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West Virginia Help Me Grow Initiative for Child Development Support

Join the West Virginia Help Me Grow program, offering free developmental screening tools and local resources for families with children from birth to age five. Learn about critical periods of child development, the benefits of early intervention, and the impact of education on future success. Contact us for more information.

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West Virginia Help Me Grow Initiative for Child Development Support

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  1. West Virginia Help Me Grow Mitzi Payne, MD Ruthie Maniscalchi, Help Me Grow Project Coordinator April 16, 2016 Stonewall Jackson Resort

  2. WV “stress” In 2012, WV ranked 39/50 states in lowest “condition of children” Measured by birth weight, infant mortality, teen pregnancy rate, children living in poverty and children with no full-time working parent WV KIDS COUNT



  5. WV stats Infant mortality rate 7.5 (6.7) Child death rate 21.9 (18.9) Child abuse/ neglect rate 16.4 (9.2) Percent children in poverty 25.7% (21.6%) WV KIDS COUNT

  6. Critical periods Maturational time period during which an experience will have optimal impact on development of normal behavior Exposure after critical period will lead to a reduced effect Also, negative experiences during this time will be more harmful

  7. Critical Periods Vision, hearing : birth to 12, peaks around 3 Language: birth to 16, peaks around 8 Higher cognitive functioning birth to 24, peaks around 11

  8. Birth to 3 years Very important for development! Language-rich nurturing Responsive care givers (child – adult interaction) Children of lower SES (and less parent education) score lower on devt testing by 18 months of age

  9. 3-5 years Complex social behaviors Problem-solving skills Pre-reading skills Language (grammar) Cause and effect All a natural preparation for school

  10. Overview What is Help Me Grow (HMG)? Benefits of HMG to Healthcare Providers. Incentives of HMG.

  11. What is Help Me Grow (HMG) West Virginia Help Me Grow is a free telephone-based information and referral hotline designed to provide families with developmental screening tools and local community resources from birth through five.

  12. Benefits of HMG for Healthcare Providers Provides a centralized entry point for information and referral to early intervention services and/or community resources. Saves healthcare staff time researching. HMG facilitates and streamlines developmental screening.

  13. HMG Incentives Parents/caregivers are educated in recognizing developmental milestones. For every enrolled family who completes and returns an ASQ-3/ASQ:SE, the family will receive: • A free baby blanket. • Home activities to promote healthy growth and learning. • Local community resources to address the critical needs of their child (zero to five). HMG provides referral follow-up to providers.

  14. Early Intervention Works Children who attend preschool read earlier and better More likely to graduate high school Perform better in cognitive and language skills Higher IQ’s when exposed to more language

  15. Education Begins at Birth Money spent on early childhood programs saves 7 times the money later in life in crime and remedial education Generational associations with books in house, exposure to reading

  16. Questions For additional details contact: Help Me Grow Systems Point of Entry 800-642-8522 or 304-558-5388 Website: www.dhhr.wv.gov/helpmegrow

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