:11) 11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ( Jer 29:11).
神是美善 (2) 2014-2-16 張玉明牧師 爾灣大公園靈糧堂
11耶和華說:我知道我向你們所懷的意念是賜平安的意念,不是降災禍的意念,要叫你們末後有指望。(耶 29:11)11For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jer 29:11)
5耶和華─我的 神啊,你所行的奇事,並你向我們所懷的意念甚多,不能向你陳明。若要陳明,其事不可勝數。(詩 40:5)5Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare. (Ps 40:5)
How to experience God’s goodness? • 如何承受神的美善?
I. 接受神的愛 • 以撒的生命 • 我是亞伯拉罕, 以撒, 雅各的神 • 32神既不愛惜自己的兒子,為我們眾人捨了,豈不也把萬物和他一同白白的賜給我們麼?(羅 8:32)
I. 接受神的愛 • 約翰—耶穌所愛的門徒 • 23有一個門徒,是耶穌所愛的,側身挨近耶穌的懷裡。(約 13:23)
I. 接受神的愛 • 彼得 • 17耶穌對他說:西門巴約拿,你是有福的!因為這不是屬血肉的指示你的,乃是我在天上的父指示的。18我還告訴你,你是彼得,我要把我的教會建造在這磐石上;陰間的權柄(權柄:原文是門),不能勝過他。19我要把天國的鑰匙給你,凡你在地上所捆綁的,在天上也要捆綁;凡你在地上所釋放的,在天上也要釋放。(太 16:17-19)
Jesus 耶穌 • 5說話之間,忽然有一朵光明的雲彩遮蓋他們,且有聲音從雲彩裡出來,說:這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的。你們要聽他!(太 17:5)5While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!" (Matt 17:5)
27耶穌對他們說:你們都要跌倒了, . . . 29彼得說:眾人雖然跌倒,我總不能。30耶穌對他說:我實在告訴你,就在今天夜裡,雞叫兩遍以先,你要三次不認我。31彼得卻極力的說:我就是必須和你同死,也總不能不認你。眾門徒都是這樣說。(可 14:27, 29-31)27"You will all fall away," Jesus told them, . . . 29Peter declared, "Even if all fall away, I will not." 30"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "today--yes, tonight--before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times." 31But Peter insisted emphatically, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you." And all the others said the same. (Mark 14:27, 29-31)
71彼得就發咒起誓的說:我不認得你們說的這個人。(可 14:71)71He began to call down curses on himself, and he swore to them, "I don't know this man you're talking about." (Mark 14:71)
By Pavel Popov • 51有一個少年人,赤身披著一塊麻布,跟隨耶穌,眾人就捉拿他。52他卻丟了麻布,赤身逃走了。(可 14:51-52)51A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him, 52he fled naked, leaving his garment behind. (Mark 14:51-52) From Dallas Theological Seminary
19我們愛,因為神先愛我們。(約一 4:19)19We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
II. 對神的美善有信心 Jack Coe (1918-1956)
II. 對神的美善有信心 • 1耶穌設一個比喻,是要人常常禱告,不可灰心。2說:某城裡有一個官,不懼怕神,也不尊重世人。3那城裡有個寡婦,常到他那裡,說:我有一個對頭,求你給我伸冤。4他多日不准。後來心裡說:我雖不懼怕神,也不尊重世人,5只因這寡婦煩擾我,我就給他伸冤罷,免得他常來纏磨我!6主說:你們聽這不義之官所說的話。7神的選民晝夜呼籲他,他縱然為他們忍了多時,豈不終久給他們伸冤麼?8我告訴你們,要快快的給他們伸冤了。然而,人子來的時候,遇得見世上有信德麼?(路 18:1-8)
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