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ENG035 17 March 2014. Agenda. RWR Conference scheduling Mid-term prep. Conference scheduling. Conference #1 is Monday, March 31 and Wednesday, April 2 Conference is worth 100 points Only come at your conference date/time; you do not have to come to class on the other day.
Agenda • RWR • Conference scheduling • Mid-term prep
Conference scheduling • Conference #1 is Monday, March 31 and Wednesday, April 2 • Conference is worth 100 points • Only come at your conference date/time; you do not have to come to class on the other day. • Conferences will begin at 2:00 p.m. If you have a scheduling conflict (another class at that time), please notify Prof. Durfieldafter class. • You are NOT excused from Writing Workshop on Monday, March 31. • Conferences will be assigned at random. Schedule will be posted to Blog later today.
What will we do at the conference? • Your essays and mid-term will all be graded by the end of spring break. • You will discuss your current grade and class performance with Prof. Durfield.
When is the mid-term? • Wednesday, March 19, 2:20-3:45 p.m. • Bring something to write with (pen or pencil is ok). • Prof. Durfield will provide paper. • It is worth 100 points. • No make-up tests given except in very extreme, well-documented circumstances.
What will be on the mid-term? • Homophones (10 points) • Simple/compound/complex sentences (10 points) • TEST acronym (10 points) • Real World Reading (20 points) • Paragraph writing (2 @ 25 points each)
Homophones (10 points) • Words that sound the same, but have different meanings.
Your/Yore/You’re • Your (pronoun) = possession • Can I drive your car? • Whose car? Your car. • Yore (noun) = from a time passed • The TV series Game of Thrones chronicles the ancient tales of the kingdoms of yore. • (No one really talks this way. Save it for the Renaissance Fair.) • You’re (contraction) = you + are • You’re[you are] going to crash! Slow down!
They’re/Their/There • They’re (contraction) = they + are • They’re[they are] such a nice couple! • Their (pronoun) = possession • Have you met their daughter? • Whose daughter? Their daughter? • There (locative) = shows where something is located • Where is he? He’s over there. • There is your book, right where you left it.
Simple, compound & complex sentences (10 points) • Be able to distinguish among these 3 types. • Textbook, chapters 18-20
TEST (10 points) • What do the letters stand for? • Why is this model of writing important/useful for your essays?
Real World Reading (20 points) • You will be given an excerpt from the below L.A. Times opinion article. • You should be able to answer the questions about the article and also explain your view on the issue presented. • Article link for previewing: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-new-jersey-dad-delivery-room-20140314,0,4650718.story#axzz2wFlN8mJC • Tip: If you preview the article before the test date, it will save time for you during the test.
Paragraphs (25 points each) • Follow the writing prompts. • Your paragraphs should be 5-7 sentences long, with at least 3 points each. • You should follow the TEST model for each paragraph. • 1 process paragraph (chapter 7) • 1 cause OR effect paragraph (chapter 8)
Test-taking Tips • Preview the test, then do one of the following: • Answer the “easy” questions first • Answer the “hard” questions first • Decide which parts you think will take you the longest, and budget your time appropriately. • Eat lunch and/or have a snack so you are not distracted by hunger/thirst. • Go to the bathroom BEFORE the test begins.
Study help • This slide show will be posted to the Blog after class today so you can use it to study, if necessary.