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St. Mary Minooka Mission March 17, 2014. WHO AM I? BASED ON THE BOOK “ Made for More ” by Curtis Martin. Irish Prayer. May the strength of God pilot me , the power of God uphold me, the wisdom of God guide me .
St. Mary Minooka MissionMarch 17, 2014 WHO AM I? BASED ON THE BOOK “Made for More” by Curtis Martin
Irish Prayer • May the strength of God pilot me, the power of God uphold me,the wisdom of God guide me. • May the eye of God look before me,the ear of God hear me, the word of God speak for me.May the hand of God protect me, the way of God lie before me,the shield of God defend me, the host of God save me.May Christ shield me today. Christ with me, Christ before me,Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me,Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left,Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit, Christ when I stand, • Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.Amen
Review • What motivates us? Why do we do what we do? We are looking for ___________ • Why was Jesus crucified? • What is some evidence that Jesus is more than a moral teacher or nice prophet? • Read in the book about why the Bible is one of the most reliable books in history…
Foundation of our Faith • Jesus rose from the dead! • Very specific place (Jerusalem), point in history (Pontius Pilate) • Heart of Christianity is not a set of rules or ideas • It is the person of Jesus Christ, raised from the death to glory at the right hand of the Father • Relationship with Him
St. Paul • “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:14) • This is the Good News (Gospel) • Story of a man whose wife died in Jerusalem • All who believe in Jesus will also rise from the dead • But being a Christian is not easy; it demands a radical response to the most radically dramatic event in history
Jesus and the Resurrection • John 2:19 – “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (not explicit) • More explicit - after giving the keys of the kingdom to Peter, Jesus says, “I must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things…and be killed, and on the third day, raised.” (Matthew 16:21) • It was JESUS and not His apostles who believed in and predicted the resurrection
Apostles • Did not comprehend what was going on • Scandalized by the cross • Brokenhearted by Jesus’ death • Flee and hide, except John • After they see Him alive they begin to understand • Acts 2:32 – “this Jesus God raised up, and of that we are all witnesses” – became the central focus of their preaching
Theories trying to refute the resurrection • Jesus’ body was thrown in a shallow grave and eaten by wild dogs • Apostles went to the wrong tomb and made up a story about the resurrection • Jesus was raised spiritually but not bodily • Jesus didn’t die; He just passed out • Jesus had an evil twin • Someone stole Jesus’ body
Why we believe… • 6 historical facts that support the resurrection • 1) Jesus was crucified under Pontius Pilate • 2) The tomb was empty • 3) The once fearful disciples soon proclaimed the bodily resurrection • 4) Other eyewitnesses saw Jesus alive after resurrection (over 500) • 5) All apostles (except John) were martyred • 6) Millions accepted the faith quickly and it still spreads today
Who do YOU say that I am? • We have a choice – accept Jesus or reject Him • If we choose to accept Christ, we choose to follow Him as the Lord of our life. • Since Jesus is a King, he must have a kingdom…
Kingdom of God • How do we come in contact with the power and truth of Jesus today, 2000 years later? • Jesus established a kingdom here ON EARTH: the Kingdom of God. • What does it look like to accept Jesus as the King of the Universe and the King of my life? • We obey (listen) Jesus and reject the “kingdoms of this world” • God desires to change the way we think about everything • Pope Francis – funeral faces
How do we know what God wants for me? • Bible – irrefutable evidence that the texts have not been distorted (early Christian writings support this) • In the same way, Church Fathers share a common understanding of the meaning of the Bible • These Church Fathers were taught by the Apostles themselves or by their companions
What does this mean for me? • Asking Jesus to be the Lord of my life changes every aspect of our lives • Wants us to enter into relationship with Him – the key to everything • Our world has turned its back on God and the effects are devastating • How many times have I rejected God by my selfish decisions?
Made for More • Sin makes us slaves to our passions – importance of fasting • We were made for greatness and everlasting joy • Jesus calls us, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17)
Jesus preached the Kingdom • His entire life was spent preaching about the Kingdom • The kingdom of God is like • Mustard seed (Matthew 13:31) • Buried treasure & pearl (Matthew 13:44) • Net (Matthew 13:47) • Vineyard & hired workers (Matthew 20:1)
King • Jesus was crucified as “the King of the Jews” • After His resurrection and ascension He is known as the “King of kings” • Jesus is king of heaven and has established an “outpost” here on this earth • We can join Him or we can follow this world that is passing away
Groundwork for the Kingdom • God liberated His chosen people Israel from slavery in Egypt and made them into a kingdom in the Promised Land • 1000 years before Jesus, God established David in Jerusalem as king of his people • Jesus is referred to as the “Son of David”
Jesus Christ, Son of David • Jesus was born at a time when the Jews were longing for a great king; they had fallen on bad times • David was the golden age • God told David that He would “establish the throne of his kingdom forever (2 Samuel 7:13-16) • Israel was beaten, deported, returned, trampled upon and occupied by the Romans, but they clung to this promise of God
Messiah = anointed one • When Jesus answers to the title “Son of David”, He is accepting the title of the Messianic King, the Christ • King Solomon, son of David, entered his reign on a donkey (1 Kings 1:38-40) • When Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey, the Jewish people connected this to David – “hosanna to the Son of David”
What does this Kingdom look like? • When we say yes to Him, it will involve not only a personal conversion; it will involve uniting ourselves with all others who acknowledge Him as King • We cannot embrace the King without embracing His Kingdom
The King • God promised David that one of His descendants would arise and be greater than he. (2 Samuel 7:12-14) “I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son.” • Read Isaiah 9:5-6 • David’s kingdom would extend to the ends of the earth and to the end of time
When David became King • He chose Jerusalem • Retrieved the Ark of the Covenant (fragments of the Ten Commandments – holiest object in Israel) • David danced in a special robe called an ephod • To renew the covenant he offered the people gifts of bread and wine (2 Samuel 6) • David was dressing and acting like a priest • Combined the royal palace of the king with the sacred temple of the priest in a new way
Prime Minister • Since antiquity, kings often had prime ministers to govern temporal affairs • 2nd to the king, possess the king’s authority • Isaiah 22:20-23 – Eliakim – given the “key” to the house of David • David was a father to his people • Now he shares this fatherly role with his prime minister, who has authority (keys) and honor (symbolized by the throne)
Queen Mother • Davidic kings had a queen, but it wasn’t his wife – it was his mother • primary role of bringing petitions before the king • 1 Kings 2:19 – King Solomon bowed to his mother Bathsheba; she sat on his right • Kings bowed to no one, but his mother (4th Commandment) • Queen Mother used her influence to intercede for others • All members of the kingdom can bring their petitions to the king, but when the Queen Mother intercedes, their petitions are elevated • Story of the cardinal
The King and His Kingdom • Matthew 1:1 – Jesus Christ, Son of David – 1st verse in New Testament • As Jesus establishes His kingdom by His death and resurrection, we see his queen mother and prime minister taking their places • Bestows upon Peter the keys to the kingdom, giving him authority and honor to act in the person of Jesus
Mother of my Lord • When Elizabeth greets Mary during the Visitation she says: “How is it that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (1 Luke 39-56) • Mother of my Lord was an ancient greeting for the Queen Mother • By declaring Mary to be Queen, she is acknowledging the baby in her womb to be the Messiah, the King • Honor given to the queen mother is always honor given to her son, the king
What does this mean for us? • You and I are royalty! • Jesus brought the kingdom of the New Covenant(a sacred bond of relationship) • Classic forms of covenants are adoption and marriage • Difference between slavery and sonship, prostitution and marriage • Slavery and prostitution – people use another for a selfish end • Sonship and marriage – people belong to one another in a life-giving union
Marriage • Her father and mother become my father and mother; her sisters become my sisters • Covenants make a family out of people who had not been family • Similarly – New Covenant unites us with God AND with one another • Question from 8th grade girl – “Father how do you see the world differently as a priest?”
Covenants • Formed by sacred oaths and a ritual act • Marriage – oath of fidelity, act of sharing of vows, rings • Christian tradition – God is not a witness; He is a participant in the rituals • Hebrew word for oath (shevua)is the root for the word meaning seven(sheva) • Latin word for oath is sacramentum
New Covenant • Founded upon 7 oaths or Sacraments • Calling us to a covenantal relationship • Enter the kingdom by adoption – in baptism; we become sons and daughters of the King • Jesus imparts His life to us in the Sacraments; we are part of His family, royalty
What does this mean? • God is not just our King but our Father • We are loved, not just governed • Relationship is the essence of this Kingdom (what my mother taught me is most important) • We are called to loyalty to the Prime Minister, the Holy Father, who has been given the keys to the kingdom • Prime minister is called Pope (“papa”) – fatherly role to all of Christ’s followers on earth • Family trait – loyalty to prime minister, maintaining unity in the Church, the Kingdom of God on earth
Other relationships • Jesus gives us His Father as our Father • His Mother is our Mother • “John, behold your Mother. Woman, behold your son” (John 19:26-27) • We are not merely saved orphans; we are full members of the royal family
Reconciliation • Sin breaks relationships • Re-con-cilia-tion = to see eye to eye again • Power of the Sacrament, renewing the covenantal relationship • My experience of this Sacrament • Four altars, 450 priests of Baal (Elijah – 1 Kings 18) – power, pleasure, wealth, honor
Don’t just confess the symptoms; go to the root of the sin • Allow the Lord’s grace and mercy enter into the depths of your soul so that healing can begin
Irish Blessing • May the road rise up to meet youMay the wind be always at your backMay the sun shine warm upon your faceAnd the rain fall soft upon your fieldsAnd until we meet againMay God hold you in the palm of his hand. Amen.
What can I do? • Attend a daily Mass each week along with Sunday • Confession every two months (or more often) • Forgive someone