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TEC feed seminar (7 march 2013, Bangkok) Feed safety in the European Union (EU) " from farm to fork ". Dr. Wolfgang Trunk EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG SANCO - Animal Nutrition. Outline. General Food Law (Reg 178/2002) "Negative list" of substances prohibited in feed Catalogue of feed materials
TEC feed seminar (7 march 2013, Bangkok)Feed safety in the European Union (EU) "from farm to fork" Dr. Wolfgang Trunk EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG SANCO - Animal Nutrition
Outline General Food Law (Reg 178/2002) "Negative list" of substances prohibited in feed Catalogue of feed materials Undesirable substances in feed (Dir 2002/32) EU's Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) Resume
General Food Law (Reg 178/2002) • Establishment of "from farm to fork" principle => Scope covers Feed • Attribution of concrete responsibilities to the Feed/Food Business operators • Traceability: identification of the origin of feed and food to facilitate the withdrawal of hazardous products and … • Precautionary principle: … in those circumstances where risk managers have identified … an unacceptable level of risk to health but the supporting information and data may not be sufficiently complete full risk assessment • Separation of Risk assessment from Risk management => Creation of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) • Establishment of the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)
767/2009 “Negative” list Annex III with Prohibited materials 1. Faeces, urine … 4. Wood, …which has been treated with wood preservatives (biocides) 7. Packaging from the use of products from the agri-food industry, and parts thereof. “Negative” list revision • packaging material • Hemp: EFSA Opinion (FEEDAP) on the safety of hemp (Cannabis genus) for use as animal feed • Solanumglaucophyllum: COM mandate to EFSA for assessment of safety of a new feed material, leaves ofSolanumglaucophyllum.
767/2009 • Updated Catalogue of feed materials with 64 processes and app. 600 listed products (Reg. 68/2013) • fat/oil derivatives:oilseed expeller …May contain up to max 1% used bleaching earth from integrated crushing and refining plants or filter aids (e.g. diatomaceous earth, amorphous silicates and silica, phyllosilicates and wood fibre). Acid oils from chemical refining Fatty acid distillates from physical refining processing aids: …feed materials shall be free from chemical impurities resulting from their manufacturing process and from processing aids, unless a specific maximum content is fixed in the Catalogue
2002/32 Directive 2002/32/EC on undesirable substances in animal feed: • Undesirable substance: any substance or product, with the exception of pathogenic agents, present in … feed which presents a potential danger to human or animal health or the environment or do adversely affect livestock production. • prohibits the dilution of contaminated feed materials. • maximum limits for heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium as well as for dioxin, aflatoxin, certain pesticides, and botanical impurities in certain feed materials, feed additives and feedingstuffs.
2002/32 Maximum content in mg/kg (ppm) feed with 12% moisture 1. Arsenic (*) (**) Feed materials with the exception of: 2 — meal made from grass, from dried lucerne and from dried clover, and dried sugar beet pulp and dried molasses sugar beet pulp, 4 — palm kernel expeller 4 — phosphates and calcareous marine algae 10 — calcium carbonate 15 — magnesium oxide 20
2002/32 Maximum content in ng WHO- PCDD/ F-TEQ/kg (ppt) in feed with 12% moisture Dioxins [sum of polychlorinated dibenzo-para- dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) expressed in WHO toxic equivalents, using the WHO-TEFs (toxic equivalency factors, 2005)] — Feed materials of plant origin 0,75 — Animal fat, including milk fat and egg fat, 1,50 — Other land animal products including milk and milk products and eggs and egg products. 0,75 — Fish oil 5,0 — Feed additives … trace elements & Premixtures 1,0 — Compound feed 0,75 with the exception of compound feed for pet animals and fish 1,75
RASFF • Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) • to provide food and feed control authorities with an effective tool to exchange information about measures taken responding to serious risks detected in relation to food or feed. This exchange of information helps Member States to act more rapidly and in a coordinated manner in response to a health threat caused by food or feed. • Alert example:INFORMATION NOTIFICATION: 2005.AXCORIGINAL NOTIFICATIONSUBJECT: CADMIUM IN MINERAL PREMIXTURE FOR FISH FROM NORWAY
RASFF • In 2011, 9157 notifications in RASFF related to non-compliances with EU food legislation were reported, of which 617 concerned serious risks. • Most of the notifications were follow-ups (5345) rather than new (3812) notifications. This reflects an increased effectiveness of the system with a better targeting and a more extensive follow-up. • Out of the 3812 new notifications: 3139 concerned food, 361 concerned feed and 312 concerned food contact materials. • http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/rapidalert/index_en.htm
EU food safety system has been completely reformed since 2000 • Establishment of the "farm to fork" principle includes in particular feed safety, in concrete by the • provisions on feed hygiene • marketing rules for feed: - 1st responsibility of the FBO for safe feed- undesirable substances Directive- interplay negative list - Catalogue • integration in system for official controls • RASFF extremely efficient, both internally and for imports Resume